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Show ' V. .m- ' j K, ta.r. Ficti tor Farmers., r.i! j :''and inrnt money in tools, .; k - -- Vlf joa rthen.ieave . 4;! jpnt to the weather, tbem-exposa- H.is the 4ine as loaiiium3ney$o aspend-- ; adeadlog ia.b6tii cases. : S.ibrirt i . U yiuiiitert uemjr is ;and never s yead them,; It tin same as patting year ,;. utw into a bank, hut( never drawing lbs ; principal or int'rtiitJ If you iuve&t money In fine tck and do ,r.ot iiU"pr6tect iheniafid properly ;car?e fokjLjLem,. it.ia,thqjeuuia,.ss uicssiig to dokicVlieii work. JiT wife in 1 - - - - : - " W- - , V; - T- ,". ., A ;rM V .' .: i- - . ERS F Pithv'Satino. ajjj- t- 'V ',; T H E 178 . - CL K, . ; ori ; ' r Mas ' ' , 0 W 1 ' A, y - . Vl - mans side. V A gentlrhiAri should always, take. j?. the .. right oftbe walk. ; ..'A gentleman meeting another, shouldalways pass to the righc.' i A lady, as a general rule, should not tkke.a gentlniausatm in the street in day time,' Jluirever, S is, not improper when the walk is thronged with passengers. A gentleman meeting or passing a gen tleman and lady should puss ou gentle ' . : - Etiquette - meeting 1 s. - nm.f m Out-Do- or ;v-Th- Miio-basoiil- - pr- 1 American hlood is fast, and fast blood'is impatient hoeiig auiong .' v 'small Carrots. t. k American Eagle Is.v(ot Was) a fine grasskop-pet- s. bird, but be: does nut consume v; like a turkey. may be your factotum to sb'oultl-fBu)a and. day, uvy.' may bs or sera ping tildes for a saip'bjjler, hoi, ; A man ar. hour to bis boon ingk, tvill bosiieaader it upon toilet labors A lagged coated man should bejjiteful for a tigiii fit of.linsey weolsey totiis back until puclij time he comes to the dignity of to-m- ft . f VI, , - I should never fail to salute a lljr of his acquaintance when within a bica ciutiv j'. proper distance, unless she wears, a veil, ":T An it ch!. of eartb will do for some seeds, in which case it would be highly .uncivil but, for., eis, fcjisau iisb burial wub-- , to recognize her. 7.1, Ant ilicAiake v Houses wiik do all A krr.el ftio big fo jl. bo hut promises, to know for ' All H you invest yoUfcHiojiey la A gcodfarsn rfiny. .taa. a kelie rfcU U thaa a nut too b.g man, if man will only let they ; them they not ueeo is a slight hint to help their tfie Jsiuef or tbc lurJel. T, i ; ',V yaaddt silty, '.a sin ai ryin V 1"' f;;- .'.Ar-rgood ; wif willing bikins, and they dsh with r ,r at teir1 business of galloidug a .iniie a minute, or twenty miles an Hour,: or of leaping a gully, or pulling tonnage- - They put so much reckless, brc.ia-iiec- k 'fre;zy in their attempt to please and obey me oyal . personage on their back, iliet' he iiveds tu be brare.iudred to go liioroughly , wtth.lheiii. v. A lsrs i'l.-f HIx.' ! dandy' to diyour Abihe'rJtesSdwscevSiiturdayiv M.V at 3 IntcrkstinO scere ut Ijie New York besc fpeci-meofcl.ccjc,- TCiit.afid- bfiitg-yoii- r BlRitrok-Swisi-iXcbrd- f :;- the 'Baw; '," Vory OoMvcz'shlU'U Fair piimii.g a bouquet jof YrbeiiisVfiaxubuJ, a yonrg hale inVsef wiij be.abbut these fluw Jfyrfc" XdWe Exprtt eay-- I coal. other Js.ubjecis pfi triod nearly or pfo6d kboobd. A icdmmit.tbe.wiil, ba appo luted, ' Yr.png- Swell 'Twenty-fiv- e cents for a and kaee never vry'!ticripiio3' I think you said. .' Hefesa found anj'tbintv produce' to Mxktniae - nd . the bunquet. , ifpuV; spceUacua. .two ' dollar greenback.' ' J M" v'.vy V , ,s mu ch;v weigh tijor so fine meat,'! iii1 a' Compiny;.: fifty. ' report such as ; a; romp ijfessi v L-beanmeal.'V ' k Yopu g lia d y Yes twenty-fir- e cenfs.''.,1;- ;giren time, as In i S ths ill ore. t no gard Cv-.y v. fof the b&qnet; I ,i for. pinning it ou i ' ,:;;1 was y; ' " luj V'4 - Vhoa peak aad &ean!i bars got wet and ; .Don't', . you,' suppose ievery, person, V;V .inouldy, to an yxcent.jybfcb readers them. aud eeventyfive cent (or( the W ere. "Tha com r your there ebutse ICJf X-piaJ.-Thatsjthey . dnfit for V; right.- : Can I show : you cuHuiry parposes, tksy should mittee-- i appointed eaamihe'aind ; report bare' .eifdlnj;" w atdr po'ufeil . o 7t, the in, .tj, f , r,t ' sotoelbingmre.!, committee-o- f the . and afier being; aUoyredjb dry,be reduced Upon specimens.wasa, . I. f NA1 vj j Whole:! gene rai Vo's setllei who mads .to meal forswlne: Tile- action of hot the Carrylng politefiessMo .excess, is ..... a " were said to bis raising jour hat' to a young la- water will at ones remore fungi or mold, wiihfinest display.'' the hovel lhe fesoJt of party that iy In the street, andaliowing a couple of IjiH V V: ' "J " dnd render them aufSciently sweet to in-- ij It was unanimously : voted to mset onCe a dirty collars and a pair of socks to fall out ,;' .' sure tbeir being eaten by animals and 'exhibit and talk about1', do Were: upoa the pavement. . fi.e1 r , ... v week' a' V V.J' ' A Sod invention exercised, and .iff ,$:?