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Show d- TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, June 17, 1966 Thrice Blessed: How it Happened In Honor of Ste Mary Magdalen Fr John F. Kenny When all the rest of those who had been loud In their laments that they would never leave Our Lord had found, at last, they had to grieve Their fear and flight, a harlot in the crowd Was faithful at Ilis feet Simon did believe She had no place there, once before, and, proud In his conceit, had failed to fathom howd She know ahead. His burial to bereave. There was another time, as well, when Mary (with Martha all intent on many things About the serving) stayed in the summer Of her content Bent on one thing necessary. With all her debtor heart she cleaves and clings To the better part no man takes from her'. Desert Drifts June Guptill The Desert Drifts column begins again this month, and we hope that everyone will watch for it in each Test Run issue. We further hope that we will be able to bring you all the newsworthy items and keep you abreast of happenings during the summer months. THE JUNE Coffee was in s. honor of die visiting British Hostesses for the cof- cers fee were: Mrs. Kenneth Brauner, Mrs. Earl Broome, and Mrs. Lothar Salomon. A beautiful display of rocks and geodes interested everyone, and Dr. Kenneth Brauner made the geodes used for the name tags given to each visitor. Mrs. Walter Houghton won the raffle,' which was a lovely cup and saucer. Off to a busy year are our newly elected officers: Mrs. Arnold Young, president, Mrs. Dennis Lohman, first vice president; Mrs. John Harling, second vice president; Mrs. Richard Schmidt, secretary; and Mrs, phens, treasurer. They have exciting plans for the coming year and will be calling for die cooperation of all members. For new members, and as a reminder to former members, cookbooks are still available.. Mrs. David Mason, chairman, says that copies of either Meats or Desserts cookbooks will be displayed at the July and August coffees, and urges everyone to buy diem. They make wonderful gifts, if you already have one for yourself! The new cookbooks are for Appetizers and Salads and will be available in the HONORED AT TEA - Wives of the British and Commonwealth officers that accompanied their husbands here were honored at a tea by die DPG Officers Wives Club. Shown in die receiving line above greeting Mrs Charles W. Anderson are Mrs. William Har) mon, Mrs. Joseph J. Fraser and the British wives Mines. Robert A. Fyffe, Anthony H. G. Dobson, Kenneth Erskine, Janies H. Bennett, Walter J. OConnor, Peter L. Newth, Alan E. Younger and Peter F. Steele. tf (L-R- fc U.S. Army Photo- . The DPG Test Run f SdUU. TMUH III I i TI MTiiIIIm ,y id'll I Ii i- iAW On. Ffehf I. mm hr C mmai TEST BUN, D-- -r. nrfilifTl m a f - -- MMdaal wiMm mi - liSa mM ?) Sfch1 Utfc, fckffcat SSSSSai. TU h Ml Amy Nn wlw Aiwd Final Fiw Sente im nf afk "T - Bv mMj pranaal, mi mmt to. Th( Tmerift a eapr p Mrth FiAMfel Ca, r. im ass iim M Mhnria mmi. pictaral an offiiU UJ. Ana. ffc.fgV- fa that Ml MWfetad MMpI a cm hivoMn ifiAUccUmi to i Amy --M b. ihUlMi. nMdlllM d c OcpMM iaa, Tnh. AS ) hi d- vfewi at SS Ito Hm af e pHm Nartk pttca- - ah BESt Second Place: Team No. Edge man, Jean Essex, Eileen Degelbeclt, and Frances 7-J-ean ) I Richardson. Third Place Team No. 1: Barbara Ritchie, Barbara teph- ens, Elaine Nielsen, Chris Rititchie and Louise Bearden. High Average - Lonnie Snow -Average 165; Barbara Ritchie run a close second with 164. ' - High Game Shirley Zumwalt-24- 4 r First Place; Pat Adair and HIGH SERIES: Retty Grothe 611, First Place; Marilyn Hildebrand, 605, Second Place. RasMost Improved mussen - 13 pins; dose on her heels were Maxine Grace and Dorothy Keeling with 12 pins each. Other Awards during die year which were won by die ladies were: - GAMES: Betty Jo 114; Lonnie Snow, Iff); Darla Hapgood, 111. All Spare Games - Grace Miller and Essie Cade - both with 181 TRIPLE Lind, . mmmmm fell. MRS. RICHARD Bums, games. liaison New officers for the following chairman, would like members to know that there will year are: President - Kay Stalling; be.a suggestioo sheet on the bul-- ' vice president - Barbara Hawkins) letin board at die OOM. Anyone secretary-treasur- Barbara comments is urged to chie and - Orex note and sign them on the sheet, Jones, so that die may bring the item: Rit-havi- er Eleven Going IJlh rS.(W To Boys Slate C, T h. l uk. NS- mi . - .iT.-iailh.d- . DHiMmi Om mrr fm I -- - (L-R- ). ' (L-R- i (1-- TEAMS: First Place - Team No. 5, Lonnie Snow, Shirley Zum-wal- t, Norma Provost gaard and Lucy Teagarden. Offi-wive- NCO WIVES DONATE FURNITURE - The DPG NCO Wives Club Auxiliary donated several pieces of furniture and clothing to the U.S. Army Hospital. Shown above accepting several items of furniture and clothing on behalf of the hospital are (L) Major Eleanor Stabingas and (R) Major Corinne Snaadt. Making the presentation on behalf of the NCO Wives are ) Mrs. Coy Miller, Mrs. Dots Childress and Mrs. William Honell. INSTALL NEW OFFICERS - The NCO Wives Auxiliary installed new officers for the coming year at their annual banquet held recently. Seated Left to Right are the outgoing Mrs. officers while standing are the new date of officers for the coming year. Seated Donald Roche, past president, Mrs. Conrad Nielson, Secretary and Mb. Alvin Pucek, Treat, Mrs. Wallace Clift incoming president, Mrs. Vem Stelling, surer. Standing