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Show GREEN RIVER D'BPATC-H- , GREEN iSliiEHiii RIVER. UTAH , DUEL INDEFINITELY COULD NOT SLEEP Nr. ScUnuer ifl Doui comp GEORGE M'GUIRE Died Nov. 1, 1913 LABORS OWN DAY First Monday In September Is Legal Holiday in Almost Every State Now. American Federation of held an annual convention at Columbus, O.. December 1 886L At thla session the officers re imrted the following: At the fourth session of the federation a resolution was adopted making the first Monday In September of each year labor's national holiday and recommending Its observance by wageworkers generally throughout the country. This met with response that exceeded the most sanguine expectations. In our great manufacturing and distributing centers thousands of workingmen marched in procession and participated In the festivities of the picnic grounds, where the most skilled mechanics and workers In professions and laborers united In a common celebration, exchanging friendly fraternal greetings while they, listened to the champions of labor discussing the economic and political questions of the day. The good effects of this are so well understood that we recommend its more general observance still until it shall be as uncommon for a man to work on that day as on Independence day." Nearly all of the states In the Union now have statutes making the first Monday In September a legal holiday, thus observing Labor day. In order, that there be no misunderstanding with reference to the action of congress tar enacting legislation upon this subject it is well to state that the law passed by congress June 28, 1804, described above, as making Labor day a national holiday only provided that Labor day should be observed In the District of Columbia, as well as the then territories. Labor day was established In the various states and in the order and on the dates named below : 1887, February ZU Oregon; 1887, March 15, Colorado; 1887, April 8, New Jersey ; 1887, May 6, New York; 1887, May 11, Massachusetts; 1889, March 20, Connecticut; 1889, March 29, Nebraska; 1889, April 25, Pennsylvania; 1890, April 28, Ohio; 1891, February 19, Maine; 1891, February 24, Washington; 1891, March 4, Montana ; 1891, March 4, Kansas ; 1891, March 9, Indiana ; 1891, March 11, Tennessee; 1891, March 81, New Hampshire; 1891, June 17, Illinois; 1891, October 18, Georgia ; 1891, December 22, South Carolina; 1892, February 5, Virginia; 1892, February 23, Utah; 1892, July 7, Louisiana ; 1892, December 12, Alabama; 1893, February 11, Texas; 1893, February 14, Delaware; 1893, March 23, California'; 1893, April 18, Minnesota; 1803, April 19, Wisconsin; THE 8-- 1892, April 29, Florida;' 1893, May 26, Rhode Island; 1894, Jane 28, District of Columbia and territories; 1895, April 9, Missouri. YOUTHFUL LABOR BOOSTER Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Sturgis victims of Mexican outrages,' have arrived In New Orleans and will probably tell their story to congress Doctor Sturgis Is an American dentist who went to Mexico 20 years ago to practice. He acquired a coffee plantation worth 1100,000 near Depolan In Chi-pn-s In 1915 he married Miss Cora Keenright In Washington, D. C. Mrs years old Sturgis' mother, sixty-fiv- e and In delicate health, went to visit the Depolan plantation. Here is Mrs Sturgis story In brief: "In January, 1918, we were raided. The raiders were Curranxlsta soldiers commanded by Capt. Leupolda Garcia and Capt. Julio Castillano. They overran the house, made all the plantation hands quit and told us they would run every American out of the country. Captain Garcia struck me with the butt of his rifle. "June 26, 1918, Gen. Rafael Cal y Mayor appeared. His men stripped the house and took us to a bandit camp. We were prisoners till February 18, 1919. November 13, 1918, my mother died of slow starvation. This General Mayor was a personal friend of the bandit Zapata. November 15, 1918, he sent me to Mexico City with a message for Zapata, threatening to kill my husband If I were not back In two months. He sent with me an Indian woman to watch me. I made the long trip on time and we were finally set free." IMPORTANCE OF OUR OUTDOOR LIFE Subscribed and sworn to before ms. C. H. COGGESHALL, Kotary Public. Get Deawe at Aar Sima, SOe a Bow Came to this Woman after. Taking Lydia E. Finkham'a Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health i chly. ; ! : Roger A. Iryor, the Virginia