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Show I TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, June 17, 1966 GOLF SET 72" Complete With Bing and Cart Wilson Gene Samian Strokemaster" 12 piece set -4 woods - 8 Irons Large Spacious Atlantic Bag No. 6x3 LOUISVILLE - The Braves clinched the Little League first half championship Wednesday evening by downing the Pirates to bring their seasons record to 7 wins against ajmgle defeat with one game left while their nearest rivals, the Pirates had already dropped three pines. Pictured above die champs are JL-R- ) First Rowi Rex Palmer, Marty Shearer, Eugene Reynolds, Paul Juiden, Billy Roy Tom McClure and Jim Outram. Back Rowi rown Kelly Faux, Allen Johnson, Pete Mosoian, Steve Outram 5?" Ricy Olsen and Manager Mike Minaret. Miring when the picture was taken Jim Ritchie. nRST HALF WINNERS 5 IRONS- Nadco Folding Golf Cart No. 112 The Cart with the -2 V WOODS-B- AG famous golf bdl grip. I0," Braves Win First Half Championship The Braves clinched the DPG Little League first half championship Wednesday night by downing the Pirates 17 to 2 to bring their seasons record to 7 wins against a single defeat with in only one game remaining the first half of the season. ' The victory over the Pirates dropped the second place Pirates two full games behind with five wins against three defeats. Monday night the Pirates had inflicted the first loss of the season cm the Braves as they defeated diem 4 to 1. The Cubs and the Dodgers were tied for third place in die four team league going into the final game of the first half of the' season as the Dodgers downed die Cubs both Tuesday and Thursday to bring each teams record to two wins against six defeats for the year. Reg. Value Auto Cross Scores a Hit On Sunday May 22 1966 Dug- way racing enthusiasts partici- pated in the first Auto Cross held here at Dugway Proving Cround. Placing first in the Class B com-- 1 petition was PFC Bill Armstrong followed by SSgt Klaus Sanger, 2nd place and Pvt Jerry Lehman, The race was conducted at Michael Army Airfield in Ditto Technical Center. Members of the EM Council of the Sandy Acres Service Club served as 3rd place. Mr. Stanley Albanonicz won first place in the Class C competition followed by PFC Mike Hutfon, 2nd place and Sp6 Charles Johnson, 3rd place. Sp5 Cliff Pliml placed first in the Class S competition. officials . at the event i Despite the howling winds, it : REG. Famous Louisville "Grand Slam" golf clubs for tha golfing Dad sot of 1 and 3 Persimmon woods and 3, 5, 7, 9 Irons with putter. All clubs have Louisville's exclusive "Rib ELECTRICAL PUTT RETURN ... Guide" leather grips and Holds, then returns all putts in a regulation cup. Returns adjustable from 2to 12 feet that would drop chroma shafts. "Flex-Maste- Complete with Golf Bagl IMPROVED DACRON DELUXE SLEEPING BAGS was a great day for the race. CarOfficial timer of the event was rying off the trophy in the Class Lt. David Vanoncini. Safety in5 A competition was Sp George Bill Armstrong and Watt. He skillfully drove his black spectors' were John Schlegel. Other officials were Bob Green, Dave Podbelsld, 'Mustang around the course in a Tom Michaels, Stan Kata and 18 seconds. ..'tihie of one minute ' Following Sp5 Watt in die Class Gary Weatherly. Certificates were presented to I A competition were! Lt. Floyd Hughes, 2nd place Class A; Wil- the winners by President Dave liam Peterson, 3rd dace Class A; Podbeski. 88 GARCIA 100-inc- 20.00 Value h GARCIA rtS & ' 'Ax. ia , V s 2-P- ROD C. "Abu-Mati- c 140" gives spin-cafishing at its best . . . end simplest. Powerful "Star Drag" and exclusive "Synchro. control. Complete with n Drag" combined with Gloss Coiling Rod. 2621T Model Garcia a The NOW ONLY st push-butto- 6-f- t., ROD HOLDERS comfort. s IC 13" zipper zip together Dacron 88.sleeping bags chock full Spectacular savings on rugged of warm, fluffy washable, no matting insulation for more warmth and X ABU-MAT- REEL WITH O 2 air mattress pockets 0 Heavy wind and water repellent canvas, duck cover 0 Full 0 2 bags Rtf. 125" OMY 198.00 65.00 ' For Beach SPECIAL PURCHASE uyjr. HEINZ FOOD AND SOUP or Boat One can make ideal meal on your fishing and camping trip." Rag. 14)0 Reg. 29e aach FIRST TO START OUT - First one out on the driving course in the Auto Cross in quest of e first place finish in the Class A competition is Mr. Ronald Stephens, as Sp5 Tom Michaels waves the starting flag. Although he did not finish high in die final standings, Mr. Stephens did a commendable job of driving his car in tough competition. U.S. Army Photo 1A I for , fl0 11 Pocket mwm FISHING VEST WEBER COVERED BARBECUE With Built In Fish Basket Pocket - Poplin WaFabric terproof YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! Rag. 7.95 SISP Now Only 4 v&,$ & NTERE 4 33 FLATFISH LEADER WHEELS Genuine. Helin Wire BOOT HANGS J 28 Atumnum Slllllli CRB RIFLE TEAM PLACES 1st - Pictured above are members of the CBR Rifle Team 'which placed first in intramural competition here at Dugway Proving Gound. Holding their trophies from L to R are Corporal Oscar E. Rodriquez, SSgt Robert R. Ward, SFC Firbintino Miguel, Sp4 Willie R. Little, Sp5 Nelson T. Morncsl, and Sgt. Robert B. Nettles. KETTLE Reg. 49.95 22'i in. size F-- 3 to F-- 7 Keg. $1.35 im.i.83 COOKS WITH REFLECTED HEAT . . . COOKS FOODS EVENLY WITHOUT A SPIT1 (U. S. ARMY PHOTO) TACKLE FLY BOX Now wh BELT 2 Tray fog. 7.91 BAIT BOX fog. 1.91 GENUINE DARDEVLE SPINNIES 3d),s never cook again on a conventional barbecue after you've enjoyed tha convenience and savory goodness of foods cooked on a Weber Covered Barbecue. Foods cook in their own juices . . . heat b held-iflare-up- s and scorcheliminated. Dual are Grills . , . ing Scientifically spaced for one charcoal, one for food permit air circulation for even heat distribution that seals-i- n flavor and juices. "Long-Las- t" porcelain finish insidad and out with aluminum damper and legs. SWayNaw ash-catch- er, Final sr 16 95 Split willow creek with contoured back and leather binding. Large 16" size, with leather pouch. Reg. For the Best Deal on a New OMsmobile During June i9c SPLIT WILLOW CREEK cross-cro- Clearance Month Now Is The Time To Buy A New Oldsmobile And Really Save FISHING n, Oldsmobile I fray Garcia You'll June Is BOXES 9.49 Folding GOLF CARTS fogvlar 9.93 4 19 to 7. 00C3SQJ? WMkdays 10 fo 9 j msay Sturdy tubular aluminum construction fJkisites Chevrolet Company BSI414I for oasy storage ' HEADQUARTERS Folds . FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS PLIERS |