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Show GREEN UK POSTPONES WAGE SEIUEIH1 PRESIDENT DECLINES TO FIX THE RAILWAY SHOP MEN RIVER DISPATCH, Vacation PAY FOR Basie Wage Questions 8hould be Deferred Until the Era of High Prices Has Gone, He 6aye in Note to the Public. 25-ie- tein-jsirur- After 0- SENATE COMMITTEE VOTES TQ AMEND TREATY TO RESTORE PROVINCE TO CHINA. MUST RAISE RATES TO MEET EXPENSE LOVETT . Washington. railroads cannot Bolshevik! Fleet Disabled. Stockholm. The Rolsbevlkl fleet In the gulf of Finland, defending Petro-grat- l, has been dlaubled completely, the newsiiapers here reimrt. The deSPECIAL SES8ION CALLED. fenses of Kronstadt, which were bombarded by British wursliips, have been Members of Utah Legislature Will destroyed. Consider High Cost of Living. Salt Lake City. Members of the Mrs. Russell Alger Dead. Thirteenth legislature will convene iu Detroit. Mrs. Annette Henry Alger, special session Monday, September 29, widow of Gen Russell A. Alger, secreat noon. Proclamation to tills effect tary of war during President McKiwas Issued August 25, by Gov. giuion nleys administration and a former governor of Michigan, died at her home Iluiulierger. The object of the session Is to act here Sunday at the age of 79. uiion the Susan R. Anthony amendment to the constitution of the United State CLARENCE D. CLARK providing for unlversul suffrage and to consider matters In connection with the high cost of living. Only these two matters ore mentioned and this Indicates that the session will not be long unless consideration of the high cost of living is extended. Hapaburgs Must Quit Iarls. Tlie supreme council Sunday night sent a note to the Hungarian government, In which announcement was made that the council would have no dealings with a government headed uy Archduke Joseph or any other member of tlie Ilupslmrg family. Two Killed in Riots. Charlotte, N. C. Two men were killed and ten Injured, four of them probably fatally, In a battle between police guards and a mob of strike sympathizers at the car barns of the Southern Public Utilities company. , Bel-gio- i I ' Economic League Favors Treaty. New York. The National Economic league announced Monday that its members bad voted, 51B to 106, in favor of ratifying the peace treaty "without complicating, delaying or invalidating reservations" Triplo Tragedy in Chicago Cafe.' Chicago. Entering the Royal Canton cafe, Private William E. Stewart, a returned overseas soldier, Saturday shot nnd killed ids wife, Mrs. Emma Stewart ; Charles Schools, her companion, and then himself. ing rates, Robert 8. Lovett, president of the Union Pnclilc railroad, told the house interstate commerce' comy mittee during a discussion on in which he contended the railroad problem "Is solely a question of ruilroud credit." Howard Elliott, president of the Northern lucltlc, another witness, urged early adoption of a national transportation pulley, declaring delay only tended to muke all classes unIn udoptlon certain and unsettled. of the transportation policy he thought congress should observe four principles, as follows: Government regulatory machinery to encourage the present transportation system, so that rates will pay all costs; including new capital needed for expansion of facilities; abandonment of present .method of adjusting wage and working disputes, with substitution of a sane method of deciding these quesof abolishment tions, including strikes; modification of the Sherman law to permit consolidations; and making of federal authority supreme In regulating rates, securities and accounts. Railroads should have the right to initiate rates, Mr. Elliott argued, adding lliat the Interstate commerce commission should have the right of suspension und review. Strike Breakers Get In Bad. Los Angeles, Cal. Fifty strike breakers on tlielr way to Los Angeles to work In the railroad yards and man street curs, were taken front an overland train at Las Vegas, Nev., a Salt Lake Route divisonal terminal, marched through the town, and then told to walk If they ever expected to reach this city, according to reisirts received here. j Former Senator Clarence D. Clark of Evanoton, Wye, who has boon appointed a member of the international Joint commission by President Wilson. Ho succeeds the late James A. Tawney of Minnesota. PROCLAMATION OF PEACE MUST AWAIT TREATY RATIFICATION, WILSON DECLARES Private oemtinn of Washington. President Wilson