$'-- ' 1 little Fmtit or Faaneas.Tbs strawberry the worktact the , turret v first English ship, g;gThe is.dona, : ' plantation, the- grape and. gooseberry,' the ' f" .?:.4- f !! r Royal. Sovereign, has been officially itied) V raspberry and blackberry pa tches belong success. ... ;i Rev; G. D , of Fayette connty, Ark., and ic proven to be a great i to all well cultivated and well conducted our one of born? forest orators, the genuine, xiBSyMorgan' shaves the heads of all I arms We do not wish to be understood preaching Hot long since on the Glory of prisuuers he takes in Kentucky In revenge Rsssying that a farm may not be well the Saiuts delivered the foliowiug burst for hii close 'shave. at Colunibus. A, , ; without them; but' we dowisit to Of i;,' eloquence which is loo good ;to . impress the , fact that it caqntft be well be hatiVe on Is exhibition'3 i if:lost V?' grasshopper X'yJ.r pyA Me., the oody of which is moreat kouductsd if no regard is had to'the health ; the Portlandi describe "WbO.' caa brethrsn. e T bt. ' " ' 5 an( rational enjoyment which these fruits V? on earth than ? inches, long. a'ttkint of notnlug glory' Why, Vi where .tha to are. tar yield,' hey supplied AI canliken It. If you drill a hole? through 5H Amarongl. one of the sorest of eye inecsi family regularly and fresh frpoji the Svv-a and head on ; sun .for it put your Vines and hushes, in such quantities afc Is' now caid .to be produced by .V .t crown, and split' thy tnoon in sunder and diseases, this Ue of tobacco. tnsy be dally -- consumed.A-Ex.' ';p ' ' - .xtiti'' ; put pieces on your shoulders for epaulettes;, :n'-- ' j" 't hi kr. . .of ; the medal ever tear'dow.ifthe Thc curtain oHlv if gold. .1 1.v.- starry roteffby you all occupations give me skies ; ik round to for a anf wrap .it body for.; said in',. Congress Washington h farmer. It IsHhe;m6sL healthful Jib srobe. and ifae to heaven jour oii. the lightning sweet'vi is his from freer fi life is cate, sleep wings ofthetempest, this will be nothing last Revolutionary Fenslonei in . Vnry his treasure is safer.c:A farmer heed to the glory; of the.. Saints pgTTie died Harper !s.. New ; 109 York bld. iiot be the elave of any, for :he' has none .to , :'' -- fine-silk- s k - . , n . - t-l- . . - '' rjf 'ad - v - ; .a - i - , - us - -- irl . r; -- - : - '. :'-- -- J- v - - : . n-ti- ; ; . :. usf f - . - - "-- . j. ' . , . r. ! : 1: . ' ? . - - ' '. V v- '.-- - -- cub-itivate- . . T;;-'V- -- ;r , : - f-- - - Fiuiibr ?-- 1, a- -- i- - . ..- -- , .. . U- - i y ' . . tl a )i ' f : or i profes sionoi or less to do .with 'J- .'the world at)argei.andhive all msiiqerof s persons to deal have need of :Job toilvuiU'i. H.a of the patience- wlthjsithatthey ' : .n Vi Scotch lecliirkthfidertootoetr plain to a, village aiidiei ce pbe : nomenom' "Maybe, ;ma freens,,ye dinua - ken what a' pheuomeaou.may; be.'.V'eel, Yeve seen af.coo (cow) I then, an'l! leliee coo Vhae a phenomenon., rsedoot Weel, 7 iYve a .seen an applet tree-- : 'iweolan-ap' ;: tradesman, 'y mechanic: : inan. They havS.-inor-e i - ; the-.woy- - -' ; ple-trte- -- lee the S d Ji I : lately, years Danish qneitibn is not' likely to ' Yov can, stop a momeoi, but ItThe yea, cannot stopa wati"' The sapiere be seltlSd without a European: yfr,5'''-'--mirk, my' brel hren, 0 ppli es tb the topping dew rebel privateer, is said tube the talk of Vman, antf'pfi a woman? lie odt at 'Kingston, Jamaica.: UA--r ; 7 fitting but Y1: is a great,, coarse, Ugly mkcQfne; you Jt can silence biiri- - She ia" Al'bkautifal fra vISTThs Grept Eastern has been pur-'- f glles jewelled thing but She will xun on' phased Jby;thc Jrench G ovef niheni- ,i: t 4'V until she atopk ' of herkelfr i'9 ' 4' ' ; 4. ' i t ftyIrffcbicagd. tirenfy mfen were drqfi-e- d who had beehdead fft Several years. V off Alabama the: Attacked, Koarsago the .north coast of Jfran.ee June 19thr .wheh ; that Lopg-- V this Alabama.sunk : Capt..Sflmines aadja men was hid street In iniilake Own' 'shot by i ,.V-. large number of the trew. jumped pverboard" it,'s ! i antt Wee pfcked'np: by an English 'yacht' IdTTTbe yield of told fnr vAusfrslia iipd and were liken to Cngland V 7"Vi Now Zealand fur. 1 6C3is near ,000,WO; , : H clock-an- ? V-f- At, . - e - r. y' ;. - $-1- 0 |