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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Tune 17. 1966 Vote The Vacation Safety Ticket Head- 4 April 1951 Powers in Allied quartern. Europe (SHAPE) was established in Paris. The French astronomer Urfoain first used Leverrier (1811-187the telegraph in a practical way to forecast weather conditions. World Book Encyclopedia notes that Leverrier showed that a central office, receiving weather reports by telegraph from many places, could forecast storms. In 1855 Napoleon 111 instructed Leverrier to organize a weather forecasting system for France. t 7) An accident is a dark horse candidate to defeat vacation fun unless yon vote the straight Vacation Safety ticket. Then you and your family will lie the winning party. Fun wins by a landslide in the vacation poll, but don't be a Recreation means to create anew the vigor of mind and InkIv. So take it easy - and elect the safe way. Make Safety part of vour vacation planning; check your car brakes, lights, wheels OK? Start off on the right foot, use a light foot on the gas! Slow down in Irad weather, on Imd roads, bad visibility, and in laid traffic. Don't take a chance on the guy who takes chances - always drive defensively. , Iearu alxmt special hazards in the vacation area. 'Alien swim, ming, don't swim alone, too far out or after dark. Know the depth of water, title and under water olistades. Swimming too far tempts fate too far. Dont show off. Your stamina may not lie what it once was, and unused muscles cramp more easily. The most important rule for water safety is learn to swim. There is no sulistitute for knowing how to swim - for your own protection and to help others. Don't swim if chilled, overtired, iinmediatley after eating, or in storms. Learn what to do if a swimmer is in trouble. Do not overdo the suntan kick. For that healthly tan, keep a healthly respect for old Sol. Severe sunburn can lie dangerous--au- d turn fun into misery. If you spend part of the vacation 1 mating remember (mating safety. Start with a Safe Boat, well built, well equipped, clean and Equipment varies with size and type of Imat. Check local and Federal laws, ask Coast Guard auxiliary for a free Imat safety examination. The next step is safe handling which includes, safe boarding, loading, getting underway and on the water. Fire is a boating hazard. (one half pint of gasoline has the explosive power of five sticks of dynamiiite). Always adhere to strict safety rules liefore, during and after fueling the lxiat. Be sure that you know the nautical rules of the road, and know your navigation aids (traffic signs). Avoid find weather by heeding storm warnings. If you're sticking close to home during your vacation dont, let it send you to the hospital and don't try to lie a superman in all ycnir activities. Take it easx - Have a safe restful vacation and coine back to work full of bounce. fiui-uti- c! 18 AP? J?" 5anierII: Doo,ittle bombed For Western Fathers & Bailey Resistol Straw Hats to 10 5 FAncy Ties l00 Federal Crusade Donations Top $1,000 to 200 Western Shirts 398 to 7 over-heate- d, - ship-shap- e. Postmaster Urges Persons To Convert Postal Savings Postmaster Donald F. Keele today urged local citizens who have funds on deposit in the abolished Postal Savings System to convert their holdings into United States Savings Bonds. General POSTMASTER Lawrence F. OBrien, who is Chairman of the Federal Savings Bonds Campaign, has appealed to the 930, (XX) Americans who have 285,(XX),(XX) on deposit with the Post Office Department to convert their investments into United States Savings Bonds, Mr. Keele stated. I join him in urging local citizens who have Postal Savings Accounts to make that change which will lie of great benefit to both themselves and our country. Savings Bonds offer every advantage of convenience security formerly available Postal Savings Certifi- cates plus many other advantage unique to Savings Bonds. Among those special advant- the Dugway Postmaster are Savings Bonds' new, higher interest rate of 4.15 peTcent and the great intangible of supporting our conn- the in fight for freedom in try the world and for ecmiomic pro- gress and security here at home. I I LIGHTEN DETAILS ABOUT the procedure for conversion can be obtained from the postmaster of any Postal Savings Depository Post Office. The Postal Savings, System, in operation since January 1, 1911, was discontinued April 27, 1966, bv Act of Congress. The Post Office Department present- - itsaccoun5 isT M unclaimed jJ wi1 assets of the System to the Treasury Department. The