Show STATE EUREKA WOMAN DROPS DEAD WHILE DOING HOUSEWORK daughter of parley P pratt passes away in richfield carloads of goods for canada deaths in lebi eureka april 10 mrs W M jams a well known lady of this fance dicu very suddenly at her home at this morning mrs janis jan is was 46 years ot age and apparently as strong and healthy as a woman of 25 this morning she was engaged in doing her housework when she became as was her custom dizzy and fell ding almost instantly st death was undoubtedly due to heart failure the husband and children could not that death bad come and taken from them one they loved BO dcarlo and together with the physician did everything possible to restore life but without success the deceased was bora in new york state in 1857 and has been a resident of eureka for about ten y ears she leaves a husband and six children and scores of close friends to mourn her sudden death PIONEER OF DEAD april 19 on the of baat month a gala day set apart for the entertainment of the aged people of richfield mrs gardner of this city was awarded two prizes being the oldest utah pioneer present and the mother of the largest number of clail dran on arbor day she took an active part in the seasonable work about her place on friday april she died suddenly the and caused by a hemorrhage of the lungs the funeral services were held in the mormon tabernacle of this city today sir gardner was ob years of age having been born on the ast 1st day of april 1847 at winter quarters neb her parents apostle parley P pratt and sarah houston pratt were en route across the plains to utah at the lime ten years later her father was killed by a mob in arkansas at the age of 13 julia pratt married john gardner in salt lake and they removed to goshch utah county when she was only a years old her mother died and she raised the entire family of five younger cli ildren in 1877 the gardner family moved to county settling near four miles cast of richfield where tavy lived until 1892 when they settled in richfield their present home the deceased was the mother of fourteen children and raised nineteen children ten of her sons and daughters arc still living they are mrs alien thurber of dublank mexico mrs william rust of loa utah mrs ammon grigg of cove or parley gardner of rexburg Rex burg ida and mrs jacob M lauritzen misses belle maida and cleo gardner and joseph and gardner all living in richfield john gardner husband 0 alie deceased died in october TWO OLD TIME CITIZENS PASS AWAY lehi april 19 death called two of gehis old time over the great divide james gledhill who had been suffering but a few days from a complication of heart trouble and pneumonia died about 3 aliis afternoon mrs christina brittan passed away from general debility ABOUT MT PLEASANT mt pleasant april 19 Yesterday fourteen carloads of emigrant outfit and cattle were shipped from here to sterling canada those who are going from here arc alt erickson moroni scaly alma P C melang E K barton W 0 barton george seely ed ereckson jess willcox J D bradley and N L and their families i s joseph wilson shipped last week raspberry plants and 00 strawberry plants to from his fruit farm BRENNAN KILLED TWO millford utah april 18 both of the of red brennann Bren nans bullets died today andrew watson who was shot through the legand was not thought to be ay iy injured was the first to die the bullet severed an artery in the thigh and he bled to death before he could surgical attention ho leaves a wife and family in the old country john rex who was shot through the stomach died later county attorney christian came over from reaver tonight to ibold the preliminary trial brennan will bo charged wath murder in the first degree he h now in the custody of deputy stoddard TO RECLAIM LAND saratoga wyo april 20 tho outfit of the canal company which will reclaim acres of land n arc wont county i being at raw una preparatory to shipment hip ment by freight teams to the scene of operations alia canal will be twelve mile in length and will take water from boulder the principal stockholders of the company arc saratoga men WILL A ROAD grand wyo april 20 it ia reported here that chrt north american copper company which recently purchased the feni nine for aal which controls he prin of tm section lias en tempil into an agreement with tho union pacific to budd ft railroad from wolcott on the line of the union pacific to this place over the grade by union engineers a year bigo MINERS PAY pa april 20 there has been peculation as to the feea charged by representing the miners