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Show 5 "In to be tere. V Parlisps she had been ures in ing,.VFar,;far awy.VL Then the looked, ! fyr idr. columns will be found an adr out of the window, and caw. the'sky gloWr yertisement of improved Suffolk . Hogs. inf with the.'beubtitJtl morn hg liht, aiid V face ahin' The price of grai n la up and one should he Uioiightmybe it ws God ouher That made her ad happy She iug out of ,bedi and g epped m1v into haveaaejt to, econonij.' Thia breed of crypt chathberl ' Hetv father .'was winemayfep kcptsnd. fattened on: half heirmdtlierV o'at iof bis; plase iuubed. a,''1! aha climbed he feed required t ox tbe ordinary breeds 4nto it: Itf w&s very. sweet, to liedowu I Look to thia in timoki ; ;beaiHe'moiher and baby.': ( . r'Prndyf' ti id mother; Jaby wae aick an d Wakeful all. night,-d- not disturb him y Navis of subscriber who have paid now..,. Kun back to ouc lipid chaidber apd, IxraoTi Yoca Basso or Hogs. -- - r . - . a : 6 : ifauerjj,;; Houtz. .f:J. yqp'uince oiUsfc dress'iroiirseir, fib, how. Prddy wanted to stay; and sbe would stay so still; I aiqaiure but sbe did not ask or tease tostay.jSbe :;S rWV Priie, Dene; r ' her moiher, anil gently and quickly, V . X S. Hawkins : U kissqpback V jrwji,,-. pt .1 crept 's S ' i V' ;Peek,yTyy? J ust 03 if Prod wanted to nestle some d luto Tom anu Harry's where, ,ebe like a small hi!e chamber, and appeared ' their bedside. by 7Do, Prnd, be ngel . iV -- ( .:i' A. JSTOBT FOB CmhDkV."i and npt'coine disturbing ui, cried. oil, ? '.ix, z i Tom. ' jHenry, anz.ng ij i;- . niotb Come, child, my y get cptsala Vrudy'a hose, gave It a grip quite to jxoor v j; peeping into; the room of? iier.ljLUe tight for comf or. v.j Jrangliter; the birds are already at break- - 'j-please do not, cfiqJ iiPfiidy g and fast, and oara wilt to ready soon. with ryes full of tears she ran back loher ' y: ;f Y as ; mother. In a mlaui j ?, chamber. uitdeaidSppy, 'was going .v.'Prady did not get exhausted Mother dressed, yfittiiblj y down; aiair, when-shefforts, blit net about care8galhsaldvJoiiie ctrly. 'mornrag :f. to dress-.- .. She; washeittoerself,;nd y?;'-- Sophy, jump up lutJeoue fully Xu a minute, answered Sophy, who Mr spread, the wet tower On the rack. Shq . v gaa U k fcktfte qul It from over her,.""Hef brush ea herhairBud put the brush back. . older sister.camelu "Howybu behave, Her boots went oil hard, but she .tried and , Sophy,'? said Mary, yottwlfl surely? be tried; aud neatly 'tied the; e rings herself. fate to- breakfast- Sball l help you? Then she knee!erdOWn; ahd tiisUked God I ea n; d res' nay eel r, jJ cit th e little lor. care jet. her 'all'night,i and. . out never .bed. to Ift hpf; be crops, op of hiQi prayetlvdjte began'lo igltf, tumbling but she washed dolly, hotberaelf.. unkind or proudi or 'vain, but to forgive wash, '- &he began to pot ou.herhuoU, bat played her sins, aud fill her heart fo)i of his love; . pusa thatead, to the greatnisgdec : After that ab.a went down sta ire to fiud ' r met her, and; kissed her,, Lr!' aud caned He.his VvV. dear, d e'ar da u g h .elatehes. , little. i' "will Hi not be saM 4 thia i.v Ma'rj yon girl get upoi yie right late," 'b A IL-Bodil- K. McDonald; i$v. y; r i ,' T ' again-.