cop- gressuian who figured In the episode. died a few mouths ago In New York elly. It was he uMin whom John Fox j After I wan Elleneburg, Wash. married 1 waa not well for n long time and a good deal of the time waa not able to go about Our greatest desire waa to have a child in our home and one day my husband 1'otter o' East Troy. Walworth county. came back froiu then representative of the First Con- town with a bottle durof district Wisconsin, gressionul cf Lydia E. Pink-hae nation-widlug April, 18G0, brought Vegetable ridicule In answer to a challenge to a Compound and wanted me to try it duel. Congressman Potter offered to It brought relief fight with howie knives at a distance from my troubles. of four feet, but Iryor refused because I improved In health so I could do my tliey were so dcninftlon vulgar. housework ; we now have a little one, all Most of Mr. Potter's bowie knives, of which 1 owe to Lydia E. Pinkham'a Mrs. O. S. Including tlie one he purchased for Vegetable Compojnd. the duel and others sent to him after Johnson, R. No. 8, Elleuburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who tlie affair, are n iw on exhibit In tlie long for children in their homea yet are State Historical museum, Mmllsou. denied this happineaa on account of some functional disorder which in moat MARRIED IN BATHING SUITS cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkhami Vegetable Compound. Such women should not give np bopa Ceremony Certainly Saved Bride and until they have given thia wonderful Groom Considerable Expense in medicine n trial, and for special advice Wedding Finery write Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Col, Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 yean The funniest wedding I ever nw experience ia at your service. was when camping lust summer, writes roUblitthtH broken ia a correspondent of the Chicago Trili-nn- Tfynn Kuri Wurth. Heferenre uny bunk or batnkera A girl friend and her father here. Free Weekly Market puhllahrd each Bat. tlirvs dftiiilji all oil develop. ia were there nnd she met a young man Trx. oil flrlilH. Writ for frt ropy to Ilea O. Hon, SOS Club Bldg.. Ft. Worth, Tam. whom she grew fond of in a short Hnilih time. One night he nsked her father W.N. U Salt Lake city,No735-191- 9. for her hand, but fullier objected because of the short acquaintance. The Retort Courteous. next morning the couple met and I wouldn't marry the beet Noll futlier to but somehow elope, planned Belle Of conrM mini in the world. got wise, so this wns spoiled. When not. He v ouldu't ask you. swimming that afternoon they met again and the girl happened to menCutieura 8oothes Baby Rathe tion that her father had gone to the That ltcli and burn with hot baths village and would not return until eve- of Cutieura Soap followed by gentle Tlie boy snld: This is our ning. of Cutieura Ointment. A minister wns on tlie shore anointings time. nnd they went to him nnd asked to lie Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espeCuti-cumarried at ones. The eereinony wns cially if a little of the fragrant fit on Talcum la dusted at the performed on tlie bench, the couple teh. 25c each everywhere. Adv. attired In their bnililng suits. J j : ' i DOAN'S KigggT FOSTOLMlLBUltN MOTHERHOOD duel, The story of tlie I'otter-I'ryo- r the famous challenge of Civil wur times whereby a Wisconsin congressman by ridicule put dueling in disrepute, recalled by the death of one of tlie imrtieipunlK, is told in Interesting style In tlie June number of the Wisconsin Mugnxine of History, quarterly publication of the Slate Historical so-- Gave Complete Relief. Heavy work brought on my kidney hunt," uyi Wu. tichleiuner, 64U8 Suburban Ave., One Wellston, Mo. morning when shoeing a hone I wai taken with a ludden pain in my back and fell flat on the floor. If I had been hit with a trip hammer, I couldnt have Buffered more. 1 stayed in the home for five weeks end the pain wu wearing tha life out of me. At times, I couldn't get a wink of sleep became of the misery and I had to get up every few momenta to pain the secretions that were highly colored, of foul odor, filled with sandy sediment end terribly scalding. My bladder felt ae though it were afire. The pain brought stupor and a reeling sensation in my head; tlie torture of it cannot be described. If I got onto my feet I couldn't walk but felt dizzy and all in a flutter and everything would turn black. My head ached so it seemed ae