Show Allen Property Not a Zoo Health Officer Offices Determines Dr E. E G. G Cole chief sanitarian i I of the Salt Lake health department department depart depart- depart I ment Thursday reported to city I commissioners that Dr George A A. Allen is not maintaining a zoo at athis athis athis his residence 1871 Thirteenth East street Nearby residents protested last week to city commissioners that I Ithe the Allen property harbored a zoo which was bothersome to the rest of the neighborhood Conditions as far as this department department department depart depart- ment is concerned are satisfactory there Dr Cole reported William J. J Goodwin chief building building building build build- ing inspector investigated t the h e complaint that Dr Allen AIlen is violating violating violating violat violat- ing the zoning ordinance and informed Informed informed In in- formed commissioners Dr Allen has applied for a change in zoning zoning zoning zon zon- ing to permit him to to maintain a a. a dwelling housing more than two families at the address i iThe The Goodwin report also stated I Ian an apartment house has been i maintained in the same vicinity I for the past seven years without causing any protest from other res res- I |