-V:'v-Ji-Kp- - .. -- -- - tip-toe- ;n,??aT9GfnW.. - -- . - Uhl - : '. e by.-thes- - -- 'his-kiu- - e , i. PWWJW her-papa- ! ,. hr . -- Side t.Cuild Paper;-- ; 'AtIactnehrekkiaat bell rang i good What will father wyf eaked J:,I t. i .I.'"- 2dar. for fathrr wanted all his little luck' Jem Radfords ear-iie- at, .y.-aeason.-':;- '. yr arouiid the table-iy ; : mattered care, 8ophy, hurrying y at the same time.' .Bat who aoes tiotkiiow that Hurry- is not helpful f y'And Hurry. 7 aeon orertivKstf some Water oyer Sophy's V dlean he cried tuigri-l- y. l "Qh stockings,' : Then begnafr be'lftiab'ed ;bat ' b(fo her ujhtgowa, hid tke brush unds Harry -j. for to let noy eiaier mood was in. no Sophy ana Kelp, her,' so .she had to help i;etay: one's self is affine thing k herself. Helping ; for a little : girl, bat Hurry this, morning i V mads Sophy lose tier tern per, as- well as y her brush, and her, comb; and ner pocket-Han- d kercheif, so that when Aha finally a p-s he lost her pAared at (hs breskfast-uble- , 'father's smile H also." ? Fatting hit.'artn : to recaire; her, 'm,orniig kiis ; my dsnghter got ' out of ped the wrong siis.tliis. morn lug he asked gtavl ly .Tho T Sophy could not help crying' and her. lose her appetite and her VreakfisL'for the svreetest bread and but " ter never tastes giod to any body who ge-Aud l.sn wrong aide, pp.'r.Sppuy ryiipjkbe add sen ool felt .the xfrald tbit dfcudf effect of it' all day . Doea not 'jail n - : J-- , r '."K , K ' . - r ; . : Thorn, ' ... . ir i - - od 1 : : : 'j-- Robert-growup i a' confirmed iiarj, 5 ': and Great a becomes a aotP; as little as the '1 weone l:t:Ie sin, ; ;Haveas powftful' fn ttaT effects perhaps lselov of money, perhaps haty temperT Oh; -.let uptremhie.at what.i..uiay do fortij, as. Dont lrt Us psglect It saying Is only "a little sin.,' till it grows so great-- f as to .poison the whole ipui.and destroy . us forever,. by, ns onder. Us power , without riapentahcV-'-ur fear, qf God's disV i& g pltasure, Cottager r ., heat,Zfime s lt' - f : - - AWord.of;id.flcev .Y Wj; ; ' - , on.the-.eoutr.iry- he willYeik. - V'!-'- : . esI fault; .Rob.erphks one lie' sometiipeS'' But what of ' that?- Ratriember Jem Radford's .thoriu'. 'fellow;- except.'? ,5Jpse.. Grant is when he- drtnka. a Utile; but that is. not.; I often.. 'Ay, bnt if lie gets the habit On, It's euly a little now.. aid then.; ' 4y, but fhinkwhat t,mayjcome to, y Remdmber Jem Radford's thorn.; )Alas 1 for waht'of laping the warning to, . : ity: Iv . 7- -- to get rich.. Dont, Dont, be in go aiong grasping small coin and largo. ;. .;! heaping- up mammon to worship. .f : Spend a part of your time in lading np ,draw,youR affect iOpa, trs&sqrwhichsha.l Hiu sow good seed fertile places upward. which'' shall spf iug up aud bear Iruit'toi ,j:; V uv everlssiiug lileY'1 S $'' - Ie not the manjtp.be pitied as well ap,. . coiidemneif, who goes driving' through this. world, never baking at ta pleasant places, cuol oun ainsl,; 1JJ of stopping and b, ' yonl becomes covered: with-dust- , V thirsts only for the 'filthy sireamYcalleii Lucip, whpse tributaries' ris? from every placeofy.ee, and flow through every chan-- ;. nel of iniqoky H iving syu, he sees ha' ' ; beatuy ; having ears; he- insars 110 music V having a hea"n;)iefei up sweel.inliuenco of loye and sympathy ; and man becomesa. f but, the grasping,4 banlened-.'creatiirahaaow of what man should ba.'