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Show LAWYER LEVY ON MYSTERIOUS TRIP BOSTON, 'Aur. 3. 'Attorney Levy, couuscl foi- Sh-ipiro A Eibby, propri etors of the (fray automobile in which tho Rosenthal aeeaseini escaped Ivi New York, arrived onexpeotedly in thle city tonight, Mr. Levy S8id he was notified This afternoon that hie presence was imperative nnd he took th first brain. Ho enntinued. "You mnv ret assured that had it nor boon extremely important that I should come I would have put the trip over until the first of the week. "I Vinvt had detectives Working in thi oily for si.ni" days find T know flint nomethins will drop aud that right awav. " Mr. Levy added that ho ex-pected ex-pected to see District Attornev Whitman Whit-man r,f New York, why is now at Man Chester, vt. Later in the evening Levy was failed on th telephone live t.iinos within hall a,n hour, after which ho jumped into a taxicub and was driven toward tho nort!- ejvl. Twenty-five private detectives were nt work "on the Rosenthal case in this city todav. A north end rosr.-nirant was found where "(Jit), the Ulood,' ono of tho men wanted bv the N'ew York poli'-o. ate dinner Wednesday nigh I The detectives also claim that "Lefty" Louie, another man wanted in tho ease, stopped nt a west end hotel ho-tel the rnm night |