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Show GREEN RIVER DL&PATCty liKEEN RIVER, UTAH Cornelius Ekker returned Tuesday to his home in Hanksviiie. after a short visit with his wife By HELEN SPALDING, Mg EDITOR Miss Celestine , Moons is the and children in Green River. Entered as second class matter Feb. nary 20, 1007, at the post office at guest of her sister in Helper this Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McPherGreen River, Utah. Every Thursday. week. Spend your evenings enjoying good music. If you haven't a son and daughter Ruby, motored A. Shinn returned Sunday J. to Provo last week and are visitSubscription $2.00 Per Annum In Advance. musical instrument in your home Id us sell you a PATHEPH0NE. night from a ten days business Office. this to known Rates on made with relatives. Application Advertising ing line of Records for all makes We cany a full and trip to Denver. Telephones, No. 2 and 74-A. has D. Hinrichsen resigned Albert Drake and family have of machines. moved into the Kerby house the as manager of the Bonneville! Lumber Yard and has accepted past week. UTAH SIATF ftCrSS ASSOCIATION a position at the Midland Garage. E. E. Adams was a business visitor in Grand Junction the Woody Shinn came over from Mrs. Charles Ivie returned first of the week. Mrs. T. G. Wiinmer, assisted Moab the latter part of last week bv her daughters, Laura and last week from Salt Lake where will remain here with his and Work shoes at money saving Marguerite, entertained last Sat- she has been visiting with re- prices at Square Deal Store, adv family for some time. He has Wagon Making been working with the Western General Blacksmithing urday in honor of her niece, Mis a latives. She was accompanied by aran was Beebe Mrs. Oscar Allies Oil Co. that is drilling at Sybil Spalding of Salt Lake City, her daughter from Murray. rival last Friday from Provo and The afternoon was spent at Moab. Wm. Phalen and wife return visiting with her son Frank in "500. First prize was awarded ed last week from a brief trip to is Hen Gibbons of Hanksviiie was WILL DO THE BEST WORK E0R YOU this city. to Mrs. E. A. Dufford and Mrs. Grand Junction. While there on in week first of the town the Miss is Tasker visiting Mary L. H. Green received the consola- they purchased a new home. on with friends and relatives in a business trip. He returned Kepairns Woodworking tion prize. Following the cards a do not here to leave Albert They expect Tuesday accompanied by week. this Lake Salt two luncheon course was however until late in the dainty Mrs.. Blackburn of spring, Mrs. Dan Thompson and child- Weber, and served to the following guests: Miss Nora Cutting has re- ren are visiting with friendB and Salt Lake. Mesdames Albert Drake, E. A. Wm. Wolf and wife of Grand Dufford. H. L. Spalding, L. H. cently returned from a sev- relatives in Salt Lake this month. eral months friends visit with Junction stopped off for a few Mr. and Mrs. Jack Durkin reGreen, Frank Beebe. O. R. Gillis-pi- e, and in relatives various at week to visit with Mrs. last points A. D. Hinrichsen, Joe Johnturned Saturday from a short days Iowa. She will spend the remainMrs. E. E. Adams. Wolfs aunt, ston, Misses Margaret Folsom, visit in Salt Lake and Ogden. der of her vacation home enroute to Salt Lake at her were They Sybil Spalding, Marjory Dufford. Dr. Bricker motored to Grand where they will make their here. and Helen Spalding. Junction on Monday to be gone home. CAPITAL $50,000.00 Mrs. A. B. Clark and three a SURPLUS & PROFITS. few days on business. 20,000,00 Mrs. Dan McDougal of Hanks-vill- e C. E. Lynn was in town for a children were arrivals the first OVER RESOURCES, $350,000.00 Drake Folsom Albert and John wss a visitor in town for a of few days last week from the San the week from Calif., and are motored last 49b PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS to San Juan Ratael Oil Fields where is in the few days last week. She was Friday with her sister, Mrs. J. visising Your Account Solicited where they spent several to Salt Lake where she un- S. Orr. are enroute to their county employ of the One Thousand Oil They on business. derwent a critical operation at home in MOAB UTAH Co., that is drilling out there. Milwaukee, after having days the L. D. S. Hospital. Reports who for Miss in California. Sybil the Spalding, past year are to the. effect that the opera- spent the past week has been visiting Miss Lily Hall of Moab was an from Prof. E. N. A. Kelly was call- at tion was successful and that she the home of T. G. Wimmer, arrival Sunday evening ed to Moab last week by the where s recovering rapidly. she Lake Salt City spent for her home in Salt death of his mother, Mrs. Chas. left Sunday of the summer with her most Mrs. John Phalen of Salt Lake Lake. Kelly, which occured funday, sister, Mrs. H. A. Tangren. Miss her by daughter, A. E. McFarland and accompanied Mrs. 17. also lie Hall will spend a few months at accompanied Mrs. J. S. Hassett and grand- Aug. last were arrivals children to remains Grand Junction her