Mis. William Harrell, secretary and Mrs. Clarence Fowler, treasurer. awarded and election of officers for the 66-6- 7 winter session was held. Trophies awarded included: . ! up at the monthly meetings. ' Membership chairman, Mrs. D. F. Longo, reminds us that Ol NCpIlCW dues will be collected at the . July and August coffees and all EmpiOVCC paid up members are encourag- ed to pay their dues in advance. lVCSt Dues are due and payable in Sep- t ember, but pay early and avoid the rush! Mr- - Ned Stansfield, who works Just the things for long over-th- e in the Self Service Supply Cendue correspondence are the beau-stat- e ter, has a nephew who has retifol boxes of Dugway note pa cently accepted an appointment per which the club is selling. to the U.S. Military Academy at These cards will be displayed at West Point. the summer coffees. Each card The Dugway delegates will Dugway scene on tyP Mr. Barry Stansfield, an also help elect representatives to and everyone should Gardena California High the Boys Nation and state and buy several boxes at the bargain School senior will begin his cacounty officers. price of fifty cents per box. cm July 1 when he heads reer Boys going from Dugway are WILLIAM Harmon, or West Point for 42 days of Steve Baum, Kelly Bearden, Brian MRS. - c training. Bush, Lee Critchlow, Sam Mcpresident of the OOM WoBride, Eugene McClure, Gary men s Club, presented the schoMcIntosh, Kay Nelson, Tom Reed- larship award to Miss Linda Hatch With four years ahead of him er, Jim Rodriguez and Paul Vance. at the high school graduation at the Academy, he will receive ceremonies. This is an annual an education toward an engiaward given by the Womens neering degree. Mr. Stansfield Allocation of the requested Club, and we congratulate Miss says he will probably lean toward Hatch on being the recipient of mechanical engineering. military construction funds, exclusive of family housing, includes: the two hundred dollar scholarAir Force, $211,644,000; Army, Upon graduating from West ship. Mr. Stansfield will receive members which news $128,835,-00Point, $161,200,000; Navy, Any in the U.S. Reserve components, would like to have included in his commission Defense agencies, 5, this column would be most wel- Army as a second lieutenant. 000. come. Please call 2172. Dugway High School will be represented by eleven boys at the annual American Legion Boys State at Utah State University, Sunday through July 25. The boys, who are being sponsored by the Dugway American Legion Post 131, will leave here this weekend for the week long meeting. Among the activities at Boys State will be talks by and government officials and meetings and discussions on the principals of democracy. DPG . POlIlt ?.a Put your organizations' rosorvos in First Socurity Bank. There no reason why Church Funds, Pension Funds, Labor Union Funds, in fact the money belonging to all clubs, associations and organizations shouldnt be getting maximum guaranteed bank interest. is Savings Certificates Interest check is mailed 6 months from the day . . . any day . . . your organization deposits $500 or more in $100 multiples. Savings Certificates are automatically re- newable for periods and interest check is mailed every 3 months. 0; Your organizations money is available after 6 months or at the end of any period $17,-200,00- 0; for 6 months $5,-.87- thorooftor for 3 months Certificates Anywhere you go Passbook Savings of Deposit HFCs reliable money help is always nearby Wherever youre stationed, whatever your need HFC ia there to help. Households military loan specialist will provide the money to meet for short or poriods that need promptly on a sensible repayment plan. Each year over Van Oil In units of 1500. Your organization selects the number of days or months it wants the money to earn high bank interest. Certificates of Deposit are available to provide 150,000 servicemen SIM 5M IMS 25M borrow confidently at HFC. May we help you? interest for Atm payments imhuk principal mti therm pmHirng ctf pmymtmlt m im m ackthd. periods. Interest paid June 30 and Dec. Deposits or withdrawals may be made at time as with any bank Passbook Savings any account for individuals and it organizations. Interest is credited to the account twice a year and grows at compound interest.Deposits received by the lOlh of any month earn from the 1st day of the month. non-prof- Each depositors account in First Security Bank IS INSURED TO $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. t t 0 0 r I r. Gybolation, HOUSEHOLD Lamm atom SCOOnmUb FINANCE CORPORATION OF UTAH ALT LAKI CITY OfHCI ) South Main 1 St.-PH- ONE: 328-42- 81 CHILDREN GIVE RECITAL - "A Dream of Enchantment was the theme for the program presented by' the Dugway students of ballet. This program was held on May 15 at 11 a.m. Parents and friends attended. Mrs. Gary llendiy has been the instructor with Miss Patti, McIntyre the accompanist. Fortv-fiv- e students, ages 3 and up participated. This performance coniuded ballet lessons until fall. The fee charged for lessons pays the instructor and accompanist. Volunteers that have helped throughout the year are Mrs. Paul Carlson, coordinator, Mrs. Alvin Pucek, treasurer, Mrs. Conrad Nielson,' Mrs. William Peterson and Mrs. John Rothfcls, class coordinators. Mr. Attilio Azzelio did the art work for the program. I Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FIRH SECURITY DARK OF UTAH, I 31 HA - |