. :;Then dont be in baste to get rich. - V are'' belief' thiugs thart siivcr and. cold,; ( f r. - 4-.- ' - H! i . : . v ' " , Z-- St . at--it- s . e . orP'endming. ai)d njore' to: be desired. akp.youy. homes happy,., and the minda of Jein-Rathink feU. of Forjl poor ypar chil.iren will ,.lurn b&ck,lhere a av ; ..."Only they voyage over the rough billows of life, ' low I j'tVhen' will they bury nitn mr' p v oaf in" haven. Tne 11 gonehovo to take' him out of. as .the ship seeks'outthe: with tender memories ' apiisgp fetyopr io lueirhearis, to keep, their feet from. Uie ; suare, and turn .them back from tbe pitfall.: paesedmeii who met :o- tue they ; ScahoixG. If: laughter begets fat,' it is;.: ytllag.as ' V - 'V eiil I or. water. J:' 7 ij ?' 'of parentterAad to think of its coming from sucha ho leas' true that scolding'Is'tfid v- a saw ever plunp little ting! said OU : F; megernpsp:--.iVb, what-y he did the: not thorn know.' Ay; was gbihg tdo for hiici. 'i .''Jem landlord hsdgot s large thorn iuib givesardiarpnesa. lo 'the. humau his foot. He.took no notice of tbe ! psiu,. Lemper, a gritty grindstone; fraura aiid allowed it "tar remain iu, nk h'coiid'i.f oa axeX? Artists?;' a puts ledge wiry d "e festeied-Tanemov r whife 'one e'i i a s flyl it 'and tiiis underslsnd facL, govern' f'ieiid; advised him to! go 6c ia. iioetcTr, re- -. another told Kim of some puultlce lor it selves accordkixlV' iThey invariably Jem was strong, 'and.; bad never known a illness "It V only. s. thorn theeald. , days t and he ueither poulticed it nor went to the Shrewsare tliqs depleted iiL eoinicvaleii r tides, .and tn r Uoc.or. Lpcin all inffammationwent The swellipg and up ibe.leg, and ,1m though he mOSt go; for Oaudie.withput'tfpartiele ts female firehrandy ; pay a, ,;, the doc lor. for be gotiio sleep night ot day tev referring their 'r'i faces, that their noses are . r flsiy,'!to for 'paid. dimidea-ihath- e ; : men-- " jiiyW .sbarp.AVe ';V-pctort shon his ; head: r j He .sa id the long neglect liud aeen. mischievous . he t on some exceplTbusl cases, of ladies trith,, snubhosesw.ho.sry given jtasuubhiug their ihis ,uoruuig. v How did ; PrudyT-gairp ? : Would ita.ve.him go into the boiipual.' . iitislMthua form-mild'allvariety, The jbirds tbat built iheirnesi'aou tbyHm" Hewent ; and in a. ehoy t lime tliey wfrei M '.I' 'T Ia jlbut these .M IaW 'AAAltA A a SA,I ' iraf oyer her 'wiiido w7,waks.d Jer; of,yfr-blV wms thejiunbeain kisiagUei; fuCe. : waked from s iwiel sleep, and open- -, -- Prudy ,;,iont 1. . - - - - - I - : -- Jli e .T - ran)page-:,as':ireui8raab1- m s - 4 . . . - t a A M, , J .d yee r? Uli'.she siid alond, I amihihy - own 'C'M |