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Show Bill WEEK li I SALT UKE STORES Merchants Are Rapidly Clearing Clear-ing Up Summer Stocks Before Be-fore Autumn Arrives. BUILDERS ARE ACTIVE Contractors Take Advantage bf Excellent Weather to Push Construction. t Retail marchants of the city con-4n. con-4n. tinned nri;etk- efforts during the j U ' ' wrfk to rid themelve of special lines of stocl preparatory to shipping in L-f.n.ls n ! nmtoi tor the later summer season and enrlv fell. Removal clearance clear-ance kmiWftUl fPfiefl which hnve marked the proerr-. ; retail trade for several weeke were maintained almost ceneralh' throughout the business cen kill , t"r. Tie marker was featureless ISjL?';;, aide from thih. luil the olume of i I irad - as t-p.tipfartorv. In I'., department stores the furnishing furnish-ing hoOBes, large arr.ivs of Hpc-inl of-ferine of-ferine were st mn on the counters, and shopper.- in numbers took ad- vautsgi of the chance to purchase nmethine attractive at reduced prices, Thia added atimulua to an otherwise healthy n arket and made the weak t ii eves more profitable than its pre ; Accessor. Room for New Goods, Shelve that were stocked full of tj linens, siii materials, wash fabrics, '1 drensea and mitl and all manner of ; ' I seasonable goods, are now beginning Lift ' to show vacant spots, and the store rOOlIU Commence to BbOW newer novelties novel-ties and even fall goods Merchants generally are of 'he opinion that the fall will ome early, and are making preparations accordingly. The good trade experienced in 'he department -ores also has been fell by men's furnishing fur-nishing bouses, boc .stores, sporting irooda firms and miscellaneous eitab-1 eitab-1 1 lishments utomobile dealers report exception !B allv -rood re"eipt, and declare the number of jnlss and appurtenant trans-i"fio!is trans-i"fio!is during the week held well to rhc average. Implement houses also report rood trade. dt;e larpelv to the preparations of farmers for the reaping reap-ing of earh harvests in abundance Lumber Business Good. 1 ontractors and builders are now rush i mi' ahead eagerly with their work in various lines, aoping, in most instances, in-stances, to complete their jobs before winter weather This has had its effect ef-fect or the lumber and cement, market, which is reported to be exceptionally g-ond. Cash sad en showed an increase during dur-ing the week and collections have also maintained the rrood standard of pre- ions weeks, as shown in the decreasing de-creasing number nf outstanding accounts, ac-counts, as reported by merchants. |