luu lie restored at exist- not the iiower to declare peuce by pro- Fri-Uit- to Consider Plana for Protection of Americans Mexico City. The highest Mexican government iifflcinla are milking a close study of the principle points at Issue between Ihe Mexlcun and American governments with a view to reaching arrangements satisfactory to the United States without impairment of Mexican nntlonul Interests nnd Mexican sovereignty, according to declarations made Saturday by Luis Cabrera, secretary of the treasury and leading cublnet member. These points, are petroleum legislation, Indemnification, frontier vigilance und guarantee for the safety of foreigners and foreign interests in t Mexico. Tarred and Feathered Farmer. Geneseo, III. Tar and feathers, applied by Henry county farmhands upon August Porchke, a fanner near Geneseo, did not set well, and he hue made It bis business to arrest and every one of hia assailants prosecute m ROADS CANNOT BE OPERATED UNDER EXISTING RATE8. President of U. P. Also Declares That League of Nations Not Consummated Present Method of Adjusting by Mere Agreement Among Three of the Powers, President Advises Wages Is Unjust, and Would Put Ban on Strikes. Senator Fall. Begin . 8AY8 TO HECTARE PEACE Washington Tlie Shantung decision of the laris iieace conference was reversed by tlie senate foreign relations committee on August 23. By a vole of 9 to 8, the ruiniiiittee decided to amend the treaty to provide fur tlie restoration nf Shantung to t'hiiiu. The cliunge made wus extremely simple; It merely strikes out the word "Japan and substitutes tlie word China in the section which dispose of Geniiuny's I former rights iu tlie Shantung peninsula. Senator Mct'uuilier, North Dakota, Republican, voted witli the Democrats against tlie Shantung amendment. Otherwise, tlie vote was of a strict party nature. Action Presages Further Delay. Tlie effect nf tlie commit tes action, if sustained by the Semite, will lie to send tlie pence treaty buck to the other prlueipul allied lowers. As according to Prshlent Wilson, refused to sign tlie treaty unless given Shantung, nnd as France, Grent Until In mid Italy are hound by their secret treaties to support tlie Japanese rliilmn to Shantung, It Is eonsidered extremely probable thut tlie amendment, if sustained In tlie senute, would rreute a deadlock among the towers. Says Senate Will Reverse Action. Senator Ioiiierene of Ohio, Democratic member of Hie foreign relations couinilttee, declared the committee action hud no significance und predicted the senate would reverse1 it. Senator Johnson of Cullforiiln, Republican, praised the action of ilic committee in wiping out the proposal to guarantee the infamy of tlie Shantung settlement by our treasury and by our blood. MU LAI J CIT? Business Courses Stenography Booh keif ping PictaphoMQ Civil Service Typowriting Posting Machiae L. D. S. Business College Salt I oka City, Utah Dmy old Eemmg th AM Year Typewriters makes Boated, Ssnslred. Bod. Write for prtaaa- -f 7 JlO to SIOO. All Utah Office SXW.aed tad School Snpply Salt Lake City. Utak Ju-pit- TO TAKE NOTICE. Passports for Tourists. Washington Passports will lie issued to tourists going to France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and north era Africa, except Egypt, on aifll aftei September 15, the state department announced Monday. Me MAM STUCT First Direct Action Taken on Peace Treaty, One Republican Voting With Democrats Against Proposed Change. six-da- Mexican Bandit Pays. Marfa, Texas. American avlufcirs made Jesus Ilenterin, bandit leader, jiny In full for his treatment of Lieutenant Harold G. Peterson and Lieutenant Iaul H. Davis, held for ransom by the Mexican, when Lieutenant K. II. Cooper killed Renteria from an .airplune. BOYDPARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY j Three hundred Marfa, Texas. Ainerlcun soldiers who invaded Mexico in an endeavor to capture the bandits who held for ransom Lieutenants' Peterson and Davis, are hack on American soil, anil the invasion of Mexico is a mutter of history. Tlie American punitive expedition cuine out of Mexico on Sunday. The column, making uu early start, crossed the Rio Grande and arrived at Candelaria on the Aiueriruu aide at nightfall, having inarched over sixty miles since morning. Officers and men were y tired with Ihe strain of the cainiiuign but were not downcast over their failure to find all of the bandits They muke no