Show FOOTBALL AT PROVO SALT AEE I CRESCENTS DOWN if Y ACADEMY hardly contested game marked by many long runs in tho the mud ends in visitors favor 14 to 10 comp come along go you ready int IM on your nw new rown gown coln to lie lf a football fool ball ramo in n this goo i oll old to tonn A you yoa dont know anybody an but they all know on youve kot got your little it crescent on to lu keep auay abay the iho hoodoo boodoo wien ja you see ace crescents form in then than dom jon A low if you want ant to see sec and whine shin hut ot do to lo you do it oil out of iwho therell 11 ore 11 bo be a hot time in provo tonight this wan mam the tuneful ditty with I 1 which the crescent football team learn BO be i tile die care of tile the teH luy day afternoon ns AS they rna marched rhod III tile the staid oll old town on their w way a Y to meet the brigham young tie academy a demy eleven on the gridiron nor van their boosting vain for the they Y a owned downed their opponents and cattle came oft ff hy by a score 0 f 11 to 10 it was it a hald haid f lle lct tary cry and it the me acore A re chok that the beallis loams were very evenly in spite anthe bad weather pr a larf large crowd attended the panic game and at 0 d in thu the rain until it was over the ca qua L ness of the score kept the j on 11 tip lip too wit v ahli it ri fian am the alk dt IT until I 1 the rt hirth announced that tire tin ganie va over ovar th tha field wai ius muddy and the ball slippery and difficult to handle STORY OP OF THE GAME the th crescents kicked off ofa at 2 and for a time the ihu game seemed to 10 be golar provos way tor for they bucked slowly down the 1101 1 finally losing the ball on oil downs parker ed the bill ball tin on the first play pay and canlon it twenty five balda aida through tho the provo alln 1 ino the academy Ac admy boym took it L blace and tile the crescents ts lost mi c the t lie ball on downs after A lew jew tiles ti lea for short gains through tackles llyde hyde ment around the end and carried carrl d tire the ball across tit the cresent cn arnt goal afoa line alln for fol a louchion louch touch dou don it failed to kick goal unit the bole was fiovo pa rivo 1 4 ces cl os conia cents 0 dittli th eho crescents re scents kicked orr oft to B Y A but t t they were ere unable to gain and the hall ball went to the fill lake boys A couil of tries at the provo cent center r proved ineffectual but the ends were vulnerable and in ili a moment darker was sent bent wound and scored it a touchdown after a sixty yard run obrien could not kick gnal score core provo 1 I crescents 4 time was waa ballod at tile the enil end of oc the first halt half mith the hall ball on the crescents twenty yard line C Y A kicked orr on and axall after a couple e of useless tries at provos cc cen ilter ter barker was sent sen L aanund ai ou nd the end ile he made a pretty run ot of live fire yards yarda but injured lit his jag whon tackled and had to leave the iho field thu the crescent Crt scent attacked attack td the provo title line fiercely cly and slowly pushed down until obrien was mas sent hont across the roal goal line for frer a touchdown ile ai atso also kicked goal coal making the score 10 to 4 in favor ot of the visitors victors EPPARDS garat RUN provo kicked off on to who vho aho mude made tire the star run of the lay day oil carry rry ins big the ball ninety live yards do down anthe the field provos line became ft A stone wall it and thy they th y gained the ball on down down w 8 only to lose it amrain it i moment later aftic a few futile dashes against the ills atron 9 crescent Crea ent center then quickly the salt lakers earned carried the hall ball tile the few remaining yards to the poal goal line ard sheppard ant went over for a touchdown again bobilin OB ilin ri could not kick goll poal 1 U B Y A kicked orr ore and then ihen hold held the for r A r downa donns there was some ome 13 liard hard binl bucking and laisen 7 wt kalt nt arouni aroun I th end for it a houi n ile ie terson kicked roil making the it I 1 to 10 and this wa avas the beale at tin till end of the game the lineup line up follows 71 a B y A R arar I 1 v e r C e 0 o x c ill 1 i t r I 1 sillier miller L abc I 1 9 I 1 9 r s an ali arson lor c g c spill tuii 1 LI ington r st si 1 I 1 s brou hroon n fisher I r t I 1 1 t fall stare r u c r 1 e alte LA geyr T ivr q b a b I 1 fughs I 1 LI MILow r it it rb I 1 h b larsen 1 it it r h b cant hydo d c en I 1 it I 1 b ey e g n touchdowns llyl larcen ker 0 brien sheppard goals obrien ecter son non eulali iU lali reec ree prof stanley umpire ras has biring fellow JAnes nim ler sur and mendenhall tile the cre cents spent the night a at t provo and will rebun this morning 9 barkers lep was not so seriously I 1 injured n tit as wits was at first supposed an and if he be was able to walk on it Avil without hout di all fit eu culty ity dut ing the even inn hir WILL DO OR DIE university yen ken practicing ira hard rd for their fiovo game there lias has been a kind of do clo or dle die spirit to to football practice at tile the university during ill the pait last week the V U of oc U boys feel thit that they have been playing lit in harl hard luck this year and nie ale debei mined to N lit their game with brov next satui dw vy if t hard bard tork tt ork and line resolve ran can do it anderson And naon who I 1 was unable to play bluy in ill the th B Y A auml here on air the iho ath Is all right now naw und and will alar ala ilia hla of alj n of 1 f halfback half back capt calit wallace will probably y n not ot bp be able to play pearson coarson Po arson min ft ho tonk c ill his S place as aa guard auard in the recent game will bt be retained for tho the coming contest two cirt liely hely now new trickles tackles are beins being bins bing it billed to strengthen tile noticeably weak in the university line fullback full back place nill in oil all likelihood be li lelaer the 1711 colty boys wy are forhing hard haid to fot kt their tam t am lit in cape lor for sorting str ting ve play and declare that this ihla lat last game Is 19 ing to lie bi the game of the sonson season for them full buck smith of ole iho university eleven cloven has haa alinosi entirely ly jec treat the effects ol of the injuries lie h re ie celvid in the rotc nt brovo pame garne and la 19 regretting ri that he cannot take ills his place lit in the learn for the th com fair faff roi liest smith tind hla his cheek cheekbone bono fractured and his eye ingui injured ed the roar far entertained for at 11 while that hut there li he effect from the injury are ar trow nw entirely removed moved te the hie physicians declaring that SmI smiths thIt will not bf be intel faired with at ill all second game gain proposed Propos pd A second game between all hollows co college ze an and 1 I th the 0 ailigh high school Is being to talked 1 ked of for r ch christmas r minas |