Show t 16 4 25 vf or 6 it AV LL r FRENCH FRECH HOUSE ROM IROM I HARPERS BAZAR white while Is extremely fashionable tills ason md and 19 f especially liked for 11 honeo ouse gowns A most inot model illustrated above Is maae of ottoman c 1 oth of on an ivory white shade trimmed elaborately 0 it with gold and silver embroidery b rOl dely the skirt Is s untrimmed find and has across crofta iL tho the front a flounce aich to MIS a double skit I 1 the th has a tull full front of 0 ivory surah which forms forma a a blouse at the be IL at tho the neck 18 1 8 square yoko yoke enade of the embroidery two long tabs tab 4 10 lo igo trimmed WWI y tah fall down d oil n on the ilia skirt the back la is light alla a iiii has blaa a doati mleh leh embroidery the out cut of tills com comforte forta ble and graceful gon golin is 1 given in paper pattern issued ly by jaa zur liero it S small sleeves prettily draped dr aped nt at the top lop anve rutillo ronld over the shoulders should cra and uro finished at the arlt wrist with white tulle frilla allo tile draped ollar collar Is also albo of oc N hite suk silk tulle finished at tho the back of the neck alth ith EL a rull full bow A violet satui ribbon sash goes me tai long lone side bide taha imbs and ties in with bow and ends that reach to of oc the skirt this gown can bo be in fit silk ellk cloth or cashmere cu and 6 ex tramell cra Awful and add smart abart too bad the makers of pride of japan tree tea have advertised that thos price analytical chemist of san francisco and prof J T kingsbury of the university of utah have given them certificates that the above brand of tea is perfectly pure the deduction drawn from this analysis is that the pride of japan tea which you buy in the stores is perfectly pure while it is quite possible to buy pure tea like schilling linZ s best and pack it in pride of japan packages and submit it to chemists for analysis still we assert that the pride of japan tea sold in this market is artificially colored with coloring matter we dont know how these endorsements endorsement were secured but it is a pity that the na names i of such eminent authorities should be used to 1 I 1 i back up statements made in the advertisements I 1 of pride of japan schillings schilling s best tea is not only guaranteed I 1 pure but it is such tea as you would drink yourself if you knew all about it besides it is money back and that is backing ba aking enough in the long run sn san francisco A schilling linZ company do um cot confuso 4 colt coll this ihli told md kolm kola that thai ich ill dr ch Chare coes oft kills 21 ino tablets the mighty black men alen of western Trop tropical idil africa grand 5 specimens mens of physical development f I 1 ler depend nd for vigor and energy upon the nerve ind and n iscle building qualities 1 of the kola guru nut by BT its use they are enabled to withstand with stan the kola koia nut fatigue of killing marches and an 1 to perform feats of strength 11 impossible with those not using the he nut nul thousands of men and women in this city owe their energy to the precious qualities extracted frova from this noble nut combined in in DR kola nervin e tablets these tablets made from the FRESH KOLA NUTS upon the prescription 1 of dr jean martin charcot the greatest doctor the world has ever known absolutely banish sleepless sleeplessness nm and nervous troubles DR CHARCOT 5 write frite for PROOFS of CUP CURES ES 9 boc and la I 1 pac package ka G get e t them e n q of your d druggist rugg st 0 or r e if h he e c cannot an 0 4 supply y you out s send nd MO money ariy riy and 3 el it druggists druggist s name mine and we will ill send sell d ba 1 I you y oil the genuine tablets I 1 eureka chemical Clie mical and manufacturing co la L a crosse wis for sale by godbe pitts fitts drug co leathes 15 lp there the te maw mail with soul so dead who never to his kids hath said ill buy you eor eer I 1 go to beda bed a RIME EIFLE called tho the DAISY it if such there breathe go mark him well for him no minstrel raptures rap turea swell and when his kids with anger an ger yell holl hell come near going crazy and no city council