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Show i - it so TOTBr.": Wholesale Boot and Shoe Factory, . vtlTWWiwv V H lYHES YOD YBrP THE CITY Advertisements; : Grown, elected and put. VALLEYTAN up with ears and personal atteutiohf-Seeds-o- f 'srsr'jfaTjoEiJES Herbs.:-AcVegetables;" Fruits, ; thkatkk stkkxt, ..' was offered ever A assortment than better -;- .V ARRIS ON A'TULLlDGEt "Ctah. : , v :v ' ' V- - before to the people ef ' ; (rsormiKToks), a for Sale, 'Ake limltelcqnsntity of .fine Ton' will find the Largest Stoek of HomeRoot,';' made 'Boots and 8 hoes in the Territory, from Kupg NURSERY' TREES, Shrubs, Ac.. Ac. Plants Artichokes, Pcannis, which yon ean choose any Sixo and Style,' and with seeds fir sale. Dealers fttrnislvi at Prices CHEAPER than the ehespekt. E.- JOHNSON,-- ; Lake Villa, LADIES Boots or Gutsrs. English or Ame- Spring ' rican Styles.' Y--i V; EEIT' TREES.;', ' GENTLEMEN'S Fin or Stoga Bools. sale Va good sloek t of, cssorted HAVE for, THIS 1 THK ITOll TOk.), y.i TBEES,bndded and grafted, of the heft va- - . Little CkUdmu Boot! Litilt Chtldrt Boot! rieties j Apple, rear, Peafb, Plnm; Cherry, .4ES Parties coming to the city to purchase Also sbrulis.; ' Nectarine, Ac.' for others, .or; buying of anysise, Apripot, L. 8. HEMENWAY. . v.G. S.L.Ciy. : will be allowed a LARGE REDUCTION for r ; FROM Spring LakcYiUa, .over a year go, red and prkle4, BULL, Sne, -- about 5 or S medium fixe.' When a old,, year. ; wait branded with a 7: circle,. wiihJ in on the contre, ahpaider. Anjintelli- ' ? will be thankful whereabout hij gef ;f .. y.t Vi vW J.E..' JOHNSON. criv'rfd by. If: - VfV t-l- n i. j 'A i r i 1i ' r -- J - - : J, IT-'-- ' . A i :.vi IX ( i PAYSQM, zRemtmbtrthtPpper J1.OG Millyy am T' now 'giving 41 i pound of superfine ;'-'- 4 : : H. A TEtKRY, and 'Ll) pound of: BRAN to the afid Flower Seeds) Girden. Field Dealer in 7 BUSHEL qf good WHEAT, v rX( ftcv4 Come on with' your grists where you' will get .CRESCENT: CIT Yl ; 10 W Ai'fr.0 f the greatest possible amount of Flour. GARDEN SEEDS of all the leading variePly-pSpiy BENJ.: HAN COCK 5 ties, of my own raising, end warranted firesh, sent by mail, post-paiat usual retail prices, i of FLOWER. the .finest varieties, SEEDS, " ssnt by mail, post-paiat 60e. per dos. papers. fji y-. s. GLADIOLUS G ANDAy EN8IS; : v, ,V-'-. tfa.Manufacturer. of the celebrated VV-V- ' Strong bnlbs of this most magnificcilt flowITanaonlc Orgm & Perfect Dlelodeoii ering plant will be cent by mail, post-pai- d, at ;V v Owuer of the. Letters Patent for"' Harmonie 20e. each,-o- $2 per dozen. Also f TIGRIDI A CON CttlFLORA v Attachment Bas Damper and: Manpel Sub ' At 15c. per bulb, or $1,50 per dosen. v Both 7-Braitiebtfoi Vermimt. 