Show ACTION AGAINST COAL ROADS new york april 20 acting upon the advice of attorney general alios anc interstate commerce commission will this city tomorrow and begin nn into the merger of alic coat oad tho report is confirmed tha president idaer of the reading company who ii alo al o head of the temple iron ads been served with a sub fatih be called upon to tell 0 vw operations by the temple iron controls alio coal carrying Of tte l jl i it is understood that the ae iwen luca at d il H til 1 t ix jiow of I 1 lie in and yr violation viola tinn the lecent mend men t pits cd by conr esst april 20 attic M ourt today danied of tha 0 o sentral to change of as for hw lic arins of the of 7 To inca involving the richt of citi in tins choctaw and chickasaw indian tribes ahn insured iff of the cafe until tho term beginning ariit october |