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Show Coiigratul&tioni to A. G MoKenrfe on his becoming assistant secretary to, thp Commercial club! Also to the club. '.j i , The Transinississippi Congrct. will 'I'. , make '"Sop America First" i 1 slogan. I '. and a pood slogan it is. Keep shout-i shout-i n 2 it Governor Wtaou will not "stmnp the! i h country;" he will only "have a pro-1 gramme of scheduled addre-e in TOe riouf. " Bee the difference? It i:- said that Mr. Rockefeller made I' 181,000,000 by the recent advance In 'ri J nil. A raine ordered In hint, lo' An y ) csv way of maKinir money, that' The .t-hor.i population e.t the city f i. greater bv L89 tbao it was ln-t year, !',.. the total being now 33,534, And a fouri'c of jual pride to all. theh" school i ' i . Dunili arc j-yl It ii said tliat Oroco expected to burn Juarez, before he evacuates t ho i town. If" he docs, he ought to be pro- aimed an international outlaw, to be t'j r ,J killed at sight. ; ' ' oldficl Roosevelt i modifying his j'p political fierceness. He now declares that a man i- not necessarily a thiol"' C' who Votes for President Taft. This is -1 great conceasioo for Roosevelt. And now Helen Qould denies having written the letter published ai her reply to the I olorado pastor who wan I ed all old maidi banished to a deserl y,, island, Can 't be that the pastor iM ' I inked that reph ? J, P. Morgan told a London reporter that he regretted his inability tti j, i dance But he needn't worry; all ho Yh has to do wheu ho feels daucv. is to Jjl .' call others on the carpet aud cause I ,! there t -apcr. As a caller for danceSjl ho has no equal A little Island i" the Augean Sen has, declared its independence of Turkey. ' We glory in its spunk And now the great European powers should compel Turkev to let that island alone It is flying high, as the one it is named after ! ' I did, but let it fly. The P'oret Now.- last night, in dis-costing dis-costing the street paving on the north benoh came to the conclusion thai "It may be just as well to curb and gutter the. streets in question aud let the paving pav-ing rest until the property owners make up their minds a? to what the want." And that is juSt what a good many of tbm-e property owners have been thinking think-ing all the while. The New , ork Public Service Commission Com-mission recommends that the speed of fait trains be modified in winter and spring, because of increased peril of accident to the roadbed in those sea sons, and the N--w York "en(ial and the Pennsylvania lines coneede the importance im-portance of the suggestion and promise to investigate, and perhaps heed it. marked and unfavorable contrast I to the open proceedings oi the Republican Repub-lican National Committee is the secrel meeting of the Roosevelt, eommittee in fhieago yesterday The public frill not fail to note the taking to cover of those who wer so vociferous in charging wrongdoing upon the National Repuh-Meai Repuh-Meai Committee in its stepf preparing for the eonvention. ! The New York Christian Advocate. in mentioning the discarding of hell by th.A International Bible Students' Association, holds this to have beer, unnecessary, since "the ast majority of ministers, though having discarded tha 'bell fire' theory, hesitate to make a frank avowal of their convictions convic-tions before their eongregationf . ' ' No wonder they hesitate, since thv me bound to upbobi the nutttOtitj of the Scriptures, and there is quite as much Scripture authority for "hell-lire" n that La far heavnltr hliai The- State of Pennsylvania appropri ated $50,000 to take part in the Panama Pana-ma Canal exposition in Sari Prancisco n 1916. And now the thrift taxpayers tax-payers of that i-ftate are lamenting the coat of the trip of the 'ov-r,ior and his party to San pTan-Msci to at the site for Pennsylvania's build The opponents of that "junket" ciaim that the site waa selected before the party made its "junket." But where'sl the odds? The money eamo easy, and tired officials need a little relaxation j at times. |