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Show RAILROADERS BEAT GOMMERCUL CLUB Lagoon Game Victory for the transportation Club by Score of 2 1 to 9. STAR PLAYS NUMEROUS Contest Is Filled With Thrilling Thrill-ing Incidents, Losers Want Chance for Revenge. jl,v Transportation Olab U Commercial i,C'iv'. club 9. Twenty renl hasnball plyrs, '1rt tn a., kind that arc hlrel by the major or minor Jit liuutf. but the Hind oi baseball payers H : that p!nv the game berause UlSj IOVS H and want to tlint the national game Is pla-.o rlplu. ar ur.'lri cover l"00 1 Some Of them are in tb cure of one or more doctors, others are under the care of lov'.ntr wives. Tries are a h:u'.l r.ittnred. bruised twentv. hut thev have the satisfaction of knowing that they put up one ol tne best baseball games that has been played In a lone: time. Despite the apneamntly uneven scors, thn gam p laved at Las-ion yesterday afternoon between the team of the MiM Lak Transportation club and the team if the Commercial club was one of the most Interesting ever een In Utah. One or two of the plays made hy some of the players wo:ld have been wired oer the country had they been made b some big league man. A Ions: drHe to the center cen-ter field with three men on bases a Ions run for the ball, catching It and then a quick double play, were but an Incident of the game. A "bunt" from the batt eland el-and he making first base, the man on first making second and the man BO third coiv.lnsr home furnished another little play that won the approval of every fan. "From these two teams we can get a ream that can beat any club In the. Union league." said one of th fans. Umpires' Job Unenviable. That the Job of being umpire Is not a pleasant, one become evident In the early part of the. game. At the end of the third Inning, Dr. N W. fiewstt, manager of the Commercial club team. assumed the thankless job To the credit of the doctor It mav be fairly said that his decisions were fair on every occasion. To the man behind the screen the best plaver that either team had was F. H Kni. kerbocker. It Is hut paying a small compliment to say that had the assistant to the general manager of the Oregon BbOrt Line devoted his time to baseball instecd of railroading he would be in one of the big leagues today Fred s work behind the "bat" was a surprise een to those who know him as a good baseball player. The Commercial club had a good team, but It was outclassed. There was only one time In the nine Innings that the Commercial club team showed any real color At the end of the first half of the fourth inning the railroad men had a total of thirteen runs to their credit, the Commercial club team had to Us credit thrr-e large ciphers. What the Commercial team did In the last half of the fourth Inning was shameful, shame-ful, livery member of the team had one or more tries at the "bat." and when the last half of the fourth was ended the Commercial club team had a total of eight runs to Its credit. If the errors In the last half of the fourth were reported against the railroad men It would be such a list that at least five of the team would want to quit the game forever. The end of the first half of the fifth inning showed that the railroad boys were not only convalescent but had fully recovered. The same Is true of the last half of the fifth Inning But the railroad rail-road boys had something coming to them and fhe rot It good and plenty In the first half of the sixth inning. Their first two nrm at the bat were among their hardest hitters The first man drove a lone fly to the left field. He was nearlng kecond base when the umpire said, "out." The left fielder had made one of the longest runs seen In Utah In a long time and had caught the hall. The second hatter drove a long fly to left field. There was a long run, high Jump, a catch and a throw to first baae that would have done credit to anv big leaguer. The third man at the bat "fanned." Superior Battery Work. That the Commercial club had a good team was freelv admitted by the railroaders. rail-roaders. Ames pitched for the Commercial Commer-cial club team In the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh innings. -While at time he was a little wild, he showed speed and curves. The same Is true of Empov, who. In the eighth Inning struck out two men and with an assist put out another man That the Commercial club team did not get more rune Is due largely to (he ""lattery ""lat-tery of the railroad team and to th r-u-perb assistance that was given the bate tery. The pitching of Lees with the catching of Knickerbocker and the as ilirtance of the team shut the Commercial Commer-cial club men out of a run for five innings. in-nings. The coaching of J. H. Davis and K V McDonald for the railroad hovs and fhr-coaching, fhr-coaching, until he went into the position of umpire, of Dr. Hewett for the Commercial Commer-cial club, were features. SjJ?w CnWfclnl club Is not satisfied satis-fied lrh the defeat of yesterday was evident evi-dent iat night when It announced a challenge, chal-lenge, for another game for a side bet of ni'.ii ,ri,nrs .to ta5t the er money nd ell the ate receipts. The score of th gam. yesterdav afternoon after-noon by Innings In as follows. 1 Trans. Hub IB81S92! 8 Si Com. club ft ft ft S ft i n ft 0 " |