Show LONG RIDE IS ENDED wonderful endurance shown in six day bike race MILLER CAME IN FIRST in hours honra he had pedaled 2003 6 knes had been off the tra track ck ton sours hours and had slept only tour hours besides miller bice schin nem nd and halo hale had beaten halos record AU all of 0 the contestants seemed to be b all right bight physically pour four suffered mentally ym now york deo dec II 11 one of 0 the preat great est browda ads that ever filled madison square garden was collected within its malls ans tonight it had surged into the vast ring to see miller of 0 chicago cross the tape winner of 0 the great six sir day bl bloda rare race from start to finish tho the race has been tho the most interesting ever witnessed thousands Thou sanda upon thousands have poured PO ur od into the place day ater after day and d night light after night until it Is 13 sate sale to say that people have seen the remarkable remae bablo contest the race has been a success from every point vt of view from the sportsmans sports mans standpoint and from tile the business mabll man a standpoint th tho S gate will easily reach GOS leaving the management S grood good amount 71 alio to crowd that get getheral ea therod herad there then to nig ht was disappointed in finding the first five leaders orr off uie the track they were saying saving therne elves for the final spurt sp urt but the spectator a saw some onic th ing wonderful oscar julius the plucky little swede who has made such a splendid showing how lne despite lila ills poor training rode an unpaged mile eahl biljon just juat to see bee how it lia felt he lid did it in 25 45 4 5 this ike pulford Pul tord pierce 1 I a manager to say nay that ills man could run a mile in twelve minutes a n ter getting through with ills bL bicycle eyele but he would not permit penult this unless lomeo someo someone n wagered 1000 on it IL oscar J li is uie the most inget talked ot of nian nan in th ring with trainers that old did not know their business without being in tiny any sort orl ot of condition he accomplished miles kinse Is another surprise lie he w waa a tending lending bar in a raines balnes hotel on sunday last and at midnight lie ha was waa on tho the track ready to mart in the race over 1600 miles go co to his credit the great endurance jice of the men la Is indicated by the following table showing how long lone they have slept since the beginning ot of tho the 14 au 1 hours lace name nam oft off track asleep 1 miller 11 1 hours 4 hours rice 12 hours hours ours 7 hour I 1 12 h hours ours 7 hours hour bial hali I 1 ax hours 6 hours waller ID 5 hours 5 5 5 hours nollon golden 27 hours 35 15 hours pierce 17 hours 12 32 hours 0 gajiton annon 12 hours 1 10 0 il hours 0 a ente Enter nian a 2 0 hour laouis a 2 21 h 1 h hours 0 ur ell 48 houri hour 1 32 31 hours kins klass 23 21 hours W N hours houra julius juliu ao 20 5 hours 15 hours just fifteen men out of the thirty six that started lasted asted until the finish no wonder that it was wag a heartbreaking killing race pace not one today could change his place on that black scoreboard that has stared the poor fellows in the face for six alx lx long weary days clays A lew few rode fast to beat out P and nd moore Nl who had places on that board though they were out of 0 the race slime seme did it 0 others t hers failed all AH day long the crowd croad poured in at 6 p m there was not a seat loft left in the big Bl madison adison square garden with WILI dusk things began to look serious in tile the neighborhood of 0 the garden suddenly inspector brooks put in an appearance pear pe arance anoe at the head of 0 a cordon of police the garden was cc completely girdled by bluecoats blue coats and they stretched across madison adison Di avenue in an unbroken line then came the crowd fighting tor for place the arena was packed with hu marilty majil ty not a soul more was waa to be hold held bluecoats Blue coats blossomed out acry ci cry where they surrounded the trade track they acted as ushers in every aisle it was a splendid sight for all but the poor riders who have struggled for a week for to fame and dollars and around and around they doggedly pedaled 1 w l hile the crowd tried to urge them thein forward slowly the clock crawled around wearily poor miller led the van behind him tolled ilee and neer riding desperately at ten miles an hour while hile earlier in the week twenty menty miles an hour had been easier but it was a 0 great race four men inen miller iller rice and hale had beaten hales record of 1910 miles hale equal equaled d his own oun record at ggs he go sot t a floral horseshoe borse ahoe in it honor nor of IL it the final score hours houis waa s kofl name miles laps I 1 mallor G I 1 tie 1 I 2 r 16 ti 2 00 7 allue hiu 19 01 2 wall r elsm I 1 pierce alsa i gomen golden 1 I 0 gannon non 1 7 ft rm 17 1703 3 7 ell elica I 1 97 n kin icis I 1 1 6 8 juliu a lucs 1 r 1 1 3 5 baiten beacom lm S oon job johnton 9 1 gray 0 7 7 lw ato 1 4 bet best previous record 1910 2910 miles 8 laps by hale in 1896 the fourth avenue end 0 of Ali madison tillson square quiere garden visa w as surrounded by an immense mob tonight after the bicycle race curious to catch a a glimpse glimp ao of the men who had shown such auch wonderful aa A soon noon as the riders could be rotten gotten into the street clothed and well nell bundled up they were hustled into ind and driven to hotels so ionee was waa tile loud alu bluit the ald aid of he police had to be called in order to ret the halt half fainting riders ridera from the entrance to the curb r golden elke dikes i rice pierce enterman enterman and kins kin were hustled s the street to the putnam house noo no time ime was wae lost in getting the men up to I 1 the he rooms reserved reier ved tor for them and as soon ns as possible they were tucked into hod hed in less li time than it takes to tell it most of 0 the men i were ore in the land of 0 teddy hale date and T miller driven to t tho the hotel bartholde Barthol dl where they will put in the greater irr caier part of the next thirty six hours waller gannon cannon ju HOE beacom and johnson were taken to t their homer to dream of the strain through they have passed during the last week gray the colored red rider tilts taken in charge chaise hy by the