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Show mm TnAiuini milrM ih Titxert to bud. bloom tttul bear fruil- - ,nd vKh'U .jfTA NofSl ' -- '.The eider is Jplknts t 90 permeioiw (to .and berry bn?bes at the strawberry ,when planted around and near them. They not nlj feed largely apon the, mineral, v vegetable and electrical ingredients of - the earth, but alo partake of the lif-- v surround producing qualities i which While. v the V them" in the atmonphere. and looks vivacious, thrifty Hirawberrj 'ftha other fruits it has encompassed ap pear; wan and I siekl . ;notwiih8tandingwb tn:: aoii inev niuu uuuu B and fertile. !xou must not expect largei rich fruits to grow within its surrronnd- roritte.f natural; reason, ntant holds a stronger affih- in itj. attracting the gases and electrical ? currents from" the vivitying atmospnere, mul the. more eruae ana unmi! ivweu nw iewei' frvm thffoarthia. , ; : - .iu w Sin,, Tobn(s ym ti for Downine savs the "proper-reasobuJJinz 11 rfrom thi first ot JuIt to jthe n v Ssi; coming into season,onas. follows.? Jriums, iriums, Apnoou, Ajnarnes, Apricots tPea'rs Apples Quinces, Nectannea and Peaches; Trees' bf4 considerable rsiie AV. Irnnnirn hndilin? earlier than tbe TOUns ' uoaad inflratoeK.8. Dui toe operation is ai- only performed when the bark fcAy8! an the ' stock xor, parti separate ireeiy the wood, and wnen tne duos or ;:::frdm the current vear's jgtrowthi are somewhat fv VcTnlump and vtun wood is growing firm Young stock in the 'nursery, if thrifty; aw in ruwi iu u 'r are usuaiiyilianwa same summer or the budded and .spring . t .; $s-i;f::- : autumn.'' VJjfii'.'-ix- K ' ''Ail :Vofc:ii .161-8- The Elder. ' eaUirsted ?,vThei ire bat few, if any,- fruit ?tree .. 'nr1i &nSilmU 'miis'.2?f SPRING LAKE'VILLA, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH, TUKSDA Y, AUG. x innnence ofonStrawberry : Treei. Plant 'iv' - . a- - valuable trer, root, bark.' blossom, leaf and fruit No ber ry will make a better pie than' the elder berry and it may be dried or put up in csns ; they will ' also I m ke excellent wine. The inner bark is useful as a remedy tfor dropsy, and as.a mild purgation ; it is. one of . the. best ingredients t: Upon the, growth of plairts the moon exercises a' remarkable, liuenoe. The chemical action of light n necessary to. their principal work, the absorption otL' carbon from'; the l atmosphere. Thia W, work all plants carry ov during the day, :V whentf! I and in the night they slep--exeethe moon shines. She wakes them and in fir a valuable healing ointment fiThe sets .them at work. So'-th- farmers who 'Ji-ttlanleaves make an excellent poultice to subonlV iust befora- this f nil mom.irs'VrViH due, inflammatioi'r and also a good oint- rightana the scoffers' who call them su- ment for eruptions of the .skin. : A de- pcrstttions." are themselves the foolish I::, ' coction;;: of the flowers is an excellent ones. I or. if "sown before or near the "F.'r:,l.C,. ;" blood purifier, and is a good remedyto new moon, the joubg plants get above remove constipation in children. The ground just at the fnil ; whenr the. tended root is unequalled to ' make purifying things need sleep; But if sown just bei Al spring. beer. Cultivate it, it is easy to fore the full, theycome np; about ne grow, ahd will hide a shbbv corner in yohr4ot, if nothing morefCor. Ohio soothing influence.' of darknighte;and;.:'v when the full 'moon eomu. are stnrdv V . pt :. e : -- - 1 - no, plant that we are acquainted with is so beneficial as this "fallow crop.,,.f Where turnips are erown ind re so-call- ed movrd entirely from the (and; as is nerdllv the oaso in this country thev probably impoverish the soil as mueh'as any other of our commonly: cultivated crops. lUenesee armer.