Show Chicago April 2000 larket lo Go to prime steers nom acm mal inal l IO poor to medium 33 stOckers arM arid feeders cows 17 heifers halters canners l a buns bulls O calves Texas Teas fed steers today tomorrow over oyer Mixed and butch ers 5 40 good to choice heln heavy 45 rough heavy light O 0 30 bulk of sales 51 Market stron strong to tOe lOc higher Lambs strong to lOc high higher er Good to choicE 47 to choice mixed western sheep native lambs 4 OO western lambs 4 City April including Market steady to strong Nathe steers southern steers southern cows native nathe cows cos stockers and feeders bulls calves western ste we western tern cows Market Sc high higher er Bulk ot of sales sale 5 heA heavy 51 packers pigs and light 4 IO Market 5 to 1 hl h q Muttons lambs range 4 30 owes I South Omaha April Market strong to IlK ste rs lG cows and heifers canners l SO stockers antI and feeders calves bulls stags etc 2 OO O 9 OO Market Sc lower JOer H 5 l mixed 5 light pIgs 75 bulko sales She Market strong to lOc hIgher Westerns C 4 25 eWES common and oN lambs i |