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Show Supply and Maintenance Command Headquarters to be Merged with AMC The (foniinanding Ceneral, Army Material Command, has announced that the Head-- ; quarters of the U.S. Army Supply i and Maintenance Command will 'be merged with Headquarters of ' the Army Material Command (AMC) which will assume direct ", control of the field installations 'and activities formerly under .the SMC. The merger will he effective 1 July. All personnel ac- tions will lie completed this year. U.S. , of the field force?." The Supply and Maintenance Command was established as a ed in the Washington area, will lie facilitated liy a physical last accomplished year. Under this previous action, staff elements of the two headquarters were relocated to bring together elements performing similar functions. In the earlier move, organizational integrity of the two headquarters was preserved. Under the new action they will lie combined into a single organizational entity. TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, June 17, 1966 Parade Continued from Front Page lie $73 with second, third and fourth prizes of $30, $30 and $20. In the miniature float class in which the floats will be less than ten feet long the first prize will lie $30 with $15 for second place and ten dollars for the separate, major of AMC, under the reorganization third place winner. of the Army in 1962, to combine The Junior entries will be and streamline the widely var-in- g by individuals with the maximum supply, maintenance and age of 12. Entries in this class transportation systems inherited will include bicycles, wagons, by AMC from the several Army doll buggies, etc., with the first Technical Services. In the interfour prize of $5, three dollars for secSMC has vening years, ond and one for third place. succeeded in establishing a new, PV Persons wishing to enter unified, efficient supply and main- -' Merger of the two headquar-ler- s tenance Although personnel reduction floats in either of the parades marked organization, by was not a is Ireing primary purpose of the must contact the entry commitaccomplished as a and standardized sysresult of continuing studies, di- simplified consolidation approximately 30 tee, or 882-08tems and procedures, an over-a- ll phone authorized personnel spaces will rected bv General Frank S. Bes-tothree to days prior parade personnel reduction of approxilie saved through the Jr., Commanding General merger, day. The floats in the July 4 pamately 23,(XX) and a reduction of the Army Material Command, in principally higher grade super- rade should Ire of any appropin the numlier of Army Depots vision positions. Since to insure maximum efficiency, from 34 personnel riate patriotic theme to 20. Recent establishaction will lie phased over a six month period, and since both in economy and effectiveness ment of the military traffic providing the Army with its management and terminal serhave been operatweapons and equipment. Accordvice, which assumed command of headquarters to below authorized strength General Besson the merger ing ing Army ports and terminals, furwill ceilings, it is anticipated that clarify command responther decreased the complexity of this sibilities expedite the decision personnel reduction will be SMCs responsibilities to a point achieved through attrition and making process, and provide a where it's elimination as a semore cohesive and responsive reassignment of individuals to AMC major parate jolis as nearly comparable to organization with sharper focus became feasible. their present positions and grades on the development and support Consolidation of the two headas passible. of materiel to meet requirements quarters, Ixith of which are locat 882-380- 1, n, Army Suspends Enlistment And Re-U- Though soldiers will be able to reenlist for duty at their current station only, DA officials point out that some may get the CONUS station of their choice if they can fill an MOS and grade vacancy there. In another reenlistment change, the Army has raised the minimum reenlistment period for a particular overseas area, the Army Air Defense Command, and service schools from three to four years. The minimum reenlistment period for Vietnam, however, remains at three Options p WASHINGTON (ANF) The Armya need for manpower replacements in Vietnam has brought to an end the reenlistment option of choosing a specific CONUS duty station. It hss also caused DA officials to suspend the overseas command option which allowed personnel with no prior service to enlist for specific assignments in Europe, Korea, or U. S. Army, Pacific. The suspensions will go into effect July 1st until further notice." SPECIAL NOTICES AWARDS - Colonel Joseph J. Fraser DPC Commander presented cash lhe stored above for thdr suggestion, emPy" under the s lncent've Awards First Row; Col. Fraser, Lafe Nielson, ) program. rettTnd 'C'lATthUt R,CJhrd Ba Arthur J- - Evan Airey Barr, Audrey Sp5 Thornton Darr, Weston G. Berry, Oswald M. Davis, Ira Hinson, Bow ron Hale, John Schrier, Sherden J. Smith, and Gail Brown. T (L-R- I" 1I i; i i 882-1081- P-t- 884-347- 7. 