excuses, hut tlielr experiences siieak for themselves of the tremendous difficulties encountered In the hunt for the fiend and Ills followers And they have, moreover, six prisoners und four deud Mexicans in their game lwg. The six prisoners are leading sad life. They are at Ruidosa, the buse of the expedition, nnd they are chopping wood und washing dishes Jesus Renturia, the hnnillt leader, was shot and killed by Lieut R. II. Cooper when bandits fired oil Coopers machine, according to Lieut Harold G. Peterson, who returned with the expedition. MEXICO A Complete. Jewelry Store - BOUNDARY BY RECR088ED FORCES BENT UPON THE CAPTURE OF BANDIT BAND. Campaign Results in Killing of Leader of Outlaw Gang and the Capture of Half a Dozen of Hia Followers lf Days-a- nd RIVER, UTAH Known for Service Famous for Quality Easy Prices ix-D- Postioiieiiient of the Washington. settlement of wage demands until normal condltkm are restored was announced on Mouiluy by President Wilson as the policy which the administration will pursue In dealing with such questions, particularly those affecting ruilroud workers. The president announced also that it wus neither wise nor feasible at this time, when the most important question before the country is a return to normal price level, to attempt to Increase freight rates to provide funds for higher wages. We ought to postiKUie questions of this sort until we have the opportunity for certain calculation as to the relations between wages and the cost of living, the president declared In a statement to the public explaining his decision as to wages. It is the duty of every citizen to Insist uiion a truce in such contests until Intelligent settlements can be made, und made by peace und effective connnon counsel, x upiieal to my fellow citizens of every -In Insisting niployinent to iimiu und maintaining such a trace. Mr. Wilson's statement wus Issued In connection with the decision of liiui-seand Director General Ilines on demands by railroad shopmen for a r cent advance In wages, hut the general policy announced covers also the wage demands of other hundreds of thousands of railroad workers, which ure landing before the director general or about to lie presented. It Is to lie expected thut other unions trying to obtain more pay will lie asked, ns the shopmen, to play their jnirt with other citizens In reducing y the cost of living by foregoing a to would add which advantage transportation costa. The decision of the president and the director general was announced to a committee of 100, representing the shopmen. In reply to tlielr demands for a 25 per cent Increase, the shopmen were asked to accept an adjustment of their pay to the basis of ten hours' pay for eight hours' work, which they contended was given to other employees and deind them when the Adamson law became effective. This means an advance of the basic pay from G8 cents to 72 cents an hour, whereas an Increase of 17 cents to 85 cents an hour was demanded. GREEN clamation, nor could lie consent in any circumstances to take such a course prior to tlie ratification of a formal tnuity of peace by Ihe senate. The president so wrote Senator Fall on Adjust 21, In answer to one of the twenty written questions tlie senatui preseiifijHl at the White House conference. Replying to another question, the president said tlie provision of tlie ireaty thut Tjt should come into force after ratification by Germany and three of the principal associated powers oie rated merely to establish ponce lietween those ratifying powers, and that It was questionable whether It an be said that the league of nations is In any true sense created by the association of only three of the v allied und associated governments." As to the qnestiqd of when normal tthidftioiinnight btf restored, tllfe president said lie could only express the confident opinion that Immediate ratification of the treaty and acceptance of the covenant of the league as written would certainly within the near future reduce tlie cost of living, both in this country and abroad, through restoration of production und commerce to normal. To Senator Falls questions relating to the dlsiKNdtlon of Germany's possessions, tlie president suid the arrangement in tlie treaty conveyed no title to the allied or associated powers, but merely Intrusts disposition of the territory in question to their decision." Florida Senator Struck by Car. Washington. Senator Fletcher