Show PRATT WILL HOLD OVER LAWYERS RESUME or OF THE LAW SHOWS TUIS I 1 I 1 councilman dale la is pursuing a willo til in n iris HIS ordinance Onlin anco matter governed by state law I 1 sir mr date dale if 14 chasing 11 M allo 1110 0 the alop 1 anid a veil nill known n lawyer yesterday nobile sil enking of that council mans ordinance abolishing tile office of chief of pol pollyp ice and creating recreating re tho the roller police and fire departments ile he la Is follow follo li Alg a phantom in hla his att rort to lo repeal Solli ethIng apparently does docs zut nt els when tit the lire fire and police bill 1111 so 80 callad became I 1 eon me ft law a no li it repealed nil aji d in conflict there fth andi and thereafter tin reader the fire and police do d part fuents existed in ilik ihli lily fly not by virtue of 0 any city cordi ordinance nance but by reason of a state law mr mir wa waa 4 elected city marshal Ma and by leluc of 0 tho iho law then in force arct it fl ns as ex offield ch chloc let of 0 police the office or of city ns as abollah cd by the fire and police law and the powers owera ot of chief of pollee devolved upon th the city ll urshal thereafter r he it r C liln 1114 differ and nas may leapt led by tile pire and I ollee to how dillee during good behavior or for his natural life ikc it he holds holda 0 amr cr nt it all after the new jails conic come into it 11 mill not be ey by virtue tt if any city ordinance hut but li it u mil ill lie be by of 0 general laws law no matter tt hither tile the pity orlin anpo 1 IN repealed or not it will make no niall etli the tenure ot 01 office offic ot elf chief pratt the new ii w 1 illy I ty I 1 hal I 1 or JIS as in pic cpa pared red by I 1 the lie code cot commission which roes goes into freal january jan ast sl creates and the office of 0 chief ot of police the th law by the authority 0 of which chief cratl tta nas ap ghotb out of ca at ald lot december bec because auie it waa mas repeated but under the general ren cral principle ca law that marc an all office Is not net abolished but I 1 here acing merely a chanke change in the method of ft selection of an ail officer fleir ol to fill 1111 ft a position the office ta does not lame vacant but the officer holding ollace under previous lire appointment in cut mill 1111 continue to MO hold until unell his successor 1 Is 13 3 cheben and qualities qualifies I 1 chier platt will le ile chief of police on the first day of january next botu lilt standing the board ot of fire and police c commissioners goes out of existence and out of office and not e have a new alq alt chat ter and a new city and lie he will huld until 1114 successor la Is named by the maor A a or and tile the nomination of tile the mayor su sus sui s talked by the count it II |