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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, June 17, 1966 Water Safety-Fir- O The time to seek water ai a means of relaxation is here ' once again. Its stimulating, invigorating and just plain fun. Most important, probably, its a very healthful way to keep our body in tip-to- p shape. But water can be dangerous to health, and even to life it- - Cvar bought j FKESH-IEA- nook, because fat end grislle boon hidden by d I WATER SAFETY Toiler 4 N Mto Tmh Hr o looks In ia storer bull when you get Hr homo found do large bone erescnsj F A & summer. prefer, for a healthful and 1. Dont overestimate your strength and swimming ability. 2. Never swim alone. Make sure someone is nearby who can help. 3. Swim at a safe place, preferably one with lifeguards. 4. Dont swim right after eating or when overheated or . overtired. 5. Before diving, make sure the water is deep enough and . has no hidden objects. 6. Distance over water is misleading - dont overestimate your endurance. 7. Take a boat along for distance swimming in open water. 8. Learn safe handling and safe rescue before taking out '' boats. when float will craft small Most upset. Stay with your 9. i boat or canoe. 10. Mast important of all, learn to swim, or improve your swimming ability. (AFNB) fun-fill- ed 7-l- iu happen e A ! man, where you (idee of die mod lb. and di cl Ibws boihiidetof anyl endow to lo lew of meal yse may ward u Afl end ypeduum SWA 1ne g id if not treated with a certain amount of respect. it you Following are ten "roles or cautionary measures, self, I st JUSZ aow I', PQIE1Q you leeddmballoHV' AO and fuadlown I f AMID SPRAY deodorant lteg.01Ayal! . aeM38C SEA A SKI TUBE , meaty IP U o o ..lb. flSlfL TURKEY 59 a. Tender-age- d, Young, tender, Norbeit SUNTAN LOTION - steak j7(o) dd SIZE FAMILY Chocks 65e For slewing or braWng GRIFFIN LIQUID deep . Mg Hornet's 0tlLY10r ITivMmoImuP tor to 0ger onto SuMrrnioa SHOE POUSH Fkg. ladogf IPi CflBl wU ..39 . FDATJKIB . 1. Fkg. Hernial IflM Blot .Ibe IDACOEJ MMM 9V MC r Sergeant First Class Wallace D. Clift, Post Career Counselor, maintains offices in the Post Headquarters buJUBn& Boom 1800, during normal duty hours. He may be contacted at extension 2884. If you have questions pertaining to your career contact Sgt. Clift and he will gladly answer your questions. (US. Army Photo) , FRUIT COCKTAIL VELVEETA CHEESE FOOD HP Quaky- - L 3-l- b. 0 )( PINEAPPLE LkhyM .. J 1 Fkg. mn LIQUID 32-- 0 z. bottle caff E2DE2S ' IE lhi 90 ISceff MiaftCLE WHIP GtolMfefcQlEEffliB fifliUtofTha Gtoto EC Ml .. . . t BNSBffi GE032 T sSY o) Jvfi giamt seen kci icm |