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Show T . xi V. . : .. I.. V ' ' ?'b Y- i ' , 'Ep$40ffiiXk.M ': fV v,i v; " ' ' '? i - v; v : '.. .., 'W' . : t. I ff foung Folks Corner. - Of- ' ',1 " V,v- V' &r. v ?.. ii . fl - sgellancgns. last of June, 'two BAYH0R8E8,' one. and seven; the o ther eigh t years qld..r;One branded '. v exp!orer, ,who reported some! time B C and the hape of an heart on left shonl 7. .? ' .' killed to since have; been by Afrlcan Otker with a? White Apot In ' the fore : the der, been, heard from as safe- up to ' Jj 'about an both ineb had. in and head, H, sise,!; ' ; DeCember.Sl. JS'o. 106, Stone. No.JU7, branded on the fore left hoot There i pro- -. 'city. '; ? ' nac. No. 10S,bair. black' i! and bajrBali With 1 q Pony Private advles received in New" Ubiy, 7; them. Any one" giving infqnnation of 'their r Torie recency from Ragland, are very ' -Y-vAn : as. 10 the stats of feeling exist Whoreaboots dr returning them to Bishop CAR - f,'..... 109,VVyjV 80V, Camp Floyd, or J. E. JOHNSON,' EdU our Goverment.' :? towsid ; I in. composed of 12 letfersi.V-;'1- V'' ing. tot Af the UaacLXy ill be liberally Kwarded.VV ' 7 . i eUeat son of the Cxar--bei- r to a machine fot weaving.T My 6, CASA3rcfc;tf ; Aug. itf throne--- is Russian fa the a wed to. Princess the v:. ' ' v 3, 5,4,7.is 11, 9, pdrsutu 3,X 12, 4. 5, 10, 1, the lower part of a tree Psgrnar of pcntuufrk, sister to the Pin "' '.f r cess of Walesi ; 6,' 8, 7. Ilf to limp,' 6, a common seaK';- ..v, 9, 10, meh can be iriflaenced. only grSome , ,1, 2.12. 8. 10, 2, 3. 16; deface.'-'-'-'tne iheirronsciruces .are a qurdgel.V by . 7, 8, 10, 11; a companion... &liigator'A-bsckAanihSiir backs as toagh to 8. 7, wauder:'i'.s;r3";.j'iV.'''i' as sensitive 12, 4, ' : bol lie's, . iu alligSLor's , Y S; A"; Hi : E R A;- T f, - 2, 5. '8, 2; 3, a 'iv; ; - ?f., i aln north of ' the at For block, throb; Baidag:. animal .7, li; 8.' 10, Fra&klin say that 'every little ' 1': ilotau. Main Street, Nopbi City, bjf V ' And uy. whole a valuable perAon.reqdired fraguientof .thday. sheultT: be sqved.' 'r . SaLSBURY. .. . ..v' ha . tor all ,7 t iiiVomeut the day breawa. set especially, Gu.;.y.es..the young.. V. v Mm - v' . ; 7 ,;,' ScSbOLSOT. yourself at' once1 to lave the pieces.' ?;';. FOii FdTTiBO. 4' K?' ,V choice aiasortiqientdf ERBENAfi ; the stymie h fef ' a 'healthy cow fiiVEa I am compoteti o t 7 letters. ..77 of various hoed, and isja fin Uaeoutd be llsughtered al.New Bedford,' Msbs. wefe z. aiid of rl vety nails, now ready for. pottngor tmpsplapting id li-.vi it: V ' ?; garden. .A A la a many other rare GARDEN. Geranium leave are said to ) ' a. the ; v and H0C3E.PLANZS S;. seUl fbr Curative application Ar, cuts or 'shrasions J'E JOHNSON' Lake. . spring Gardens, j v.;'v;3,''3,'.4, 5, 1ie wanathV-r-.-i-Vy . yyyyj t, 7. J !e not overwise in thy .owq edtlmaa' . 8.,6, 3, 7, a ,lef ul thlnjj.fjf-gTEe Add my v hole i a place of repres enfatiou tiou. rLet thy ; works and not' thy words i ; VN ;; I':Vt-.7 ' 73.1. praise 'thee.-'t Vs i; .yU ' V - 7 charades. At Milan eVeryoody carries a trap. 4 '15& n&W W A3v:k-- : trj&w&yiinJiis pocket which.' is sure u catch pick7? v SUPERI OR : ;quALITx M! V pOCket a?Aii thou. my! first,' snd in tbg prime' ? v i ' ,y:rtr7;'; ; pjfA fy ,'fk.f ao1while yet unftcatbed by time , QsBVL '". l wtt6itqQlwa- the death of . 300 WyUUHlifilUA V 11 J To meet toy next prepare Vthe'1 to demands annually supply V - Which come s, with alow and etealthy pace dphauts" . HI f or fvory in Loudon a 1 oiie. v: 77; ?; j , "W li- m .?$': j. ' - From beauty rose id cbeekllie cba&e,'. .' v .ggTllii Msertedthat Senatbr jlnt Lane "iv! 