Hanksviiie with her father. daughter Catherine of Pocatello, where intorrment took place, from Detroit, Mich., and Cun for Dysentery. were arrivals on Tuesday and will visit here for some time While I was in Ashland, Kansas, are visiting at the homes of WH 5 pounds of Fruit Jelly in use- with her mother, Mrs. E. Hedges, a gentleman overheard me speaking of Chambrlams Colic and Diarrhoea and Jrck Phalen. They will re- ful stone jar for $1 40 at Square Miss Marjory Dufford wen t to Remedy," writes William Whitelaw, STOCKMENS adv. Deal Store. HEADQUARTERS main here for several weeks. Des Moines, Iowa. "He told me in Moab the first of the week and of detail of what it had done for his fam-- 1 is visiting with her sister Mrs. ily, but more especially his daughter who was lying at the point of death D. E. Baldwin. GREEN RIVER DISPATCH LOCAL AND PERSONAL MUSIC! 4 Broadway Drug' Store Our Acetylene Welder NELS T. PETERSON Sank fllnah ... en-rou- te Livery and Dray Sat-urda- y Hay, Grain j , A Bilious Attack. When you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become constipated. The 'food you eat ferments in your sto1919-192- 0 mach instead of digesting. This in-- 1 flames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache, and 8 9. Registration September Take three of Chamberlains Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean Class Instruction begins September 10. For Catalogue write to out your stomach and you will Boon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. (Adv.) PROVO. YOUNG UNIVERSITY, REGISTRAR, BRIGHAM Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Moons BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY i i j Why Send Your Laundry Away. We :an do your laundry in half the time it takes to send it away, and much cheaper than you can do it for yourself. Why not rid yourself of the worry and dread of Monday for the sake of a mere bit. ROUGH DRY 45c per doz. Flat work all ironed. FINISHED 75c perdozen. Stiff collars a specialty. All Work Called For and Delivered Green River Steam Laundry PROP. i Tha Airhrnm Quarter At The University of Utah 27 Begins September Ercry year thoumnils of young men and young women ora r !,il by taking advantage of the Kjilciitliil opportunities the State University. The cuniihuent last year y.iik over 4,100 students. These students ore qualifying for leadership in the professions anil in life. Docido now to Join thm groat throng of antorpruing young pooplm. nM'-.- Schools of the University School of Art mhI Seii-iuiSrlnxl nr Ktliuntiao Selunl nr Minus ami Kiurinourlna S- w of l.iw r Couinurn-Sellout School of uml Hniiiiir of Medicine Kx tension Tiirikiwi University of Utah SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH S3 f P" m 3 .4 M a- - 14 tw4 U S 11 iiu'.'.iniisi in i.UiTiHi.T: went to Helper Sunday and will visit with their daughter, Mrs. Forrest Lewis, v Patronize home Industry FRED PLEASANTS. with a violent attack of dysentery,: and had been given up by the family physician. Some of his neighbors ad-- 1 vised him to give Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did, and fully believes that by doing so saved the life of his child. He stated that he had also used this remedy himself with equally gratifying re-- 1 suits. (Adv.) ' ' Millii M I Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gillies motored down from Helper last week and are visiting with relatives and friends here. R. J. Denning of Marysville, Utah arrived last week to take over the management of the Bonneville Lumber Yard. ' G. A. Saltgaver and family motored over from Grand Junction on Sunday and are visiting with their many friends in this city. Miss Nora Dahling returned Sunday from Fmita, where she has been making a visit with her sister, Mrs. Theo. Harper arid other relatives. Mrs. C. E. Lopaz and Bon were arrivals Sunday from Grand Junction, where they have been for the past two weeks visiting D L , A N D GARAGE -- li . . ' with relatives. Dr. E. A. Bricker and family returned the latter part of last week from Grand and San Juan counties where he has been for the past few months practicing dentistry. T. C. Conley, went to Salt Lake the first of the week on matters pertaining to the drilling operations of the One Thousand Oil Co. operating in the San Rafael Oil DejHHidaitio Spark Plugs Service Station Ford Agency Repair Shop Fields. Sergeant James Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs of this city, arrived Monday from overseas service in France and Germany. Sergeant Gibbs enlisted soon after war was declared and has seen considerable service. To Improve Your Digestion. For years my digestion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. 1 tried everything that I heard of to get relief, hut not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and got a bottle of them did I find the right treatment Since taking them my di gestion is fine." Mrs. Blanche Bowers, Indiana, Pa. (Adv,) Cbamphm Conical' tar tid n frneefrs.Vd .:.a r I. J, and Coal and feed Yard i I Frank Beebe, Prop. |