Show THE GREAT GURKE J oconnor llo power r in the current north american review hoa has on an article artcle on the abiding influence of 0 the work of 0 edmund burko the article Is 13 a passionate eulogy and Is delightful reading but it seems to us that in its very intensity I 1 ity it falls fall to bring brine out a full and clear idea of 0 the real life of 0 that most extraordinary man it Is as it would be to paint mont blanc red or niagara man ra in bright yellow so humble w was as edmund burke so austere of 0 intellect telle ct while so eo gentle in his ways with a faculty of 0 expressing in the simplest english thoughts which ai all I 1 at once set mens souls bouls on fire so BO capart with knowledge that he will walked ked the earia the worlds schoolmaster not only the schoolmaster of ill his 3 own but of 0 all ili succeeding ages who can give a 0 lear clear idea of 0 such a man our own webster was like him in many ways way but burke was of gentler nature and far more industrious again webster was it a very great orator and the rhy rhythm ahm ot of ills his words was waa set to stately music in their sonorous delivery dut but burke had no gifts that way and had to depend entirely on the effect which his bla u words gave men a aa 9 they read them anti and yet such pat power er was there ihre ih re that rox fox and pitt and the th elder chatham bowed before the solemn subtle intel that swayed parliament at tho the time and which has baa been swaying the souls of 0 men ever since in no other oilier man that has lived in angland in all the fifteen hundred undred li years of her growth has there been one to compare in intellect telle tolle ct in gentle gentleness neso in the courage that insists always alwag s upon justice regardless gard less of 0 consequences with edmund burke |