though my eyes were being dragged out. I started uaing Doan's Kidney Pint end I wu soon rid of ell the trouble." THE JOY OF Congressman Turned Challenge to Deadly Combat Into Matter of Ridicule. How Wioconain Niiery From Kidaey CamplaiiL PUT OFF CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Fifty-Fift- First Yegg Money is plentiful. Second Yegg So Is oops; so whats de use? e. In the good old summer time when fruits of all kinds are getting ripe and tempting, when cucumbers, radishes and vegetables fresh from the garden are too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevails and everybody overeats and your stomach goes back on you, then la the time for August Flower, the sovereign remedy for tired, overworked xad disordered atomic -- s, a panacea for Indigestion, fermentation of food, sour stomach, lick t. raducb and constipation. It gently rtlmulates the liver, cleanses the Intestines and alimentary canal, making Life worth living. Sold everywhere. Adv. outdoor Interests. Hunting and fishing he places In the front rank of outdoor (.ports, which lie believes was one of the greatest fnrtors In making it possible for Uncle Rum to cross ill" seas with an army cupahle of sinmllng the strain and acquitting tlirmselves as our boys did. General Scott knows whereof lllr GREENS AUGUST FLOWER MaJ. Gen. Hugh L. Scott, that ilenn of American fighting men, strongly urges that both state ami federal old be given to every legitimate movement to make attractive and perpetuute our lie speaks. Retired under the age limit, his robust body and keen mind permitted him to spring buck Into the harness at Ills countrys call. Hu credits his fitness to the clean outdoor life No Way to Beat the Game. he has lead. There la no way to dodge the high The most Important thing to keep cost of living. In mind Is the sensible conserving of Once we thought there was. It was the game and fish we now linve. No one a fine plan nnd we determined to try section of the country must be ullowed It out. Meat was too expensive. So (o overindulge Its natural wish to take game or fish to Its own detriment or to we would quit eating nient. that of another section. A spirit of conservation should dominate nil. Therefore we ordered cabbage and asparagus and spinach and beets. Immediately the price of vegetables went ADMIRAL ROUGH - HOUSE RODMAN up. We found you couldn't fool the food He has a sure system. The man. When Admiral Hugh Rndrann first want to came to the radfle const years ago as price Is high on whatever you one dish iray. You can switch from u Junior officer soon after his graduato another ns often as you choose, but tion from Annapolis he acquired the the little old price tag will heat you sobriquet Rough House from men to It. and officers of the navy. Returning now at the head of half Mammoth Cave Haa Rival. the American navy, he brings a decoWorkers In a mine at Mntcliunln, ration from the king of England, which near Ban Luis Potosl, Mexico, have In that country would cause him to be discovered a cave which Is Mid to lie comaddressed 8lr Hugh" as a kulght one of the largest In the republic. mander of the order of St. Michael It la more than 300 feet below the and St. George. level of the mine and la 15 feet In Admiral ltodmnn throughout his width. naval career has been noted ns a disIts length has never been estimatciplinarian. He got things done," in ed, hut exploring parties expect to the wards of the navy. Direct methods It carefully In the near future. of getting things done earned the title survey One of the most fantastic of Its ninny In affection bestowed House," Rough grotesque adornments is n sulphurous by his men and brother officers when which pours out continuoushe was young. Years Inter the same fountain, ly a stream of blue water. from him distinction qualities brought It promises to rlvnl In mngnl licence the British ruler, when Rodman wns famous Mammoth cave, Kentuckys commander of the Sixth battle squadwhen fully explored. The order of kulght ron of the grand Heel during the wur with Germany. conferred on Admiral ltodmnn was similar to the distinction given Admiral Luck" la merely a sugar-coate81ms by the British king at the same time, but neither officer could accept name for mental laziness. naval or of the members not did American military because permit regulations establishments accepting decorations from foreign nations. I a ter, acceptances Pride has bnt two seasons a forwere