Show KLAN PURCHASE PLAN REVEALED WASHINGTON Aug 24 UP UP- UP Henry D. D Allen Alien Pasadena Cal liaison man for so called fascist organizations told the tho Dies committee committee com corn today that Mrs Leslie Fry of Glendale Cal thought last year she might buy the Ku Klux Klan KIan for Allen as agent of Mrs Fry testified testified tes tes- that he visited Imperial Wiz WIz- WIzard Wizard ard Hiram Evans In Atlanta last year but did not go beyond discussing discussing dis dis- dis cussing a revival al of the he Klan on the west coast conn a suggestion Evans turned down Mrs 1 Fry desired In some way to get control of the Klan Allen AUen said She seemed to have the Idea that Mr Evans would woul sell the membership list for a price There was a vague mention that she thought the thing could be arranged d Jar for or Names Klan Heads Allen named mimed Charles of ot Long Beach and L L. L D. D Baker of Fresno as Klan leaders in Cali Call California fornia He was questioned questioned about a letter letter letter let let- ter to George Detherage from Clayton F. F Ingalls of ot San Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco which said that every organIzation organization organization or or- must be dissolved and be remolded into the army machine which we must build and that thai we must secretly spread our web I of leadership In view of this Rus German sian alliance int Interposed Chairman Chairman Chairman Chair Chair- man Martin Dies D. D Texas Dont you think you'll youIl have to take the communists in your organization organization or or- too I 1 dont don't know about that Allan rejoined Police Talk Cited Representative H. H Jerry Voorhis D. D Cal CaU asked him why Captain Red Hines former lormer head of the radical squad of the Los Angeles police pollee department addressed a meeting of the American White Guard Guardian an organization which sued succeeded succeeded suc suc- the Silver Sliver Shirts for a time as Allen testified Was he in sympathy with Its alms aims Voorhis asked He certainly was said Allen Allenor or else he never would have spoken to them |