decision to alwlish the Postal Savings System was made liecause of declining interest in it by the general public as a . and '"vestment medium. interest rates te nandal institutions and other investment had attract-an- d mea" ed he 1,ulk of f,,nds "h,dfor-throug- h meT,.v1 we,,t ,nt? Posttal S"" was U,f convenience, etPandlnS houn of neSated1 lfXf7; The final results of the 1966 Federal Service Joint Crusade held here show that the military and civilian personnel assigned to the installation gave more per person to die crusade than in former years. In a letter received by DPG Commander, Colonel Joseph J. Fraser Jr., the Utah State Headquarters for the International Service Agencies reported that a total of y 1,003.62 had been donated to die 1966 crusade by a total of 728 contributors.' The amount this year was only $50 less than the amount gfven to the crusade in 1965 but the 728 contributors were 258 less than the 966 that donated to the 1965 crusade when the number of personnel assigned to the installation was several hundred more than it is at the present time. ORIGINAL J it customed to wh were 8 ln e,r sav.n8 at nativ countries, (3) provides fe depositories for people who Pf dads day with a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? HeIL-THEM- 'S BULLET HOLES Gift Certificates Western Boots 1595 FREE GIFTS ! and up BROWNS! 24 Noriti NMr IdJditdlAH 00 CHI FURNITURE FAIR WANTS YOU TO FEEL UKE A JUNE BRIDESo They Offer You FREE Gifts Like These! - . number are right. These are rim-- . portant, not only for keeping your pay records straight but also to insure that you get foil credit for wages reported to the Social Se- curity Administration. How about your tax exemptions? Is the num- her correct? If not, you may find yourself owing a sizeable sum to Internal Revenue Service next I I I I I I giiWS CHEESE Levi Strauss Levi Riders Audit your voucher this month. Make sure that you were paid correctly. Be sure that your name, service number and social secuHty I I minute! I Why don't i good look at your military pay voucher before you put it away? You could find an error. One of the advantages that the MPV system has over the old MPR system is that you get a copy of each months pay voucher and can audit your own pay. Because humans make up payrolls, mistakes do occur. Many people seem to have a knack for detecting a shortage in their ay and expect immediate payment of whatever amount they are due. On the other hand, when an overpayment is made, some service members feel that the mistake will not be caught and so they spend the money. Don't kid yourself - the Army has a good audit system and the error most likely will be found. Sometimes an error, such as an allotment not deduct- ed, will repeat from month to and you could be in month for real trouble. Think twice be-- g fore you spent any overpayments because you probably will have to repay the money when you least expect it or can least afford I I it. I I I I I I I Buckles Is0 to 10 Call d immi-benef- 695 Pay purposes attrad the savings of to Bonds. Savings System were h d,n& m,t W Set 2M had lost confidence in private banks and (4) provide more convenient depositories for savings of working people who( were unable to bank during regular banking hours. Those purposes have long since been fulfilled, Postmaster Keele commented, and, as Mr. OBrien has emphasized, no greater new purpose could now .be served by funds cm depost in the Postal Savings System than to put them to work for America in the form of United States' Savings Pd of Western Belts Model I A 23" WESTINGH0USE INSTANT-0NT- RECTANGULAR COLOR TV e 23" Rectangular HIGH BRIGHT Tube More Pic278 Sq. Inches of ture Area in A Slimmer Cabinet Color-TInstant-O- n Sound At Thrilling Color Instant Color Fidelity Once, Picture in 6 Seconds Automatically Assures Immediate, Totally Pure Color Automatic Color Control 25KV Picture Fower V Illuminated Pop-U- p VHFUHF Channel Numbers Mediterranean Styling in Pecan Memory Fine Tuning Hardwood Veneers and Solids ONLY 95 RADIO ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE I I I" I I I I I I I I Make it a practice to examine your copy of your pay voucher EVERY month, and through the proper channels, promptly report any UNDERPAYMENT or OVER-- ! PAYMENT to your unit personnel officer. Remember it's your pay and youve earned it. You owe it to yourself to be sure that you are paid correctly. - 36 Months To I I Free Lounge Chair Free Antenna with purchase 14 NORTH MAIN 5 April 15th. 882-066- 4 i I IT 1 sqTtiiklGr said ? PHONE 262-253- 5 FREEGIFTS1IFREEGIFT iFREEtGIFTS Pay |