Show MAYOR ROSE IS AGAIN ELECTED s 4 I yr Democrats Remain in Control of Milwaukee j jI I I KANSAS CITY REPUBLICAN t VOTES Eon OB AL OWNERSHIP 4 W WI April MIL David S Rose rat C the city In Iii the t elton election a plurality ol oC over oer GuyD uy ti joff Republican Victor L Berer r ial D Democrat rat rn over tes Golf The vote yote for maor I rn liN Roue Ro Goer Goft 1760 l The Democrats Io control the corn com common moo mon lot members Re Ito 13 and 9 Five hUn hundred tred was for a l plant MUNICIPAL Chicago Votes to Take ake Over the Street Railways April the m municipal I l tody tb elected jg aldermen the D ts 16 and amt lID 1 Ia fm ia who repudiated th machIne tn In the SixTh wart was a member of the council The TheRIt RIt council was CO composed ed of oC ilG 6 Democrats one Independent ent Democrat one Socialist The next will be formed of M Renu Jl cans anK 31 Democrats two Independents one of whom is a Democrat and the tite theother other a Republican and one oi t The chief Int re t h Ia the election however centered in the vote on pro pr proposed posed municipal ownership of the street 1 railways In this conn what is known so tile the Mueller law Jaw by the I last state Ya Wa submit tEd to the people The law 1 In to own and lease street S and andt t provide the means On this thill proposition Uon the vote vota tOM for fer forthe the proposition and against On thE proposition that the elt etty should at onte take over the street treet railways into Its HI control the yot vote stood for IoS For the of street railways until time as the tho city 5 prepared to ta take them over the vote was 8 for and On the of oC whether or not the of tb the board or education should be by dl direct t vote of the people ad oj 01 b by executive appoint appointment nent ment anda and a co by the city ity council iJ es Is the usage e the vote was fOr and against As a City Was Cap by the ho Republicans K Kansas City Mo Io April L returns from one third of the ott city in including eluding d lve assure aNure tho ek election cUon or of the whole Republican tolt Cit ticket he beaded ded b by Jay H eft for r ma maor maor or from pluralities ranging from 1000 to e BradY Democratic arid aid lAbor candidate IS i probably reelected b by a plural plurality Uy ity The new council will he have a Re Republican Republican publican majority The city govern goven government mont ment has been In the hands of the I Democrats for four Je years rs And nd two years ago ne n Republican even on tIie ward tickets was successful There were two full Democratic tick eta eth In the field toda today headed by W Yo T and George M Shelley ShelIe respectively The former fornier ticket had the sup support support port or of tho Democratic state stat organization tion and ot of Mayor or James Jumes Reed who Is h ha R a for governor and the result or of the 1 Is looked upon as a edva to the gubernatorial cy ot of Joseph W Folk or of St Louis 1 Politics Cut No Figure Special to The Herald i I Boise Id April lines Jines ana an I politIcs little gure In the mu municipal II held beld toda today In villages towns and cities of oC the ii C I idaho Morals and gambling were the thi Issues ue and from the returns It would I that the tho gamblers hail had the best bei bestor t or nf It In EA B A Van was wa t mayor In Payette Frank Franl r Crelghton Creighton In Caldwell Caidwell T C Little In Ir t other towns trustees only were In southern Idaho party tickets ere eri run in Pocatello Idaho Idab Falls Fall and lez ex burg In the latter place tle elected the mayor mor and the got all aJl the other places At Po teno cotello the Republicans elected ever ery r except treASUrer At Idaho Falis C P Dent was 38 elected Colorado Cob Col April 1 elections were held In several or of the thi C towns or of Colerado today Nit N I were re held In BY auy or of the luger cities At At Coal Creek reek and burg coal mining camps labor Uc w were re At a i ticket waa elected high it 11 cense cen e being the issue Breckenridge AlamoS and Lake Lak Ity were carried by the Democrats At Akron WT high hh license wa wath vas th J issue and won on Nearly alt all the Ule remaining towns at a E elections were belt hekl had up but butone bu L Lone one ticket A proposition for mu l ownership of at the etty t 55 as defeated t at Wal Walsen en burg I Democratic Mayor St JO Joseph eph Mo ro April IThe Demo eras crab V E Spratt mayor anti ana anaho L two ho c men tO tOday 7 the r Pr lr te bUcan IncludIng city eft attorney comptroller president or of the council counell and two coun climes being successfuL ul The L is 18 straight RepubliCan Licen License e in Nebraska Omaha April el I were held In Nebraska Nebra ka toda today In Omaha The Issue generally was wat I Irn rn the question ot of license or no ll license ense I Continued on Page 3 MAYOR MAYOH ROSE IS AGAIN ELECTED l from Page 1 T In South Omaha was hotly td on J party lines I rt received to 10 p 9 m indicate that the have Thomas Hoe Hol tor nr mayot with the remainder of the Republican A large majority of If the out outside towns reporting thus far fal have voted for Cor high license |