allowed. ward spring and an early fall. ra Exit Dishtowels. No more sticky plates uial no more ilMies dried on dishtowels. These are two of the tilings for which the Y. W. O. A. training schools for Inline assistants Is standing. The school was smarted In nnswer to the demnnd fur home assistants on the new domestic service plan which hnve come Into the central brunch employment bureau. Within the last six months 500 cnll for inane assistants hnve come in. anil 170 have been successfully filled. There should never be a sticky plute after tlie home assistant lias finished the course," Miss Grace II. White, placement secretary, says. The girls are taught how to inuke their own soda preparation for cleunslng the Icebox, the kitchen closets, etc., and how to clean n sink and a kltelicn range so Hint It shines. , l, Dishes ore never driisl wlili a hut always scalded and allowed to dry without a streak. dish-towe- Golf Bugs. His father had taken him out to the golf course. That evening he seemed to be Willie," said Ids mother, wliat Is the matter with you? I wish you'll stop scratching yourself." I don't know what's the matter, lint I guess I must have got some of those golf bugs on me," was Willie's reply. d -- JOHN BULL CORNERING FUEL OIL de-ire- e n. ile Chokers on Fall Frocks. nigh choker collars are being brought Into use on dresses of many descriptions by no less an authority than Jenny, Linen and Crochet . Linen and crochet have consulted together and, as a result, many charming frocks have appeared. New Place for Bracelets. The newest bracelets are worn s above the elbow. Many are of tor-tola- sheU. she murmured, Yes? And nfier looking at It he Mid: Overwork! d ! " Mr. Griffin lienveil an audible sigh of relief. "I have perfect faith in that doctor," You will have to give he said firmly. it a rest. j One Drawback. Washington is a colored man nnd ha follows the profession of cleaning up latek yards. Also he was the first man to think of wrapping a horse's forelegs with Hy puier, keeping tlie files off their In.'s und catching Mr. Fly at tlie siinie time. One of the women he was working for sold to ldin: Washington, your flypaper is a success. I see tlint by the great number of flies there are on tbs paper. "YesI Yis! Mid Washington, but cnee in a while that horse gets his legs too close together and they stick, and I bus to pull em apart for him. will buy a big package of a, The latest parasol has a short handle, a bracelet to pan over the wi'.at appearing on the top of the sunshade, Thlb la a convenient and original fash-biwhich can. be adapted easily by possessors of such trifles. Bone bracelets or circle of tortoise shell are this connection, and the latter look lovely when combined with a parasol covered with rucked organdie muslin In some pastel tint, the lining being rose pink or eggshell blue. "By the pound? tongue, 25 Centts ), BRACELET. $1O0,0(j0." Agreed With the Doctor. Mr. Griffin hud soiit an anxious afternoon at tlie office unil hurried homo at tin uniixiinlly early hour. How do you feel, dear? Whnt did the doctor say? he asked Ills wife. Oil, lie nxked me to put Out my 1 The senate has adopted a resolu-- n , by Sean tor . Poindexter, Repub-anhere-tliof Washington (portrait ' authorising the federal trade nimlsslon to Investigate recent Incases In the market price of fuel oil the United States, and especially on 9 Pacific coast. Action by the senate was tnken ter Senator llielun. Democrat. Call-mihad charged that British Inter ts were attempting to acquire vast Interests In California and that eat Britain wns endeavoring to cor r the world oil Industry, lie that unless steps were taken encourage American oil operations road the worlds supply will be In, b hands of British nationals within few years. Under the resolution, the commls in Is authorised to Investigate the urce and supply of oil In this conn cor-ratr and also Inquire Into what Interests hnve conducted the production, refining and marketing of oil the past few years, and whether (here have been any Indications of lllogleo! train! of trade and unfair com petition. THE PARA80I Fair Question. I see a Holstein bull Just brouglii Lota Better. I hope you won't mini If I bring n couple of friends home to dinner tonight, my dear? Mrs. Smiley (ill, no; that Is better than being brought home by a couple of friends after dinner. Smiley POSTUM I Cereal weighing over a pound, net. What are you paying for coffee ? |