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Show . ' ,oarvlrtiii . J. s V; '.Art. J... '. i : ' S '"'-'- ' v:- t ' T-.H- .. . : E ; i - F A R v. ' 7 7 ERS M -V, 'f' v r; 'V 0 J R- - T7 A v v V LET IT PASS, v ; - 'L if T-7- to-bi- a when-cearly-'coo- J ' ; . I-- . . . m-'Ul- ,S ... -- V 7 ' f ' . s ti- - uj. Lefej - 7 - , V--- - - , r A' ' . ,Letitpass.V;4'7lv:p- i'7 - LINES ON - 'jJ'iod V s NOSES.ir': '," ' , f- - ' s.t ,,f TV'-- 7 - 7;v ;V-- V Y 1, ! , . is r' r 7 Vfj-- T"1 ,;7: 7 Sketcliei for ITouug JUpn. ' , 1'- y.i. ':7 ; tonns -- - . tiat T. .h -. s7hv ctnrr;v Vj r f'1 , Oe Ihbiight-apnvinqui- ;. -- . v? . vrhatlias.beeu done hyOnenuOi ciin bat-7-'.- 7'' iudf cip of" sweet cream. three eggs;7 7 of'soda; .two ; ica;spjo-KuJCidixu tarrkr;' two aud j hilf clips olfloUr; . 7; if 7 ndYiutiuea' to yiiarLaate.- - ; ir One 'o'op cf "iho-- v SorrOihaya'CAK lasses niibjcop.oiqur reain, one egg; pne : ' e - 1 f 7 CkcKTwelro' ,, eggey beaten' toi; '.wnne 'SUgari j 7 froUijeUriiiioOe 7 of, flour.7, Season wiUi 77 and'pneponnd leihon dmr bakeia'small pans.; .7" V. 7 ? 7 - ; To' clxaw out 'Riu vAAts. Jfasfi yonr-.f.,. 'd a dip 7 shOIreeVdokti; dean,' , Sroxax i poHnd-O- f V rbt vbe dooe by ngtbor'Tkp.indepeudeaee u neceseary element of its ,f the mind is 'Tfae-ma- 77 n whO' is 7 mentally excellence. erect and.f n depends ut-- iB calm and delibcM gggA ke'niiible writer advises.tbos who ;7 7 rate. Having- - once taken his positioa nq would enjoy.godeatingtO keep good-nn- -j : - .bribe or eophistry,' however munificent .'or ' dextetioue, will rehder him tralturoas tp 7 vltritbu'C' Title element bf 'iiitelleetaa 1 Oxeelr ste wednmbrella 7 ; 7 leqcels pntifel jTudependpnt of .appial do- couple gpt matried in Lewistoir w- -3 . .;h & few' ,V days $ineeand lived 'together about -It 7 7 la readily acknewlpegedthal the mgn honre and'jthea; sued for e twjenty-fo- ur wUaeanclotheinpnrpieandfinelliien 7. . . ba-l'li- . 1 1 . u.a-spaq- o y;;-r.- s t- - rriilk, Blf 'cbp' cream j ePif ol,e flomT bi iiSpooufulangar iwcf af ure ul of soda and. one oj salt; 77 7 4dd Iudih lpeaj'siiffiiieut to make a t'a-t--7;.; ' - (V.-;npgr-r V.-v, ' c,;---' 7.' V For Ihe ssiko of;happuitawe'rge bur young fiendsi vtS'wislr 'Pj be Vihiheiitly .usefUttoord up k ho wViga, nd not speua toq. mhph'of vtieir.vpbiab'e time .upoa fioji. tiuiis 8toii?e an-- i noveisrorihey have Ho exeltingVii.fViVuce f to.' lead theiiiiud-tV m greatness f I do pot think it would be fxtgget;t:pa to assert thTit kuowlVige if thtf gr 91 lest' power tyhich maa ia enabled: Id ejojr cu; b ed.i071riY.fuu. exercisd. , By this be a'nd wield .auch.instrameiifs'as a ii mind cduld aot hSVe deviaed ;Naljre is made tributary purposes. vs Sci-en- -. . assist him in understanding the elethe accom tnehts aud harnessing' them-fo- r plihmentuf hisdedgns.ftUhat iscuchh .but a dey.el- i7ery, in alj its g: JJroof of opnient tnat knciwieilge Jsrpower W . To Aho pleasures fttinXeUepiualpmrs nits ap(herqXsnq en.d,.. Especially, does this immor-ikiity.tme Goals the believer in td peal believes.that whomthesoaMs i And Who would euro to kiss if nose wcrevniM- ; i'. y. ing ? of would the be rngrsneo wy,.what . And where would bo the mortal means of tell- -. : i . ing Whether a yilo or wholesomy odor flows us, if we owned no sense of sinollihg J X know a hose a hose no other knows,- '.Neath starry. eyeso'er mty lips itgrowsiyt ' I Beauty in its form, and innsie in its blows7 a .v y.'r is ... . finds eajWTtnsnkad eyfylUuijr i-i-ie '7 ' ; .r . . When plain, 0114. mans nose updn his face,; 7 ,:;A nosoless fan would lack poetic grace, hare1 sympathy,' a lover knows I ' VV .; N&seaareal way a touched when, lips are hiss-- , ' ' l teacher Hqw verjr tlift poeta should suppose Tasra is no poetry sbont:.i; ipse'-- if tTo-ttteintet- . Let it pass, "CV r .V;. . r f to be wronged taan wrong; sing' the Cheery song ' i it pass. ii M.slc by boiling aa.usual; havaiL. iifce. Di nutjtaxe id frout tlie flre, but Stir. in 'salt 'ai:ill it looks like muddy waterand.'--tnen boil sgaia.aitd let ..stand till morn-- .' iag,. Len iisready to cxct.iivha.ra.- - Lay t Vi is.: rnok Soft. To'MikbH4iux-Sb- yoiir,Jswf; soap, .' -- . . : '. t . - . - l : - S . 7 - on - v .f 'T' . 