waa si ruck by a street car late Thursday and seriously injured. He sustained a severe scalp wound, u contusion and a badly bruised unn. EDWIN SAMUEL MONTAGU Cholera Epidemic Threatens Tokio. Honolulu, T. H. A Tokio. cable to tlie Iluwnil Shiiipo says an epideir.lt of cholera is threatening Tokio. Several rases have been re; Kir led. Tlie in-- ; fcction. tlie ruble said, was brought to Tokio from Shanghai. Ebert Takes Oath as President. Weimar. Friedrich Ebert took the mill us lmperlui president at the national theatre Friday. A large crowd In tlie squure before the had gulhei-etheatre, where a guard of honor wus drawn up with a band pluylng. Rumors of Lifting of Dry Ban. Washington. The capital is alive with minors that the president plans to lift wnriliue prohibition, which went into effect July 1, en the first of October. Arrest Man Who 8tole $45,000. Walter R. O'Rourke of Toledo, Ohio, wanted In that city In connection with the theft June 19 last of $45,000 In United States currency from tlie American Ruilway Express company, was arrested here Friday. Seattle Commission Men Arrested. Court Reserves Decision.' Fatal Wound a Mystery. Ten Seattle commission Seattle. Seoul. The supreme court, which Ely, Nev. Investigation by a coromen were arrested here Monday, heard the appeal of the Rev. E11 Mil- ners Jury failed to disclose how the charged with hoarding several hun- ler Mowry of Mansfield, O, a Preshy-tcrln- n gunshot wound waa Inflicted by which dred thousand pounds of potatoes in missionary, from conviction on a John 8. Wright waa fatally Injured an attempt to Increase prices Four! charge of having sheltered Korean when leaving Ms home on a banting ' I f the ten were Japanese. sit a tors, baa reserved decision. trla at $25 PER ACRE Milford. Utak. I WIDE DIVERGENCE IN RACES of Pacific Islands Furniahf Something of a Study for tho People Ethnologist. Tlie presence of two distinct rare' of man in tlie Pacific island suggests two periods and sources of iuunigrs--tiosays a bulletin of the National Geographic society. Tlie Papuan and Polynesians appear to show the widest divergences, with the Micronesia ns ocHUN PLAN TO INVADE U. 8. cupying the intermediate groiiud and possessing affinities of race, language, Plot of Extensive Nature in Mexico ahd custom with the other two. Made Public by Officer. The Papuans may he generally wild New York. Revelation of extensive to Inhabit New Guinea, the Solomons, German plots In Mexico during the Kew Caledonia and Fiji. They war, which included a proposed invasdemocratic, quarrelsoinej , ion of tlie United States by a Gerninn-Mexlcucannibalistic, and hostile to stranger.. army of 45,000 men, at Hie They paint their bodies rather Hum same time thut tlie Germans launched weuF dot lies, cook In earthen pot,, their lust drive on the western front and tlielr speech consists of a numin July, 1918, was made here Saturday ber of broken dialects. The Polynesiby tlie National Association for the ans differ widely from the Papuans. Protection of American rights in Mex They possess an elaborate religious-system- , an established order of heico, which gave out a statement by noDr. P. B. Aitendorf, formerly of flic reditary chiefs and United States military intelligence de- dal castes. They are fond of dress, partment, reciting his experience as an are friendly to strangers, are good seaAmerican secret service agent in tint men and navigators, and tatoo instead of scar their bodies, and seldom praccountry. tice cannibalism. They s1o possess a common language, nnderstuiidahle Ask Probe of Mountain Rates. New Zealand. Hawaii, SaWashington The Intermediate llntt throughout moa, Tahiti and the Pauinotu Island comrailroad of coinisised association, missions und cnninierclul organization SET THEIR MINDS AT EASE. of Montana, Washington, Idaho, Utuh. Mexico and Arizona, Nevada, New asked tlie interstate commerce com- Cases Acs Numerous Where Wrongdoers; After Msny Years, Maks mission on August 23 to investigate Restitution to Show Regret commodity rates to intennountain terIs It are which, alleged, unjust ritory, The sting of oonsclence is not alnnd unreasonable as compared with dulled by the lapse of time. ways rates to he Iaclflc const. There is no more bitter penalty than to spend ones life with an accusing Utahan Opposes Kenyon Bill. conscience, no more unpleasant memWashington. Juuies A. Henderson, ory than of a wrong done. That is a