ni col at the sessions of the anthracite coal strike Tommi oiL the following figures are given to tr public from a sami S darrow chief for the united mine workers 1 john J murphy of scranton jacops L lanahan of this city has not forwarded his bill of expenses but miry believe he will request no leas than james II 11 shea of this acty about 2500 daniel J mccarthy of boiton Ho ItOn about 1500 C N brumm and JJ kearney Kc arney 1000 each h afy PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE standing of the clubs r W L seattle 4 2 spokane sail francisco los angeles fa 3 2 helena 2 J butlo 24 jaconia portland 2 4 seattle 14 tacoma 7 san francisco 4 butte 3 cortland 4 10 los angeles 4 helena 0 los angeles 13 helena 4 COAST LEAGUE standing of the clubs W L los angeles ia 3 sacramento 12 7 san francisco 12 8 oakland 8 13 seattle 8 14 portland 5 15 LOS ANGELES 6 SAN FRANCISCO 2 los angeles april 19 los angelea took the final game of the series from san francisco by a score of 6 to 2 newton was in a bad hole in the ninth with the bases full and nobody out kel ly hit a bounder ito toman who pulled off a lightning double play shaya easy grounder to toman retired the side with one run for the inning attendance score K II 11 B san francisco 2 7 4 los angeles 6 8 4 batteries whalan and leahy newton and spies umpire sacramento 3 SEATTLE 0 sacramento cal april 10 it was a grand pitchers battle today between hughes and thomas and if anything thomas had the belter of it score R II 11 ae sacramento 3 8 1 seattle 0 4 4 batteries thomas and gaham hugha and boettiger umpire levy PORTLAND CAPTURES BOTH GAMES san francisco april 19 portland made a rushing finish of the series capturing both games from oakland today tho morning play wag poor but the afternoon game despite the unevenness of the score was mada interesting by tho brilliant work of the oregonians MORNING GAME score t R H E portland y 9 9 5 oakland G 8 4 AFTERNOON GAME portland 9 9 0 oakland 1 7 6 batteries butler and harlow eella lee and gorton umpire mcdonaad McDo SLAIN MAN columbia city ind april 20 albert coolman aged 20 last night shot and instantly killed frank Sta a prominent fanner and justice of the peace at he home eight miles from here he had been calling on miss a stepdaughter of Sta against the wishes and when ho billea to take the girl to a meeting la f Sta refused to allow her to leave after a few words coolman drew a revolver and shot twice he escaped and is being searched for by a hundred men MAY Ains lees for may opens with a novel by edward S vancile entitled midsummer madness the scene of which is appropriately laid in the romantic regions of the hudson river highlands its tone is thoroughly up to date and it holds the attention from the first word to the last justus miles bonnan Fon nan the author of journeys end lias contributed in A bit of grease paint a picture of a comans womans devotion which discriminates between what 5 man really is end what he has done the professor by george hibbard is an interesting sketch showing how the tact of a tactless man saved an embarrassing situation that there may be more than one personality in the same man in fiction at least balbot smith demonstrates in A perfect disappearance in her canoe by minna C smith and tho april man by mrs C X williamson are two pretty love detorie et orie ane woman question and t ho labor question are cleverly united in a bright crisp little play union and mr thompson by caroline doer and henry wo miller in the case of private by chauncey C hutchkiss there is a stirring account of a soldiers victory not won in war jiunn s tory the halt of the mi wing footsteps will appeal to lovers of oriental and tuo delicious bit bits s 0 humor are my neighbors pride by charles battell leornis Lo ornis and while tho auto waits by james L baisa hercun bernstein has a md and pathetic story of the ghetto in ruthc legend A psychological study tho lie absolute is contributed by E nesbit author of the red house bliss carman and arthur stringer are again in evidence with lyrics of spring and ashes of ioup respectively edgar saltus tella in his inimitable way of how to dino well in diio importance of being an epicure how to manage a wife conclude a dorothy dixs bright chatty talks about the man in love agnia has n good word to say for ona whose in she conceives to bo much misunderstood in ars in tho of the strenuous life tho place apart by dougls story a and restful picture for minda there are in the pages thia month attractive features GO pages 15 cents magazine co N Y |