Show jT MICROBE I IA A it DISPATCH from Paris says 5 the Pasteur Institute there hu has at lest last something U It has been look V InS tot for for a long timea microbe that exterminates rats rata out tow Ol animals Whoa the experiments were concluded th the Pasteur scientists were ere asked to lo tomake make Inake a demonstration along really lines This they d nt onCe to dO Th They went Into a section of In Ia which a rats cause groat t damage or Of what happened an account says MYS V The took Into the depart mont hundreds of lUres litres of the microbe bouillon the bAit being V prepared on the spot This Thi balL bait consisted of oC bread and ad oats I leaked ked In th bouillon the bel being cut ct Into small all W while the crua eC Tile The hiatt was wast t en pread over the Infested ted fields fieldsa a C S bui on n tl the edges of the holes Inha Inhabited b by the animals In this manner I A acres ee Were treated I V S apet q K tv 8 pet pel cent of te rodents Infesting the die treated were de Iu In up lP the after the experIment meat ment there were ere found no living ani anima an ma male bitt t multitudes tude ot of dea death ones fifteen and twenty lat hi the theme same me hsie V Now ow France I Is about to set s Ralde oooo francs for tor the purpose of gf pur purchasing chasing microbes with which hl h to 10 field tube and other o in various sections of the republic It would seem asahi from the them dem made that the effort to rid France o 01 th peets should hould be entirely sac The sub subject Is an one here hete because or of our frequent t but In tuRl attempts to de destroy tro the thousands of r gophers gophers that work havoc utah coun U tw V The gopher belongs to the rodent family Anything that destroys destros a rat do 10 away aay V with a gopher The is fighting them with most poa u is the danger ot of killing cattle horse sheep and dogs doga often orten done more harm than eod tl anti nd so 50 have other poisons It might be a Idea for se who are Interested to investigate the microbe S |