Show CAUSE OF GANGER said to have been discovered in new yew york april 20 in a few flays tho results of the ianird on for many months by a number of vell knoian and agista regarding alie cabic of cancer and cancel on mill probably bo fully reviewed in a paper written by dr burtram huffton Hu fiton alic bacteriologist aind general scientist tim paper will con tain according to i the melage that tho of czirer has at latt been and that thin had bern proved to the satisfaction of a numbly of men who gland high in tho of medicine i jh defly the have revealed according to statements made first that cancer is due to the chemical changes n the blood Second That ewy part or dimne of A cancer hag the power of producing fermentation third that in their howera of causing fermentation the cancerous tissues aro akin to the tissues of the stomach yourth c that by proving this theory the theory that cancer was due to a parasite disproved new londott Lon dort conn april 20 the yacht constitution arrived here aday where hauled out for repairs i and her halh cleaned us |