-- 'j:1:-- ::Ty.'. v may ne saveaoy maitinz, tnree, or.rorA; oieaM jniouiu vuaaoriniB.qo..giruie, JUSS as you, would out iiQ put on a patchgraf 5 and fitting nieefy W tbem corresponding piecercut from the same or another tree vl as youVould out; .9 bud from the aoioh: Put bii two. or mors 'of these,' ' v ;:A. to the size and neoi.ssities ;of thq' tree, :v:..';: bind them carefully and firmly and 00 ver them completely ' AfHis. '.iWnr: Uogs Pigs; ;whien' shut un to fatten; are fon4tbf;cindersfy'i; and it is discbyered that they iniprbvejin condition by feating a p ort ottbfj then t '' every dayif " Poultry are yerv foiidof egjj; ; It ta reasonabi- - ; shells, lime, sand, to suppose that; the tsame .instinct, that 'causes the chicken to consume et mater: , rial for;V; formrngy shells, b nesV ..4jcr i'-woulu inuuoe tne hog to eat ashes which contain the ir gredients necessary to f orhi bones. them have plenty of the'mi V " '.VlT.-.-' i" 1 ''yiipiuiiiti :at 1 ; : : - Lxci osr Cattlk. The chenoest. best method to"kul' lice on cattle and As a res is aseasiest TjIssskd Tea. roa IIoksss. follows Take half a woodpail of " toTAtive for sickness, inflammation .'of ' .m: boil them thoroughly ,in water ir ;.iru.fl-'. w; fit' iwi vvyMa-Tju'the .membranes peculiar to the oreans of potatoes, cwaiiQ r'K-pie- . aoout tnree iiours, strain out tne po j wBtor 'reth-iof raw y onion before at rasniratibn and digestion, for infiuema.' tatoes, and wash the animal thoroughly :of an with the liquor. One application is ge night; - This: escuenr: in anuncf okeaV it is. very. valuable. 5In the eventinabili-(;e'Sstates is Tery neating, ana tenas io 901 W tj ii 'v animal beeontitg prostrated by enough J to send erery louse on to niastioate or swallow food, or in a nerally : uis .beast over. ordan'rcausing immediate relief ta tBpatient. - ; j nof; trriuble. cough it , is extremely onion, m a raw state, eoueet poi- - . ' . :.usefuii 'iPut-,- couple of handfuls into a n Soil ro FLowxas The Gardener oiicea the airy and also from the bu ; sen from gallon-and-half 6f bucket Monthly gays that an occasional ahanre man when taken internally,or v. system a" water :upon it: coyer U;up short of soil Ts very beneficial; to flowers in v; :5; applied ternally theni armpits. of V; add a couple time, and quarts of beds as well as, in pots.; Soil from an vv eoli wateri when it will be fit for. use; old pasture and a portion of decayed Bcxpjorr. crops; can not be grjowu I !'' hot-be- d m'm, t dung ir good to revive it. '.v Leaf a... succession ox .jean uoicsa care do ibrv??y? I mold, clean sand and well decayed cow ken to provide' an equivalent Iotat Jeajf have! a to. manure is for. come and the aw good raised 'gardener pretty Mseed, plants' r ..... yyisivu w aa aMrsnsmiv voMa?isl vu tkifv, .. , Avith pgtKtrue to 'the: parent. v-X- 11 ' . : w' -- - n - - , ; Pfr : boil-$i??H- ng ex-.';'- to-th- - I: e -- '. -x'i ) .... ,r.w.-.- , .A . '" f.t?,.ij'i: Turnips are a good crop .to precede wheat and barley, especially if they are consumed on the land. There is no crop so good for this purpose. We have- seen a field that was part potatoes and part turnips, aniline. crop px, parley tne next yea showed the. exact row where the po tatoes ended, from .the" increased luxu riance on turnip land. f' Where turnips are consumed on the land or where tho manure mado- by z?;'-.:- a- t - , , him-:;:v3tf-- :..&:yr, |