'ai " .i them varieties am, oft snrpusing beauty, and ; yf&iory vAhIh at Xew Tark, BeUi vrhllaelpkla shonld be in every. collection.;,; ilEXHY'L. RAYlIOJfD, ; Addrese, H. A. JTERRTf Crescent City, la M-FLOU- - R - in jr. 'I : .T'" ., LT ? d, . !..-- . -- A 1 - X . r f' . till u d, MEIXB0EO3STS: ! t ui ? J s j l.V. f ' ' -- if. 4 rMiIwMtitM agaat foe the parekaaa n . , .. iif tarota. aapply have fMrirhlfUflk tka maeasaary a4 JJraia J wrupanh mate, fJOY TOOTHS AFFLICTED ! T' Music fn d Musical Mdse. Pinnoforlgy all AiMtaaa la acad a tk moat raaaoaakle Dr. C; ' J. D. M.CROCKWELL, By the advice of the President, has permanently located hidnelf in far svj L.RAYMOND,Box fl8 - ?; FLOBKT, .Tf.i;s5fNDURT; ; i Grower of Grape Tines,' La wton Blackberry Strawberry, Raspberry aid Gooseberry Plants Roses,. Flowerin g Shrubs, Flower 8ecds,. Ae. Delaware Grape Vines, Seeds, Plants, Ae., ia ' variety, sent by maiL Catalogues gratis. ; y. 'jh r (Fosoin' !;; W;lifPTi .V.TEIflf . ; -. M NURSERV9IANAN1 -- H . V.' PERSONS FORMING CLUBS for thopnr- ehase of ten pairs of any kind, will ho presented with ono pair of a similar kind, firm of charge. Every, variety ef Heme Manufacture onsite GIIIST'MIL.!-- , X C O C KS T -- Cash.'-'--- . - - - ; .. ,V:V. r y - .WE have a few plant off he SWEETPO-,- v TAT0J5 wecan furfiiah, bymaiLr.Also many T.irielitj;ef HOUSE and other PLANTS "of 'VEGETABLES and FLOWERS .V , J.E. JOHNSON. Lake Gardens. 7; y Vv?':"V Spring :Y? jy " FliANTS. PLANTS. ,, , . : 6-i- f, nowtniskr, . half-bloode- d,' EY.A-FIlYLAYSOif- ARE at the " f . old stand manufacturing ths SPINNING-WIIEEL- 8, SASH,FURNITURE, and a hundred "other prices thingsvat reasonable Grain ; and ' ccnntry.v produce ; taken : ia payment, and the highest prsmium allowed l- -' on Cold.' . ; ;, P.S.-r-A Aw V good Carpenters and. Cabiu net makers granted immediately. i ' GREAT? CITY; POTTERT BALT-LM- ON , SECOND .SOUTHS; TEMPLE ST- Opposite Hon. W. H.'Hoopxn Ra-- i . y dance; in the sASXMKHT br the Sora . formerly occupied by Moore A Greene. ' v W have on hund. and are cohstanUy J,:X. J T manufacturing, a superior article of POTiv , Addre, HENRY ' WARE of every description which TERY : &Y OOlfY, "$-v Salt Lake City.. t sold bs on reasonable terma. will "5 il laqatrj. ekaaffally aaawarc W rata ra Bill Where he freate With euecess, all of the' lNn arid1 'ProWood kinds' -' of all ta relattva (STLesdi may iafanaatlaa priaca, aa.,faraika ' CBiiumAXD TEETH . r dn-- s takrn in exchange. Don't forget rf I r tr EYES.'EARS IN THE BASEMENT.' Cbicao ; Agrlcaltaral IFarehonse, He i enree .RHEUM ATISM withont fall ! j CROX ALL, ; CART WRIGHT A O . Vi He relieves, all Chronic Complaints of -WW-LirER204, LAKE STREETkCHICAGQ; ILL. Jt.; h UKGSr; rryy 7;-:- Outfitting and General JlTerchandixh V t ; i BOWELS,? 