Show I MEETING OF BEEKEEPERS L Officers of Association Elected For the Ensuing Year The Utah BeeKeepers I held Its semiannual meeting In lIa or Morris office In the joint building yes yest yesterday t rda both and afternoon The tip i to the average and much Interest was taken by the members at both sessions b bB I E B S Love Lovesy y who was elected tp to that L position yesterday for the twelfth time reported ported the Industry as ae I throughout the state with a much mud 1 smaller loss during the winter than a r 4 I year ear ago aso He also bespoke an c cof prosperous season leason to come on account I or of tile hea heavy tail fall of snow that would I Increase the vegetation There was durinG the del I the gold medal won by the I for the best display at the I t Congress at Ogden In September last I It was decIded to make an exhIbit for to I Ithe the tho tate state at the Portland exposition next Dext year ear The Utah exhibit at the St StI StLouis I Louis is now In place and andI am 1 I comprises over three and a half bait ton p or of honey f The election or of resulted IS a follows fallows Pre President klent E B S Loves Lovesy Salt Sal Lake secretary G Ill E Garrett Bountiful ful assistant W VI I I i NephI vice president R Ii H HI I Reeves Weber cun county y second nd vie Ice a president Andrew Nelsen Neilson of Ferron FerronI County Vice Lake I Joshua Terry Utah Fred Dart Wasatch atch J A Smith Davis Dals G E EI I Garrett Box Elder Eider J Hansen Weber I O 0 Folkman Juab Thos Washington R H A Morris Toole A I Fawson Cache Nephi Miller Morgan I IT I T R H G Welch Velch Uintah C C Bartlett EmeZ imery Chris Ottoson Wayne Mrs Mn MrsS I IS S C Coleman Carbon Clinic Peter Peterson Peterson I son Kane W J F McAllister Sevier R B A Lowe San Pete Pet Bunk Burk McArthur lUch J V |