Show Ws 91 A pleasure tes its a great pleasure to have your spring spit of the newest material the latest cut and a perfect fit you admire yourself and feel as though others admired you and they do too take such an awful lot of money to dress well when you buy here we are ready to show you the FINEST LINE OF SPRING SUITS you ever saw seu you a suit as cheap as 1000 10 00 or as high as 2500 or anywhere between our clothing is a combination of style service and economy fred M nye YOUR CLOTHIER smoke moresco the cigar union made A J of the rcck hotel is confined to his home with la grippe free lessons hi art needlework at Z C M I 1 choice residence lots block and a half from depot and aanie distance from P 0 site for sale cheap must be sold aco J kally ircy johnson biceps 42 at sporting goods co al 31 the coal you want is alic coal we ibave thone robert B lewis the bat masquerade ball of he beacon mill be given april by fosters liand at their biall all invited A good time assured for everybody the coming social event of the season will alx lx the grand bill and dancing pirty given by the degree team of th Vo odman of the camp 74 nt Mlis nans wednesday eve april ia the of alic evening vill be anc exhibition work and drilla given by the alac lale W of W tennis A good idimo i guaranteed to all every one invited if you are not using PEERY BROTHERS FLOUR perhaps some other flour will seem good enough for you however once you try veery brothers flour you 11 not take chances on any other brands shakes light and wholesome breads flaky rolls and toothsome pastry every sack warranted LL OPENING THE BABIES must come to wrights this and try on their new bonnets were pretty well acquainted acqua ined with all the babies around here most of them have been customers of ours for a while but there are some new comers whom we would like to meet we have one whole dept for no one but the babies some very little babies get their whole outfits here so come this week to the first millinery opening for babies welcome alike to children and parents hats and caps and bonnets of muslin and swiss and chiffon NA WV a pair ARE still dozens of mighty good glove bargains for those who could not come today mended gloves and some slightly soiled qualities that were up to white black and colored all sizes a pair dollies Doy lies pure linen dollies 18 inches square stamped in choicest designs this week only curtains cheaper this curtain department caa save you money our curtain prices arc always low with the new price reductions there is a very noticeable difference between these prices and those else whytt sale of gowns skirts today we have placed on sale two lines of muslin underwear ladies skirts and gowns the sale will continue one week gowns of good materials well made csc mada full width dust ruffle pretty lac trimmings corset special batiste until saturday night white lace corsets straight front kind pair |