7- 7 .. s, . , . P.oba&y four ounces ofalum weuldl suffice for a barrel of pickles;? 7 . l77 .' fire gallons of cold 7 Cons Dtiu-x- To j water add one quart of sonud corn and I woe ' quarts of tnoJ asses. .: Put' all into a keg . anake well and in tiyo or. three days itwill ' be fit , for 'use. ? .Bung tigh;-7-- lt may be-flavored with essence cf sprUc.e cr lemon The eorn'wilila'fl io make five or six brew- - ' ingSjf llf it becomes sour', add noremolas-- L V see and wu;r. , i is7asimpte Jteer, mul is '...7 7 very good.' . ; ? 7 -- ;,.-- 7',7 ,l st . l,' c.ld; - U--- ref -- , i". r : , a -- 7 Ccccmbsbs. Select' & saffic!7 7 ent quantity of .the size you. prefer, which .j probably cannot be done at the same time. 7 7 Put them n' a' stone pot, and pour over j them aT ftrong-brine- ; to tbie. add a email: bit of alum 0 secure the color. Let them stand & week, then exchange the brind for,- - ' ' clear cold water,, ia which .they'", most main two or three' days. Boil the vlnegarj w'.'-- ' l and ;. poor 'it overlhe V. cucumbers, having previously turned off 7: the water.7. In pickling cauliflower, tom- -. 7 atoeaand other y.vegetables, whi'& easily. 7'.. absorb . illegal','' it should be ; added wheu . -f -. ,"v .T ft v V- . f' 'O'-jf.'- ... 'KPickled . ; ' "'V'"' v... - L .the Housewife's Corner.1 ' . - 7 7-- , V'- C ercise in dependence thought' and setioh; while' the man who arhshis bread sweat.Of hi s' trow is heldby,many Jtoibe not iwifl to take offense; less tree in this respe c. : Ha ppi It , in ihin 'iS, ':'7 ; are measuraky what they is'a foe .to sense ; V Anger - ' country,men a ,- . . are snd not by what they poeeKg. ;.;f Let it pass. The this standard of. the man. Brood not darkly o'er a.wrong . minds Which will disappear ere long : No huan was ever great without labor-- -. ,' ; It in the' on! v royal road - to knowledge. Bather sing.this cheery kong-- -.' r Lt it pwa There are differences of ea pacity and taste .y - Let it lahor.is thchgteal leyeiler. ;; pas7 : . ;bqt if..; as not carried j Benjamin Franklin 7. Strife eorrodea the purest mind 7 high position; by wegkh'fHe coped with' 7 ' Let it pass. j I:tiia lot was - As the unregarded wind .. Eavertv, hardships and7enyy., la; tbrongh miBly.couragerd .. ,, Let it p&ss' ' he to bor Fioftudmineuce conquered.: Any rulgar 'souls that live anotaer he rose, by hit cxeTiious, to power, M.V condemn without reprieve ; until his name bcQaine universally admireo the noble aforgive. .7, ; 7 This mail'; who so distinguished himself Let 7. it pass, " . ( dvery. department knowledge; ''.vi Jifttjtpass.;. brotber aiid the rest going home My says .. ; .. an Echo .. not, angry wd ; ' from the printing houseto their f 7 Lctitpa;?. lemaiued my theye alone, and dispatch Think how often yon have erred jj..; light repast, (which wai oiften ns nior ' 'i tbuv . pass. ,'Lek a biscuir. or a sliceof bread, a Land.Since our joys maftqmse away fill. cf raisin, or a tart from the pastrycLike the dewifrops on the spray, ook. and . a glass of water;) had the rest o? Wnerefore should our sorrows stay? '. the .time-- tulJ their Tetnrie for study. in , Let it pass,- which I niade .lhe greater proress froni ' Let it pasS, that clearness of head aiidqu'ick appro-Jieusifor good you're taken ill; rhich generally attend lempersnce ' Let it pass. in eating and drinking. , ' . Oh be kind sql gen tie still jf The path of John Milton wa steep and Let it pass., b it the poe-- s soul was' not Siliis-le- a rugged, Tima at last makes all things straight; ' by d:fi;c)Ui?s and Iwrlih ps.aud aL v Lot us not relent, but wait, VJ' tho ;g;i he'feelingiy lameuied th.ij. wisdom ' : 7 ' And your triumph shall bo great V et waa at. one'ei.ua'nci qu its shut : 7 Let i pass, tTy--K ; tuo'--'- ' ' ;TJ Let tt nasi. ' V R i Bid your anger to dipaktf ! ;7 me - 'i " " , ' 'I 7 ' :' : :. ! v-- dlyorc0'.V7:- - .Sandwiph Islands j contains an American ad EUglishina n, av 8coCchinzut a KaAaka.J; 'and it weman.s' $ gSyvNeem'jwers children; dwJlxx. 7 to- -- ,, - ' 1 their .parents than.xt present 4uriiig tb.w and food.7 existing. high price! of clothing t !" ti i ; 11 Vf';' art good husbands like dough 7 Because wpmeit hee(jthen, v t .it t '. ' ! ' . j 1' 'r "'li 9- V' ' |