Show Shirley Temple F Featured ea cl at Rialto Theater Set during the tumultuous period in English history when Great Britain was at war with the Boers in South Africa The Little Princess Princess Princess Prin Prin- cess starring Shirley Temple and Richard G ne neis is no now playing at atthe atthe atthe the Rialto theater ii When Shirleys sif r ordered to duty on the the African n front he leaves her In an ex exclusive school which is under the harsh administration adminis of a Miss Minchin Dubbed The Little Princess because of ot her fine clothes Shirley soon becomes becomes be be- comes the friend of ot all Miss Min Mm- chin hears a few few months later the girls girl's father died penniless on the field of battle so she reduces ShIrley Shirley Shir ShIr- ley to a chambermaid Feeling her father Is still sUll alive S Shirley confides in a servant who later ater brings her the news he has b bee been e found In a beautiful climax Shirley is introduced to the august Queen Victoria |