'TAnd mar those features-fmiiy-- ' of To' do ray whole Veqairee some thinking, J'; by a young lady iu Washington receutTy, "C: .'' When times ard hAru aiidkddit SinkiiiC. . : 'V'yi-.vr'- i 6 .112 VV i :: v ' KjThe f excess of Cfentljes over male! -- 5 . ; !; At. .the Residence of . y : - ". : ; . ' SI. '. State' is ll,X)0; and pki, .iirew-Yor'TThe riddle of riddles-Mtdauc- ee j l i'.lfs seen in the eye,bdt cheats, with the tip i '' j V UTAH ,n It seldom is known, yet oftentimes read, SPRINQVILIiiry It is light as a feather, yet.heavyas leatl If. it- meets with its match,' it is. happily ,... 0 . "... .i, trirtler IjyJrXiTingston.tne .was - . AmiVort to EnUmait &c kn k. .last jSnuiber. ' Ko. 104, Mechanic. 'No. lOJLNlctrft Alma- na-tives- - - 4 i 3 - - . ; -- ' k ythi . ' - 5,-4- , - ' o cernagtey 'qi V if- y - -- X; - . j- -. - : - : (fIn : . 1-l- b., 'J, 10-o- - 'J-- f - 1 hEipi d, M-- j . f V , ;.--- ! .. i . - - 7: . r' . a . ! .t- - - yT - -' s r . . Ksnsar-wss-cowhiae- - . ; - . ; ; - - If money can buy Units not; worlnagroau i Flower enigmatically exprettttL : ,f 1 . To be neat. niAia womau's 2. An animalp aiid.an artiele.of drees. :vA.v A greasy sd b stance, a. d a driiikitig ves . v... . ! ; CK;:r; Wew'Advertisements. - . V LOSTFTR AIED OR'gTOLEK; swgsVndin WfiniXe'Ust few yearsbelongiug'io BL F.JOIIXSOf and J. T.LeBAROM, together From, the sutseriWr,Iaboai 1 2 months ago jfoe twdyeaf;pld HBIgER .dirk ifd, brpndod ? p 8 on too left jbip. tTo: pthej marks am-7--ij Any person giving .information SO that btnd; shb ihay bo found ihkll lo mwardPd,y.-7.''V''-i!t- ' 7v: -- 7 :: ' . ' ;' i 7, j 7 -- i have- lett '. the with some COWS shd tfomm.it Greek. Xnd Geshen'- - range. ; the Utah Qo.y:. .' Spanish Fork, : a.t' ' ' swallow fork marked, the are a with in caUe V set t (, 'C I SWCIE left earl While port have, a crop oif and port a ; m IMPORTED, -- J , ; and 4. tThe arrogaiice.' ' largest city, 4 spilt in the flight, ear? The older .cattle' are T70U the purpoMof inipnJTin thi br..d of- -. : . 7. , : An evergreen; auti wlne; , B F. or li.T L.; while a V; .'. ,v . ; isst a cohanant, and do brandedTon tao 13horn in the this 6. A part of Swino C imported,, body, Territory, may sore P branded oh the leit sidiu Sdmmer, a relieve. part ..cVr- - C-.- ; 7f;; pair of Fine Improved Of tile ab ore doscribedrde are particular, to 1 V7I' A fastening, 'a'l a abuions 'an un al w-. ri 'Kli;-Oi- r , old Bed COV, branded D t for a ft a ' 8. A oolor, and a hollow soundiug vcsseK' T L on the hofu and a 4 year old Red Tlioio interelted can call and ice r 'fAw fiivllinv iwlflt Auiin Miol Asoil Wile.'-'.1- 1 both stfayed from Gubben 'VaUbjl aso it w'aj ; ' from has old lately disappeared did on re first, with ladies OIN, f . - fAl j. -- JC iu-qu- ire vi at STB -- Fio ' v'--- V . .. , j . . Ai . 3-- yf STR 'tht behold, yog t ' j.My AV hen winter bouuJ tUj earili Withpiecctug about' Chcaiy,k'RanChel',j;Vi',,-?r'rKHWhoorar will produce atjy of our Estrays.or lV isfoiluatiou- - of th6ir..WheteaVoutA,. Ahull i!NS A preposition next. ye bards.deCiare, nave an honest, maps ,'full, price for hU ' Whbfih wili iny sccohd plainly lnske appear !l er expensp. w , 'reduisitisd,...yield d delight, D Le A 'My whole, with' T7' VRY Farmed' should know that, his T. BARON, B, F,;J0NS03T A el. A. " JCJmonfb" I' Spriag Lax6;,yilia Apg, ''i-- i 7' . : vi.;' I l : ; j' f ; tj-'.'- V-,- . kfod-ny- ss : i.UfcM-;4aT.l- --- -- T- j v ' t r' w - --- With' , chiUelr TOmpiet4.-33(KiHAVE in mi0kassion?a an dy colored Pfiee, Sixteen. adjectires,x twenty tohf pro- V vUfitsr hokha ; a dying, lobster,mn oyster. in love, .HOG witii' some? black spots ls id Nineteen traders, .and ten aboJitiotiistfl may oOout ?pne.yeor pld? owner will plesse-protrproperty i1 ichargs expressed . by- ony liquid ,y, (QL'lf e ishortea?d by 'tLc IrrcSdif--' J . a -r . I ! ' -- ' 10-ye- . J J J J;-- . . Weight 45-lbs- .', Freight : . . 'J |