Show gg lip V 7 aa I 1 f 7 I 1 mill A gaj L V MADONNA ADONNA AND CHILD 4 MADONNA AND CHILD OF BEL or ANDREA DEL SARTO the tender mother mothe beauty 01 0 the illo vir eln mary M ary and the child beauty 0 of the th y youns oung christ have been fa a TOrito to top of 0 the palli ting fraternity anit ralty tor for so 0 o marly ed years that such subjects us as th the nativity and the adoration Adora are arob in ob ably d depleted opt e ted in extant w work 0 rk tens ten of 0 thousands thousand 9 of araa t men yet it Is doubtful if three people chosen at random could agree a upon ta single picture as fairly satis satisfying fring at once their reverence and their artistic ar judgment one may pass by the older old planters mast e who with sad sincerity i painted aint ed stiff posturing figures with im bid backgrounds even as late as fra filippo appl who placed behind bosted madonna a landscape of idsall italian ty irp lendor or as fra angelico whose an in the museum oi of st SL darka shows a virgin thin to the extreme ext reme if f Ps receiving lier her tender in a round arched noman raman 1 logsdo log 0 g rdo 11 a art critics may see the beauty of 0 f mese angular productions ordinary ob fi vers era vi with ith the instinct of reve reverence rene ing lit types of lit its ideals simply cannot on th the other hand ca meIa the q anick I 1 ilek flowering homerine climax of art a typo type of sacred painting perfect in technique which la is just as tora enry bc beaise aIse of its mck lick of dignity the se were iminter by ly artists who ho earned a 1 living iving by endless endlers repetitions of the holy Far family rilly all executed with skill but lacking paul who in a mighty pica picture ture of the banquet sri in the house hou w ot of mado his bis own portrait even more prominent than ill head 0 of the seated christ ch rist Is a good example of this type of performer raphael himself P prince rince of c I i lits somewhat s offends rood good taic fix a ills pictures pies of the virgin and the infant christ in bonam common n with most of 0 the painters pain t ets of hla his day day he introduced a third figure rig U re the young st john to give his compositions positions the pyramidal grouping corn so 0 much desired the met ia donno donna of the goldfinch perhaps or the madonna of tho the grand duke best satisfy the double dern demand amil of art and re I 1 one madonna of the little chair Is s g simply imply EL a pretty woman bending ivil without h 0 ut much spirituality of expression over a noble no b le child do del I 1 sarto sarre in his holy families Is fond of introducing cing st joseph always represented el in al italian sacred art us its a very old man thus affording a a capital foil to the soft and beautiful lesli flesh of 0 the and child in all these admirable pictures the human element comes to able t the front persistently one sees in them the child but not the savior the mother but not nod the rapt saint chilt tendency becomes pronounced in ti fians splendid presentation in which the virgin mary mao perhaps the ill most perfect child fluture ever painted pin anted lias has yet lost P all 11 h arr holy attributes rand and appears simply as a a young italian fv garl r of sturdy torl figu r e and ine fine merlou I 1 foce many y of the artists L 0 of the great period not caring to play pranks with their central figures placed at the bases of 0 their al it IV JI r J y F a 14 14 az 11 g ell I 1 am N f A 7 THE presentation titran 1 1 CHRIS T WASHING THE TH FEET OF HIS DISCIPLES DISC BY F MADDOX BROWN tar pieces huttl or anelo angio lettl little angels with lovely cher cherubic lible faces playing lustily away on oft quaint musical mu instruments st carpancto for instance li 19 certainly better it known by his huttl than by his Madonn its so good a critic cri tic as an buskin has named two works of john bellini Bell fill as the two best pictures in the world adding later in that estimate of them I 1 of course c considered oa as their chief element their solemnity of purpose as another their unpretending simplicity bellint had bad not N M holly escaped from the for malam ot of on an earlier period D d ille his its madonna madonn L and child arc a re rl and d the dark fias figures which ch surround aur aund round thern them sold soldiers lers ap ties maart a igi represent the 1 and majesty which 0 older lide er firta arlish st 1 loved bov e d to cat cast about the div divine pair r but b u tho ta i e calm nobility of 0 th the file facet and the their ir exalted X expression ire eo far to re reconcile n c ile most observers ober vora with Rusk lna elu judg dg mont ment the faces alone considered tire aro very er y perfect possessing equal dignity tan and 1 beau beauty t T they h ar are e r perhaps tr i h a p s tl th i highest 1 ilg h combination comb I 1 n yau 0 n eio of f reverence r ev e c n e e and tl n I 1 technique 1 c h possible tor for human genius to accomplish com an 44 S 4 irk fl mijkl t iaz THE PRESENT presentation U r I 1 ON BY TIN TINTO BETTO technique jose alone illi folls ia in et of 0 ell the 3 dutch h mr nc hooli tar a tramain Tra maii fully depleted b but lit A I 1 I 1 dorin rb in U not hah le c e T th h madaii with MI lly of jacob mayer lh eno il amx A ell no ther obelie norga nor aws ta so ao ani no its A the care careina Iia inet rich donor in the to lowr v op the picture and I 1 ihn m most as s as that er i V Verone gt kiy be ma made e UK mo A other arti anital ts im modern french art wi shiun derau darful to clinical hawn b s v produced prod uce it even a canam III V th tho gally UK f pity portrayer ayee by nat flat a failure as am un thing thlin I 1 n rent nee it is Is llody thet chiq will continue to find in the DM bm b of 0 tho the the taut to the high ideal 6 i n which each mut t fei chiq own mind modern art helpless to linta madonna and the infant ch ahn I 1 tar far better in ling it among his heird beairde l a P I 1 actu as ford fora arador BF ai christ I 1 bashing Washl ni the fen of dij r t adriea pies la 19 strona atron and not it 1 awl kut but oven even here the abrl succeeded far betar with alth SS I 1 ii than in the carlst in the modern aliitia alii tir who CPU sayi 40 series of n great picture pl cluM yaw is christeni Chrls Christ tain ni story from the th A ams to calvary would lub jiin it conceivable demice BM to ut ui ua v u it ft would be hard to do it copyright IM by t 1 |