Show HORSE PULLING MEET PLANNED Notices of horse pulling contests contests contests con con- tests at the Salt Sait Lake county fair the evening of August 31 and forenoon of September 1 w were e ere r e emailed mailed Thursday to team owners by V V. L. L Martineau- Martineau county agri- agri agricultural agri agricultural cultural agent Light draft teams weighing under under under un un- un- un der 2700 pounds will open the competition at the Murray ball ballpark ball park grounds beginning at 7 p p. p m m. August 31 Medium weight teams between 2700 and pounds and heavy dr draft ft teams will compete the next day beginning at 9 a m m. Prizes a are r e limited to county teams First prize is is 20 second 15 third 10 and fourth 5 Light teams will win weigh In at West Forty eighth Forty South street in Murray Murray Murray Mur Mur- I ray at 5 p. p m in mand and other teams teams be be- ginning at a a. a m m. September 1 1 I Entries may may be made by writIng writing writing writ writ- ing M M. S S. S Larson at Post Office Box Salt Lake City or Room federal building Mr Martineau said Final details of ot the fair will be worked out Thursday ev evening ning at ata ata ata a meeting of the directors in the Murray city hall han at 8 p p. m m. |