Show TRAIL MEMORIAL PARTY'S CARAVAN GARA V AN LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA MEETING the historic spots in the To carry carryon on their program of marking west neat a caravan of or historical hobby hobbyists Ls departed for lor Sacramento to attend the annual convention oi the Oregon Trail Memorial asso asso- AU August 27 to 29 22 The p motorcade left leU the Hotel Utah Thurs- Thurs i day after alter 7 a. a m. m r v. v Their departure full lull In Utah day flay and night program Wednesday which was participated in by a group croup of eastern delegates and a large larie number of or local members members mem mem- bers ben of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Landmarks association In the interest of preserving the west's vests pioneer achievements the members will travel over the Pony Express trail tran leaving Jea monuments and markers behind them I Under direction of or Dr Howard R. R Driggs of New York City president presIdent president dent of the Ore Oregon n asso association laUon first monument unveiling ceremonies took place at Camp Floyd Flod at Fairfield Fair Fair- field Utah about 9 a a. a m. m The caravan caraan expected to reach Callao Utah at 5 p. p m m. where unveiling un of a monument at the Willow Springs Pony Express station was to take place Several Se monuments and markers will be dedicated Friday and Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- through Nevada |