dream either A boy with one of our DAISY AIR AIB can have more fun than a wagon load lond of monkeys we will sell during this week a single shot daisy rifle nt at 63 cents find and a nep EATING daisy daby rifle with a magazino magazine to hold bold ONE SHOTS it at 99 cents THIS IS OUR J 7 81 B livern m v JL 11 week W V V 7 if we intend malting making every child in the city its happy as aa a to accomplish this we wol will sell an up LJ kul to date pair of SKATES for only 49 cents and it a COASTING SLED SIED that will beat run nn express train also tor for only 49 cents call and coo our FOOTBALLS SCROLL SAWS and other articles that an ambitious boy is always sighing tor for the salt lake are t 1 42 44 W second south street aaa kt alade I 1 5 YV beautiful 0 2 by using madams abadam La selles 6 BALAI AND SILVER 16 crean as it will I 1 beautify 0 5 their cOmp complexion lext by demov g ing wrinkles clr n ples freck 5 J its moth patches anil and all 9 0 facial blemishes 1 ASK ASIC yom DRUGGIST I OR IT M A 1 liko ty my wife toino comp tol 1 i alty to looka ro k ilar a ond to lo me fr fra arndt rant as vio eta A TRIUMPH i 9 1 NON S n a a 5 i 0 I 1 na m 4 we say triumphant because we have hav outdone all al p ous seasons in retail selling of jine fins tailored suits ani an 0 coats for man and boy we have triumphed over 0 oursa the selling at 23 25 PER CENT OFF has exceed el our sanguine expectation in consequence of this phem selling sell ing we will continue to give 25 PER CENT OFT OFF is clothing and overcoat department except on abka I 1 worsteds Worst eds 1000 0 coo SUITS these coats come in sear black and an d ten tan lined bia poi italian brown and blue chevious cheviots chevi lots italian cloth body kcf ty C cloth I 1 0 th linings silk sleeve linings pt finish silk sleeve cleere lining I 1 hafl U wide silk piped finish in coat awen with twenty five per OCT mat ced 6 ts 4 1 t ty f five iva per cent off makes this well you yon one of the best allareal all aw areal ll gotten up suit at there Is made as off 0 ff 12 SUITS these tire are in hue blue sed and blurt wo we give you 11 great variety of 0 acid test dyes IT suits to select from that are mado made to fade skirt lining la Is all awl and trimmed I 1 in n keeping with tho the mez meres es in beautiful lk best to be found in I 1 n any store in utah and silk sleeve I 1 Ito inin inga to at for sab 15 or 18 we wa give you piped finish and strap P lit bo I 1 per cent off that makes any the best b 15 ove ov coat t to suit in this big lot fortin azyn any anywhere a with men cent off costs 3 you yon during 9 nn M A 9 AND ila SUIT we give you your pick from ro one no la 12 ka of the most varied assort assortments me that at these coats come 1 bl in america tons chevious cheviots Chevi colors colon 1 can lo 10 found anywhere taic this lino line consists coi mists 0 of f worsteds worst eds oxfords ox fords these fine vw I a chevious cheviots chevi cassir neres in tho the double I 1 tire are lined with wl it the best it sisi and single br breasted eted styles and awen skirt lining nna and roasts I 1 ty five per cent off of tile the lh makes linings lining s 1650 ov J I 1 an any y suit in this big assortment cost live per r cent off 4 you oli 1115 off 18 1 e SIB AND 2000 71 SUITS I 1 OVERCOATS J tailored line fia i S this big 14 those cheso come came in tho the latest patterns are made with the tb 1 ba va in sti lpes checks and over plaids I 1 staying la in rockets I 1 and it the 20 ones are full silk 11 lined net d th the in only by skilled 1 1350 and 18 ones are jilted lilted with it hales are all band mid made sif dudte the best serges and ita italian ilan cloths claths in harlots hav lots and an d finished silk 31 silk sleeve lining er colue a the usual 11 siegel fated facen to in throughout some a 0 are silk way cappels lap we ve JC 4 of f w I 1 1 line 0 n t this fine ne 1 1050 suit twenty five per cent off for twenty crity live P ceat it 4 ja p off rice si overcoats tt tw 1 18 suit twenty ilva pe per r cent off bel aty 25 I 1 off 20 10 suit twenty five per cent cen t off va 27 overcoats ff t the 0 a COW A bilig 14 ga ga abild 65 main |