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Show Capitoj aS0 DISPATCH ; GREEN RIVER, UTAH, VOLUME XM. NUMBER 31 SHIS EMERY Which Kind Do SEND PROTEST TO SALljLAKE You Want? Discrimination Against Us Must Cease or Will Loose Our Entire Business GLOTHES r can be made to look well just to sell; or Carbon they can be made to give so much satisfaction that a best,' look best, and are most economical; which kind do Metropole Hotel GOOD THINGS TO EAT THAT SATISFY THE APPETITE For good, wholesome, substantial meals try our regular dinners We also serve short orders at all hours. Sunday family dinners a specialty. Lunches put up. GIVES DINNER PARTY MRS. I. R. FLEMING Mr. and Mrs. J. Phalen entertained a number of their friends last Thursday evening to an elaborate four course dinner. A young roast pig graced the center of the table and was sur- rounded by many other good! things to eat. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Beebe and daughter, Mr,, and Mrs. Earl Barber, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beebe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones, Rev. and Mrs. W. G. McConnell, and ' Beebe and Sons GREEN RIVER GARAGE PROP. W. Lake parties to route travelers and auto tourist thru the reserv? ation. country, using as their We have everything that the work-- ; , . reason that the Midland Trail . ing man needs in overalls, coveralls thru Price and Green River was. suits, gloves, shoes and hats. Our impassable. Goods is of the highest quality and By those who kn ow the reser-- i vation roads are said to be far .o5''Y we sell at the most moderate prices. worse than the Midland Trail. If Salt Lake keeps this up they will A- lose our patronage and as Carbon county is second to Salt Lake co-- i unty in wealth the loss will be considerable.. J. W. Hammond of Price, one A. D. Beebe. Following the dinner a social of the Protest committee, was in time was enjoyed by all until a Green River over Sunday with a hour. late set of Reso'utions protesting .v . Service Station against the unjust treatment Pepair Sha The Resolutions which were NOTICE Let us overhaul and repair your car signed by 38 prominent business men of Green River are set forth j Owing to the fact that Typhoid a as follows: Specialty Vulcanizing exists at Price, and that WHEREAS, It has been brot Fever to the attention of the business sewage from Price is ultimately interests and citizens of Carbon , du charged into Green River, ,: 1 hereby notified that ' ' 4cwLEmry .counties. . the auto- ' & Stdrare, obtained from the Green mobile Assn. thru its Saif' Lake is not for drinking or River safe City, offices has been advising unless it has culinary purposes tourists and Other travelers, goboiled. been ing east, that the condition of CITY BOARD OF HEALTH the roads thru Carbon, Emery and Grand Counties on the. MidMODERN AND ACCOMODATINGO land Trail are in such condition Mr and Mrg A D Lewi8 are that it is almost impossible to announcjng the marriage of their Short Orders For Breakfast and Supper Regular travel said road, between CasUe daughter Alta, to Sergeant Roy Gate and Grand Junction, by T. Graham, which took place in Dinners served promptly and neatly way of Price and Green River, Denverf Qn Tuesdayi Aug. 19th. that said Association has been Graham has just re information and maps turned from overseas service in furnishing UP routing travelers via Reservation France. Mr. and Mra Graham points and Pikes Peak Highway will make their home at LongMILDRED FLEMING, PROP. thru Utah to Rifle, Colorado and, mont, Colo. WHEREAS, the facts as to the condition of the two roads Bajd roa(i expending money on mentioned are such that it takes the Willow Creek between Castle from one to two days longer to Gate and Colton, making it nectravel by route recommended by essary to travel a distance of 9 said Automobile Assn.. than it miles further over a road which does over the Midland Trail via is no part of the Midland Trail, Price and Green River, and from and which road is very little use information obtained from part-i- t to the greater portion of the is Carbon and ics traveling both routes, Emery counties. believed that the Midland, Trail NOW WHEREFORE BE IT is a boulevard as compared to RESOLVED. That we, the underPikes Peak route, and signed business men and citizens ji .WHEREAS, For many years 'of Carbon and Emery counties the Eastern section of Utah has having felt it our patriotic duty paid to the State Highway Com-- ; purchase Utah Manufactured mission vast sums of money from goods of Utah wholesalers and Taxation, for the purpose of Jobbers, feel that the discrimi-natio- n building and maintaining state and unjust treatment that Highways and all that we have we have received at the hands ever received in return has been of the State Officials and G in-- 1 empty promises and mercial organizations in Salt 1 would r assurances that we Lake is intolerable and believing ceive our just proportion of the that our first duty is to out hon e money that we have poured into community, have resolved and thtir treasury. After having pledged ourselves and do hereby $25,000.00 for the con- pledge ourselves that unless such struction of a road down Price discrimination and unjust treatRiver, leading directly into Price ment immediately ceases, that i River Va'ley and after the peo- we will withdraw our patronage ple of Carbon county, having from Salt Lake City. Iy so doing he can help maintain present day j after year declared a Good year Committee prosperity, help solve the impirtant problems Roads Day, suspending all busHammond W. J. that confront us at this time. iness and donating labor necessJ. Lee Arthur ary to maintain this road, reB. Randolph ceiving very little help from the L. A. McGee state, except use of convict laWe, the undersigned business bor on about two miles of this men and citizens of Carbon and road, during the season of 1917, Emery Counties, hereby resolve the State Highway CommisMon to put the foregoing resolutioi s has seen fi t, without consulting into effect unless the abuses set i he Carbon Coilnty authorilif s. fourth are corrected wihlin ten for reasons unknown, to abandon days after Aug. 21, 1919. . THE $2.00 Per Annum In Ad van e HAY .V ; t or LOAD B. Maharry last week sold a ov?r car load of hay consigned to parties in Carbon county. He received $32 per ton, baled and delivered at the car. The price received was exceptionally good and indicates that hay will be high this coming winter. Stockmen from all parts of the state are looking for hay as the ranges are nearly dried out from the continued drought, and there will be little for stock to eat next winter. crimination! against us by Salt Lake parties, especially the Utah State Automobile Association. For some time there has been a concerted action among Salt working man buys them because he knows they serve you want? and Emery Counties are protesting vigorously against the unjust treatment and dis- AUGUST, 28 1919 THURSDAY, HAY, GRAIN, FEED Hay, Grain and Feed sold in any quantity. All hay is baled and we especially solicit the patronage of campers, and stockmen. j EARL BARBER BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY GROWERS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL AND TREES PLANTS ROCHESTER, NEW YORK is the time to order plants, trees etc. fall planting. Let me have your order. Now , . for 4- - BULB PRICE LIST r MIDLAND HOTEL i j ROOMS $1.00 AND 75c JOHN FOLSOM, AGENT Experience leaches j That-- j j : It is the duty II S2S SL Kitchen Utensils j are as much a necessity in the home as the food which is prepared in or with them. And the greater the assortment you have the easier and more quickly can you do your work. C. You will find in our stock everything needed for the kitchen. You can depend upon the quality of every piece and you can be sure the prices are right pre-electi- on of every American citizen to produce all he can to make all he can. re-1- ted i l IGOe're Come and See li'l'ililil'ilili'TH Them On the Souar'e 99 BOith you . j Ben Bolt Hardware Store |