882-261- 4. 882-130- 6. i: t i i i ii Summer Means Red Hot Tire Prices at Red Jones Tire Shop Gates i iI r i- - t Narrow White Wall - Premium Nylon Tubeless, 4 ply tires with lifetime unconditioned guarantee A-F-- D tv tr I v t I I I t; I: i'V r ; ; ; I: I : Plus Any Tire Off Your Car -FREE Wheel Balance Indddod Gates first line air float narrow white wall, nylon, tubeless tires with lifetime, unconditional guarantee All ly unless listed differently. 4-p- operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 cadi. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview write P. O. Bra: 15402, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. Include phone number. P-1- C-1- TAH soil away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Tooele Mercantile Co. 7 C-1- VEHICLES 882-328- 8 I 1955 FOUR DOOR Desota. cellent condition. Pies Any The Off Year Car : : L. North Main offers REAL ESTATE IS OUR PRODUCT . BUT SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS! Been thinking of buying or selling? Watch our ads for some of Tooele's best buys, or let us help you sell your present home! ASSUME 414 FOR RENT two bedroom apt. 145 No. Broadway. Phone 882-405- 5. We Offer lhe fines! Fran! End Alignment on the Very Best Equipment RED JONES Tire Shop Custom Nuw Truads Gatus Tires Phono 882-035- 3 725 North Main, Tooole, Utah L 0. Rod" Jones, Owner e three-piec- hi-h- at 882-068- 6. ar 884-335- 8. LOAN AUTOMATIC HOTPOINT $35. wash-e- REGISTERED POA standing at stud. 376 So. Coleman. Phone 7 r. 882-269- 3. 882-250- 9. ly FOR SALE - four year old mustang mare, broke to ride. Single horse trailer. See at 417 No. Main, Tooele or call HEMSTITCHING 4 GILLESPIE Phone FRONA 8824011 FOR RENT - unfurnished - 8824556 6 261 SO. FIRST WEST Evenings apartment. Private CRI PHONE 8824X161 entrance and bath, Grantsville Heat, water, range, frig. Fur- OLDER HOME two bedroom, ALFALFA SEED for sale. - Ph. nished. $50 per month. with rental unit, double car PIANO LESSONS - Joye Walk. Ph. 88441616. garage, irrigation water, excellent location. Close to school FOR SALE Ilotpoint electric THREE ROOM APT. for rent. -and town. Additional available range and dishwasher. PAINTING Inside and Outside. No smoker or drinlers. Phone Licensed. Phone property Owner moved away. 3 Must sell. Best offer. o July 8 BE gentle, be kind, to that exo June 29 SMALL FURNISHED HOME pensive carpet, clean it with WOMEN WANT WORK Blue Lustre. Rent electric for rent. - Phone FOR SALE - split level home located at 626 North Brook Ave. LADY NEEDS IRONINCS shampooer $1. Gordon Furniture Co., 60 S. Main. 7 FHA appraised at $19,800. Daily. Expert work. June FOR RENT - two room modem This home is in A- -l condition, Hammond. 8824)657. home. Good location. and has a lovely fenced yard, COOD ACCORDION for sale. 7. intercarpets, WILL DO HOUSE WORK. Ph. built-in and oven. com, range 8824869. SALE FOR FOR RENT partly furnished beautiful small piano Buy equity and assume 514 like new. Take will loan. finance Owner over small apt. part of the down payment. For inmonthly payments. 8824118. RICHARD LISTER a new exformation call 882-11or ONE BEDROOM furnished base5 perienced barlrer, is now workcontact at 166 E. Brook Ave. ment apartment Phone ing with George at George's CM 10 HOLSTEIN HEFFER for sale -Barlrer Shop, 118 West Main, FOR RENT - Small batch, apts. Will freshen soon. Call Grantsville. Open week days 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturdajip Monthly rentals. 365 East Vine. REAL ESTATE Lewis Pannun-zi- o Call 8 a. in. to 5:30 p.m. Closed RANCHETS AND FARMS CRI for particulars. M (nidus's. FOR SALE - Cheap - one garden Plow for down payment r, one deep freezer, Use your cash to improve upright, chickens, rabbits, goats, MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT - nice furnished three-rooRock Free pens, hutches, ph. 8824050. apartment. Ample water guaranteed FOR SALE - Mobile Home. 1960 BALLARD REALTY Great Lakes 10x55, 2 bedroom. 