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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, June 17, 1986 USATECOM TROPHY - Mr. William C. McIntyre, Phyii-ca- l Scientist in the Chemical Deagn and Analysis Division holds the trophy presented to him by DPG Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr, following McIntyres selection as the most outstanding employee in USATECOM for the third quarter of fiscal year 1966. U.S. Army Photo Development continues on the Infantry's medium antitank assault weapons system (MAW) with the announcement of a Army contract awarded to the McDonnell Aircraft Corp. of St Louis, Mo. Though the weapon already has been test fired successfully, the new contract calls for continued engineering development MAW is deshoulder-fire- d guided signed to be the Army's first missile system able to pack a warhead big enough to stop most types of battlefield armor. It will replace the 90mm $1.5-milli- on one-ma- n, recoillesa rifle. The U. S. Military Academy's Class of 67 is now taking its First Class trip, an annual tour of several Army posts during which the new senior class is familiarized with the n class is visiting Fort Army's combat arms. The Knox, Ky.; Fort Sill, Okla.; Fort Bliss, Tex.; Fort Benning, (la.; and Fort Belvoir, Va. 600-ma- Recent wholesale price increases have caused a increase in cigarette prices at Army Post Exchanges in the U. S. Regular, king, and filter cigarettes will now cost 20 cents a pack. The Exchange Service also reports that overseas exchanges will charge 12 to 16 cents for regulars and 14 to 16 cents for kings and filters, beginning July 27. The Army Surgeon Generals Office has warned soldiers to avoid heat injury this summer by maintaining physical fitness and using good judgment in exposing themselves to the sun or to high temperatures and humidity. Commanders, particularly at training centers, are advised to use the Wet critical enBulb Globe Temperature Index to determine Prevenvironmental conditions. New DA Circular 40-2- 5, tion of Heat Injury, has full information. (ANF) surveillance aircraft called the can pack a wallop when the chips are down. First Lt Francis D. Pierce Jr. of Topshan, Me., was piloting one of the tiny planes when he spotted a Republic of Vietnam battalion pinned-dow- n by a Viet Cong force. Pierce nosed into a screaming dive straight for the Congs entrenched positions, then launched a 2.75-inc- h rocket virtually at point-blan- k range. After three more dives into the teeth of the VC groundfire, he was out of firepower except for the automatic rifle in the cockpit Holding the control stick between his knees, he flew over the enemy and fired with deadly effect as they were routed by the RVN battalion. Only a nearly empty fuel tank sent Pierre back to Pleiku, home base for his unit, the 219th Fixed Wing Co, 52d Battalion of the 1st Aviation Brigades 17th Aviation Group. THE BIRD-DO- Bern CROCKER BMHIfll NX Sr s' BETTY CROCKER PANCAKE FLOURI 4-l- b. Pkg fl1 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 25-l- b. Beg $019 & FRAGILE-LOOKIN- G G MR FIXIT in Vietnam in Sp5 Rufus Abby Abernathy of the 41st Signal Battalion's Electronic Maintenance Section. The Little Rock, Ark, soldier and hia five-ma- n carrier repair team are known by military and civilians alike for their forthright slogan: If the factory can fix it. we can too. Abby and hia men are deluged with electric razors, tape recorders, electric fans, and a host of similar items that have conked out. In short order the Signalmen have them running like new. The men do the work as a hobby, on their own time and without charge. IJSSI fltutxeJL Aimoundng a Bigger and Better CKE TAB Lehi Roundup Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 23, 24, 25 Produced and Announced by Lex Connelly IDE FASHIONED REAP ROLLS (OCOLAffc. CAKE PON UTS 3lUU60C The Voice of the TV Radio Sports Finals Harry Knight & Andy Jauregui Tough Tested NatL Finals Stock 3 Night Rodeo-Gran- d Entry 8 p.m. . Champion Cowboys vs Nations Rankest Stock Clowns Chuck Henson & Wes Curtis Comedy Twins & bull fighters Top Specialty Acts Including Glenn Randall & the Roy Rogers Horses |