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Show IGED SOLDIER ES MESSENGER tON. Aug. 3. Bv an ex-'of ex-'of President Taft, Mingo M a sergeant, of the pf.V regiment discharged iy without honor when hues of the regiment lilto-jenargod lilto-jenargod for participation jwille riots, today became ;ln the classified service fyork at the interior dc-a dc-a month. Recently kpart as a spellbinder in Mrv right between Presi- Colonel Roosevelt, iveh Rodenburg of Illinois 1 Would introduce in the reek a bill to reinstate fee army and permit his police. When discharged Merveil twenty-six years Bier year's service, would tied to retirement at two id allowances, gsaj's he will later intro TOr the reinstatement of rat soldiers discharged for ln Ihe Brownsville riot-. |