Morgan, Utuh, canning man, who particularly true where It la In the said he was botli a competitor of the power of the Individual to repair five big packers ami a source of supto show by restitution Hint reply for pnKlucts they sell, told Hie sen- gret is real. ate agriculture committee that regulaConscience money Is frequently retion proposed in tlie Kenyon Dill for ceived by Individuals and corporations. tlie making Industry was unnecessary There may be times when payment and dungerous. mine from individuals who nre menially n filleted, hut n msny cases where Americana Compliment Frenchmen. payments could be traced hack they Paris. Tlie officers and soldiers of were made to case an a censing conscience, to right a wrong of year ago. tlie First division of the Anieri an There are othpr Individuals who do foroe, who are on Hie not use mystery, but who come out In point of embarking for home, have sent an open letter of farewell to Hie Ihe open and pay debts long since outFieneii soldiers. Tlie letter expresses lawed, many times forgotten. There sre stories of these belated payments admiration for the rouriige and sacrifrequently printed, the last one coming fices of tlie French troops. from North Dakota, where a mnn paid a debt nearly thirty years oliL He not Park Closed to Tourists. only pnid the debt, but he paid interest Ilelenii. Tlie Two Medicine lake re- to date and 'Cleaned the transaction np gion In Glacier national imrk lias been as a man ought to do. Ohio Rtnts rinsed to tourists nnd campers-- ' have Journal. been excluded from tlie nuiiiy glacier Short Courses In locality tiecuiise of the forest fires that "We want wives who know how t are destroying some of tlie most beaudo things," say the yAung North Afritiful country In the purk. Let u cans who fought In Europe. And have girls from your hostel." Wildcatters. Texas Investigating th because are then disappointed they Washington. Investigation of some missionaries cannot supply the dewild of of tlie sale fifty conipliilnts To satisfy the waiting list ol cut" oil stocks in the Texas oil fields mand. the missions . plan to open soldiers have been started by the federal trade World short courses iu n. n d Wife-Trainin- Wireless Phone Service Possible. London. Tlie next few years should Edwin Samuel Montagu haa risen see establishment of a wireless telesince he became under oecrc-tar- y steadily to enulilliig system, England phone for India in 1010. He is now secto of world the talk for three any part retary for India, having succeeded minutes at a maximum cost of $5. Austen Chambcnain in 1917. Denver. GOOD LAND This offer may lust only s few days. Two M sere tracts, one fenced, in puniufng district, unimproved: land ssndy ksun. Kxcellcntso beets and ulfolfo on adjacent forms on pump. Plenty of water lu foet under around. Kodrougti lit, no lose, no worry. Ideal method of forming. Own yuur own Und end water success assured. Easy terms. Write today fur particulars. wife-trainin- commission. Outlook. Indiana Troops Guarding Plant Hammond, Ind. Ten companies of Indiana stute troops, rushed here on special trains by Governor Goodrich, prevented further outbreaks by the 2000 striking employees of the Bland ard Steel Gar couqiany. Plan to Float I rich Loan. .New York. The Irish republic mission has announced the opening of headquarters here to carry on the work nf floating tlie $10,009, 000 Irish republic bond issue' to be undertaken by an American commission. Denies Right of Strike. Washington Right of strike would be denied railroad employes under legislation proposed by the Illinois Manufacturers association and presented by Charles Pies of Chicago, before the house interstate commerce commute Wales to Mako Awards. York. Manlier of the 27tb division who won British medals for bravery during the war will recelvi their awards at Hie hands of ths Prince of Wales when the royal vislloi arrives In New 'York. New . Cones ruing Swanking. "Swank" Is bombastic behavior er talk accompanied by ostentatioiisness of manner. A "swanker" la a preten-tlru- s person who strives to Impress others that he Is superior to others, or different from what he something really Is. The word "swank" Is not modern term; It dates back to the early years of the last century and has been found In Thomas Bachelor's "Orihoepical Analysis of the English Language," ns occurring In Bedfordshire dialect. The book was publish ad In Loudon to 1806. |