1159 Elgin Ave. FOR SALE two black geldings, FOR RENT - three room furnishExcellent cond. Buy equity Salt Utah Lake City, one pinto mare, one large tent ed apartment. 345 East 2nd N. Assume payments. 6 Phone ft trailer. License for trailer. after 4 p.m. 9 Phone See at 250 West 3rd No. No. 9 10 P-5 882-139- 882-025- 6. m 882-356- 884-391- 5. 882-094- 2. 882-112- 4. 882-071- 882-156- 1. P-t- P-t- 882-153- 0. 882-071- 3. 882-326- 882-081- 0. 882-103- 5. ly 884-344- SALE-196- 9. 882-022- roto-tille- m 882-286- 2. 882-414- 3. 882-483- FOR RENT - three room apart- 92x101 ft. CORNER Building Lot ment. Adults only. Inquire at in Grantsville. Excellent loca77 England Ave. tion for family with children 7 in school. Phone two bedroom UNFURNISHED house for rent. Call after 4:30 882-173- 6. P-- Ex- 4 two-doo- r, 1963 HONDA 250 cc. Good con- dition. Saddle bags and shield. 882-20- wind7 $65 FOUR ROOM duplex. Utility room. Utilities paid. Couple with baby welcome. 698 North P-- Main. TRADE UPTO Beautiful American Home located at 308 East Broadway. Owner being transferred will accept smaller home or trade. Pedersen Realty 18 North Main. C-1- LOST AND FOUND SMALL BROWN, white dog -FREE - Cute housebroken Wearing a silver chain collar. ten. 7 8824777 Names Lady. 882-016- 6. "I 7 kit- FREE PUPPIES Mixed breed. MOBILE HOMES - Mayflower, set up cm lot, skirted, built on nxnu. Beautiful condition: NEW LIVING ROOM furniture 10x50 Ventoiira, set for sale. Take over payments. up nn lot. Very niee. LARSENS, 1090 'Vest 1st No. 8823159. FOR SALE - two wheel trailer. 7 Call MOBILE HOME - Expander front room, 3 bedroom. 3500 FOR SALE - Siamese kittens. Two lrest offer. 8843414, Grantsor P-males. 8823159. ville. P-1- 882-364- 4. 7 882-332- 30 ACRES OF LAND for sale in Erda. With gas and power on the frontage. Contact Floyd Walters after 4 p.m. Phone 882-174- 5. 882-236- 4. Valiant fihardtop, can arrange cri 8824603. nancing. FOR it- - I REALTY 191 COPES RADIO TV SERVICE Radio. Tv. Hi-F- i, Stereo, FM-ATwo way (CB), 580 No. and base cymlral. $2(K). See CRI 8824362. East 1st at 239 Millcreek Way or ph. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned old FOR SALE - one two-yefand repaired. ELMERS: 38 W. black colt. Will make gcxxl CRI i Vine. kid pony. Call DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Build. All fabrics; modem USED REFRIGERATORS $39.95 designs. Gordon Furniture Co; Tooele Merc. CRI 6Q South Main. LEATHER HEAD dnun set with BLUE two I red room, garage, gas range, wall to wall carpeting, drapes, cornices, especially cleaned and well cared for. Good location. 882-319- 6. p.m. lv l IS HAINES 881-509- 8. I u 882-237- 8. 882-201- 0. IN6-525- I; I: P-t- 882-178- 5. P-1- I: Ip:: Dex-A-Di- et 882-317- FOR SALE - 1953 Chev. Good condition. Clean. New brakes. 165 N. 1st West. r 882-261- 4. C-1- GUITAR LESSONS Eastman Guitar Studios now has summer lesson openings available. Enroll your child now for a fun summer learning to play the guitar. Eastman in structors are fully qualified to give your child die finest in music instruction. A free demonstration will be held at Parkers Music Co., Saturday, June 18 at 12 oclock Featured will be the Roustabouts, a professional group from Salt 7 Lake City. over payments. Call after 5:30. i I:: FOR RENT - three room furnished apartment. Utilities paid. 71 Glen wood Ave. Ph. 882-357- 2. 882-453- 882-263- 4. WILL THE PERSON who bor- rowed my nail bar please return it. Theres another fellow that wants to borrow it. Jack 7 Smith, Grantsville. FDR SALE - 1965 Dodge Polara Excellent condition. Take I SERVICES 882-487- 882-312- 8. ing and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin i; i; MISCELLANEOUS P-t- FOR RENT SPARE TIME INCOME - Refill- Class- - Ads 882-473- 4. BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 FURNISHED APARTMENTS two MEETINGS Snd and 4th and three rooms. New kitchens TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. and appliances, including elecCRT tric ranges, automatic gas heat, at 61 N. MAIN air conditioned. Large recreaLOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tion area. Rates start at $75 Nd. 2031 per month with all utilities MEETINGS WED.-- p.m, furnished. Rent by day, week, 2 PHONE month or year. Linen service available. WESTERN APARTROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE MENT, 515 North Main, TooNO. 