members of 0 the waldorf club nt at tile tho clubs cluba will walli the exception of rice enterman miner and non bmw ot of the th nien men seemed to hae suf suffered feied any mental effect from their long lone ride ilde all ot ef the men named it hud all to lo lie be given nar collias to quiet them physically all ot of the riders were in as aa good condition as could lie be expected an aa a leward for their eek of pain and nd torture in covering hundreds of 0 mallrs ali beel miller will ill itt get it t 1500 aside from from wheel ana and tire lire concer conc rn tur WM ot of tilli is in the winners share of tire tho ruise pulse and 1100 moro go epics tor for breaking the record joe I 1 acea share or 0 the purse pure win will be and will wili gt get afoo teddy teddi late halo will receive and waller VA A less les pierce aeta ft alwi golden SIM GO gannon lac 1126 Enter roan nill and TOl erre 1100 loo each and miles 75 7 at all 1 the riders v who he covered more than IT ria 10 miles will ill receive a prize probably 90 5 anc te when tho the announcers pistol itell bated led that the I 1 he lat last lap of 0 the US hours race t was at land hand the vast audience lwft i so to io its feet and cheered like mild mad as tho the wheelman wheelmen elmen came to a stand aland anns anna held who iho had been waiting in a a box opposite the stand laul slopped S d out on the track and beston bestowed ild a g gox pe kou kous s wreath h of and robes on tile victor miller at 1 iler then re mounted hi his wheel s anil ll 11 d holding tile wreath loft aloft dashed a around ro nd the track twice mice when he dismounted lie he gras the liand extended by hale whom ullon he had shorn oc f hla its glory clory and maxle a little speech halo es coiled miller around the track as aa the tie new w and old champions amov moved e d alons along the crowd IES if hoe hoarse r s c there were fries cries for rice and the 0 sturdy t u r dy miner miller accompanied by ills his trainer followed the th others to show his marve marvelous loul staying powen atilt I 1 pr again got astride lila ills wheel and to I 1 lowing a pace machine rode to miles in a little over hie minutes and then thell iliou showed red few ew signs of till tile fatigue lie he must munt have suffered sull ered then nen the oth others billed around the track and were iler ai ly c a together and bund bundled I 1 eld olt off to tire the various hote cotela s to sleep CENTURY ROAD CLUB committee on rules atul hits has adopted these rules now new york tork dec II the committee ateo on an road records tor for the century road club of 0 america has adopted the following follon lon lair rules to talce effect at once applications lor for records and claims will be published aa soon ILS as received by tile the committee city records will be granted only where the distance between the cities is at least lea it fifty miles thirty and sixty day mileage and century records hlll ill be granted only otter january lat the year following these rules will nill take effect after january 1 riders making application tor for century bars must have applications by people into saw them during the ride at least one signature every twenty miles wit will 1 be necessary the rank of competitors in the national mileage ml lage and century competition in IDS will be published each caell month but not no the number of miles or centuries ridden competitors will nill send in ili rep reports lifts monthly instead of semimonthly semi monthly as heretofore and repel ts is must be accompanied by checking look hooks of the tarm tandems ln will ill not lie be allowed in ili mileage and century competition missourians MISSOUR IANS VICTORS kansas city chicago in tile the live bird shoot chicago deril the were victorious today in the shooting match between teams of oc ton men each representing kansas city find anil chicago the kansas city men scored birds as against hillera by the chicago marksmen the highest 1 score ag 41 birds out ot of a po ahlo 60 was FL anad by C 13 herman ot of kansas IN city q who the winner Is ie new york tork dec II 11 charles W hll I 1 or vas as born in in saxony ile he can canico ao this country and went nent to work as aa a clerk in a cb achl ago grocery store alien w hen john west picked him up ile he put him into training and entered him in ili last years chicago tournament lie he la Is 22 3 ears of ape age weighed pounds at the beginning of 0 tho the race mee about 15 at the end height 6 5 feet eel 6 incas it his Is previous long distance performance 4 ia miles in twenty four hours was made at chicago september 24 1898 1896 results at ingleside san francisco dec II 11 results at ingleside first race seven fur furlong longi won on jack martin second cant dance third time 1321 second race five furlongs aan venado won alertha second ic cond ir dr marks third time third race seven furlongs fur lones selling I 1 argentina won avon don aull ia second hc conil perseus tard th rd time fourth race one mlle mile snow down wo won veragua Ve raeul aecil hyman third time tim 1 12 fifth race mile and an a quarter hobart stakes value aioo ISOO fleer to le LN won altamae second rel bonns third time 2 ana sixth race live furlongs fur lonea odds oil won highland nail ball second AIR All toran 0 ra U third time baseball at los angeles los ios I os angeles An celes cal dec IL the all americas Amerl cas defeated tile the baltimore today s in a well contested game by a score of 7 to 3 the in elding of jennings and dahlen burkett and horton was a feature of the game and dahlen done donahoe and kelly distinguished themselves by making home runs score 3 lilts ailts 6 errors errora 1 all americas 7 lilts ailts 6 errors 2 speaking of sport tommy ryan will accept tommy bests challenge tor for a boxing bout ryan an Is ready to meet west at pounds before the club offering the best terms jacob tire the billiard player broke the record of the three cushion parne game in america last night in chicago by making a run of oc 10 points in an exhibition ganic game with cation calton lord rosebery at tile the dinner of the I 1 gim crack club at york on tuesday I 1 advised all those nho are contemplating 1 I rac racing ng to retrain from doing so as aji it Is expensive and too engrossing for say any one having anything else to do |