1: ..V. Seids by mailL ! Co ,V.V MEGEATH ' BROg. y.Sefda lby mail HEADS' iV. A. t yBACK, ' '' '.j'. f i it UBT recent aetin of Congfe,eeds ean now v ; y jyfMy y OMAHA CITT, KXUiSKA. yS'Yc-i'H.!'and LIMBS ,.;..ha sent by. mail at the rat of four euneea for Ha bihefiti all EAD1ES that ea II oh Stock of Merchandise in package v.:Awo eents. weighing fotar pounds, him suffering from Ffllinn of the Womb, KEEP complete ' r : V to the Ulab and " suited' le.'is? tS- or the Weaknheo of Painful, -. : Back,Whites,: trade.' nt or at jrewholealc SIes The Subscriber has an entire New Stock ef too free.' or Stoppages of the MENSES, Emigre tail at the ' lowest prices for Cash Fra or.w ;:v; . HCSU u- BARRENNESS, Ac,, Ac. ", yy ;' ' y ; Sklna ' ''. ' : ?jn;';Z'V . tAnd will exeente any order with promptness '. will him All te ronenlt DsTored mail, he be with. despatch that. may ' 7 wishing by 1 h" .y 5EW:GBI8T hDLL i Seeds' w31 he pat up in safe packages.':' deceive prompt attention by enelosing $1. i . 2 ,j .y 1 y : ' IT bo New had confidential ; S''iMITH A KEELER havatheir catalogues mgy nponappliea- AlLcommanications ttrictly - V A !:. yfc M the publisher, (Mr. J.B. JOHNSON). 4 i omeia at. Salt Grist Mill rnnnlag and In order-oi'OV- - :V' Address ' ALB ERT T. EMERy, f SJIMARITJUf DR UG STORE , Creek, 4 miles above Goshen.; yf 'P. iti ' Thev invite the patronage, of .the public, L. VnOWO JCCPFEsn; : m -;- - ; fullea. ; Where may be Sound a General Assort- believing they will be able, to give ' AVls ment ;sU?;. of Medicines, tiafaetion,;. Drugs, PjeStnfls, yyiiirseimantSamdnyayFloriU, Alio IfCRTH' BRIDGE WATfcR MASS; Perfimery and Flavoring Extracts; CT GR1ST BVII,Ij X Xt Laces and No..;T c y and eircnlars sent on application; a large stock of Ribbons,7 I RTA GONER'S GRIST-MIL-L, in wanted is Which exehanve. 7W for tions, c be had of ,JJ- E.' JOHNSON, Spring m -j 1 j5 n capital bnel-nes- s, Money, all kinds of Produce, clean cotton, V Provo! Valley,- ia doing Lake Villa;, to whom refereneo may he made. and warranted to give latiifaetiea. o .?; flannel, linen; nd hemp .Rags, Sacking, ,ii '41 Trr- it fa yourselves and seel v?r-Vlale, Pill Boxes, old Iron and Rope,' co & j.risjncnDUitY Ssraxs Cnix, miy one I A r Ac.,a ' . JOHN . 15 J. it STREIi'Tf NE W T ORK. p' '.s' . vwm,v . .,r r-; 0 .ret it paj-waa- t, 7- - 1 , f T- f i a 1 4 .V . - v - GARpEHEEDS, "'' ! "V,-- . .V . - u -- 4 n ? th, . V 1 n y-- : rf yjyr 'Cat-alane- sl. t - - . -- . " bro-kenGl- ass, I I'-v -- r . . - cgowgirAim .Tr-'frys- - - - ' . ti. e rS O JOBlPniMTUNG. i - ..; w-.- tV Si ia . ' ' :,' r v;. - 'v.- - . SCHOOL : , t, , :. - ' - ; - . . i- . i.1 Deae' expeditiously at tke Oracle ofle. can ha bad at the Catalogues, on appllestion,' r ... HAILED FREE s ?t' .v' v t. f. ' ' - .ABps;V? ? Oracle Off n Forurr ; y, r- v - .y - '. - .. t; .: 'i.,V ! 1 |