11, F&AM ele. Phone 8824)062. MEETS 1st and 3rd TUES. CRI OF EACH MONTH, 7:30 p.m. AT THE FRATERNAL HALL FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apt. furnished or unfurnished, wall to wall carpet, drapes, $105 OPPORTUNITY $130 furnished. Ph To, supplement your .income 260 N. 1st East. CRI ; or be in business for yourself, Sinclair Garage for lease. Very reasonable. Excellent location. THREE ROOM BASEMENT APT. Call 882-46furnished. Ph. or Ffi 71 con- 0, NEW WURUTZER Spinet Pianos SAGE KENNELS Boarding Dogs, MOVING must sell two bedroom from $495 Parkers Music Co. cats, 75 cents. Larger breeds ' CRI home. Good location. Save 56 N. Main. $1 per day. Bathing P- - to closing costs; take over low July 1 . FENDER GUITARS - Marie Chau payments. Ph o doin. Amps & supplies; Salt June 17 Robinson Custom Lake prices. 220 S. Main, call - All Yard Spraying 882-33.or FOR SALE- - 3 bedroom home in Insects. 124 So. 6th St P-- to Jilne 25. Grantsville. 194 baths, new caro June 20 peting, foil basement; fencing BEAUTIFUL WurlitZtor, walnut Make offer. 112 McMichael REG. PROVEN PONY of the CRI Ave. spinet piano. Must sell. $13.41 . Americans at Stud. 376 South per month. See Fred Ciinard, -- 1 Coleman. CRI THREE BEDROOM SPLIT level 1V4 baths, extras. Will finance. HOME ORGAN transistor model HAVE YOUR insurance rates J P- 5. Small down. July 1 $18.66 per month. Has rotatgone up? Check our low rates. ' Bells, chimes, INSURANCE PEDERSENS speakers. ing THREE BEDROOM frame home Hawaiian guitar, etc. See Fred AGENCY. 9. on ltt acres Clover. CRI Cunard USED SEWING MACHINES $7.50 and up. Free Home i THREE BEDROOM brick home LOSE WEIGHT safely with Demonstrations by Singer 98c Tablets. at choice two fireplaces, basement, Only Sewing Machine representso Ilrard Dnigs. area. Moving. Grant Shields, tive. Fabric Specialty Center, July 10 o 15 South Main, Tooele. Phone i July 1 CHOICE large weiner pigs. Call CRI 882-459- 7, i 1, 1, 884-505- 5. 882-108- RECJIVE 1, REAL ESTATE MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, firms and individuals who maintain changes. Except with adopen accounts with the Transcript snd Bulletin, all dasnfied vertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a dasdfied ad diould be report lhe paper is responsible for one incorrect insertion only. ATT. CLASSIFIEDS wfll be included in Ac TEST RUN, a paper distributed to 2,000 Dugway Proving Cround readmits end workers, twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE for dasrified ads is 11 am. day of publication. N 1, Tronscrint-Buliet- in 5 cents per word Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word Businea (dark face type) 50 cents per imie - Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch Over one inch (monthly rate) f 1.50 per inch - Display ads if ( 1, Options. TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: I to According to the map, the county zones will be designated, as follows: R-- l, residential zone; For the first time in history RA-residential - agricultural zonTooele County is officially zone A-- l, agricultural zone; MF-ed, according toa resolution passed Monday by the Tooele County mining - forestry zone; SF, Salt Flats zone;. H-- l, highway zone; Commission. IIS-highway service zone; C--, The action came after several general commercial zone; months of work by the County industrial zone and 0-- outlying zone. Zoning and Planning Commission spent in drawing up the official zoning map. The County ComThe value of Series E and H mission passed the zoning resoluBraids owned by Amerition on the recommendation of Savings cans has passed the $49 billion the planning commission. It will mark and continues to rise. go into difect 5 days after the Entained in AR listment and Reenlistment 601-21- days to allow opposition time voice disapproval. Earn Extra Vacation Cash Use ! Tooele County Zoned years. The changes will be signing, on June 21. Before the County Commissioners could act on the zoning ' resolution, it had to Ire publish- - j od and allowed to sit for 60 Offered by Woodward Realty doll h ousel For the needs a two bedwho couple room home, close in, this is it. A real exception and vacant too. A nicely landscaped fenced yard, surrounds this beauty. For more information call Dot tie Keysar, A real P-1- 884-335- FOR SALE - two reconditioned power mowers. Rotary and reel Dick's Sales and Service, 136 MOBILE HOME - 1983 VanDyle 7 Utah Ave. 10x50. two bedrooms. 8823159 1090 West 1st North. GIBSON AIR conditioner for sale 7 or trade. 8824183. P-1- P-1- HOME AIR CONDITIONER 4000 CFM, $40. Phone 8824179. 882-232- 1. P-1- 7 1 GREAT LAH 551 9 after 250 West 3rd No. No. call 4 p.m. 1960 882-414- 3. Jn |