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Show GREEN RIVER DISPATCH, GREEN RIVER. UTAH DAWS EVENING GEORGEOUS EVENING GOWNS AND OTHERS I 0 EMMIES GRAHAM BONNER X AtJTnOA CONSTRUCTION OF HEN HOUSE MRS. BROyVN BEAR. Sirs. Browu l.pnr from said the brown bear. "Weil, Indeed, Is Europe a nice little town?" asked tme of the grizzlies. It isnt a little towr. Its a Idg (Prepared bv the United 8tntes Department of Aerlrulture.) cnmiiry, and In fact it's more than A house constructed for (lie conven- that." ience of the nlteiidunt will Lave Gracious." said the Grizzly. "Thata enough cubic :ilr iquicr provided 2 to S a lot for It to be. square feet of floor space Is allowed Tes, It's a continent, I believe. Anyper fowl. Fresh nlr should be se- way, Its made up of lots of countries." cured by vent lint Ion rather than by Something like a family, said the furnishing a larger amount of cubic Grizzly. air space than Is required for the con"Now I am puzzled," said the brown venience of the iiticndnut. The neces- hear. sary amount of floor space depend "Well." said the Grizzly, I mean It Upon the system, on the size of the Is something like a family because in pens, the weather conditions, and the a family there are usually lots of size of the birds. More birds can lie children. Do you see? Dont you kept on a small floor area under the think Pin snmrtT colony than on the Intensive system, Oh. very vsmnrt,n laughed Sirs. where the colony system Is used In a Brown Bear. Very smnrt Indeed, mild climate and the liens have free woof, woof, very smnrt indeed. range throughout most of the year. Had you lots of land to walk over Colony houses holding from ilO to 75 and good hunting grounds?" asked the hens are uhout ns large as can he Grlzz'y. Plenty of aloe berries to ent? Oh, we had everything where we were. We liked tt und so we lived there. "Why did you come to the zoo?" naked the Grizzly. Brought here, my dear fellow. But you know I've been here quite a time now. Oh yes. I've been n zoo nnltmil a long, long time. I'm nn old inlinhl-tnnt.- " More Fowls Can Be Kept on Small Floor Area Under Colony Than on Intensive System. "Tin Eu-roi- e, Packing Plants, their equipment and usefulness are only outward symbols of the intelli- gence, life - long experience, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it Wilf not Government Wlnit? Woof woor? What?" nuked the Grizzly. I menu I have lived here a long time. An idd Inhabitant Is n person who lives in n town a long time. Bo when n hear lives In a zoo a long time I think It is perfeetly right and just to cull that Itear nn old Heavy satin doth of sliver and rich faille are the materials that are In demand for formal evening gowns. These materials ore gorgeous iu themselves and therefore adapted to the present styles In evening dress, which depends upon graceful draping of the figure and not upon embellishments for Interest. Inhabitant." It sounds quite Just, said the It la beauty of fabric and beauty of lines that must bold the attention. Grizzly. "Well. he continued nfler n moSometimes, in the simpler models, ment, tell me of the place you used the drapery suggests the ease and flowto live In, Europe, you called It. Tes. ing lines of the classic Greek garments, 1 know you have been here a long time, nnd sometimes a single piece of materhut I know about It here, nud I would ial appears to be wrapped nliout the he Interested tu know, If you live any figure, with a long loose end forming differently here from the way you did a train. But an artist In draping may In Europe. use material more freely than is Indicated In either of these styles so long Do you know you look like n reguas he knows lmw to use drapery to lar brown bear from tills land." Ah. no." said Mrs. Brown Bear. glorify the figure. The corsage Is usuEurope was in.v home. By the way, ally plain nnd flat at the front and held In place ly narrow shoulder straps. have you ever been abroad ? Ahmad, when?" asked the Grizzly, It follows the lines of the corsetless Do you mean to usk figure very closely here and does not niueli puzzled. me If I linve ever been ubmnd at concern itself with covering much of the back. Gowns of this kind, cut In- night? T (ill no," siibl Mrs. Brown Bear, mean In Europe. When I speak of abroad I mean abroad off oti ' the nther side of the ocean." I've never No," said the Grizzly, been there." snld Mrs. Well, It's my home, Brown Bear, hut I like It here. And though I look like a bear of this continent. I tun not. But I like It so well hero Hint I ask to have hcniiiiriil cutis mine to e enjoy it. loo. I've hud several sets of children." You speak ns though you were talking of Chinn and that when one set hroke yap got mint tier," said the Grizzly. An Open-Fro- Poultry House Keepi Hsus Healthy. easily moved, l.nt larger iiiiinhcrs may le kept In one flock In a long house. Flocks of from UO to 1 are well sdnpted to the average conditions for the production of market eggs. Large numbers require less hilmr, fewer fences, and a lower house cost than small flocks, but there Is a greater chance for disease and the Individual hen receives loss attention. TEN WAVS TO PREVENT LOSS First, 8elect Pure Breeds That Lay More and Larger Efigs Collect Eggs Frequently. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) 1. Selecting pure breeds. that lay more and larger eggs, such as the White Leghorns, Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, etc. 2. Giving hotter care, food, and shelter, with dry, clean, vermin-proo- f nests. 8. Confining males except In breeding season. 4. Collecting eggs frequently, especially In hot or muggy weather. fi. Storing eggs In a dry, clean, cool place. 6. Using small and dirty eggs at tion of the packing industry, now contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, experience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of srep lengin or n litte shorter. In shades or jade green nnd In the regulation evening similes, worn with snt in slippers and silk hose to match, e arc likely to any rivals. The draped satin gown In the picture Is one of those In which the material seems to be wrapped about the o and to end In a short trait). It is of white satin with a drapery of tulle on one shoulder that falls almost to the ankles, from the other shoulder strands of beads fall In long loops and there Is a trailing spray nf silver roses :it the hack to finish up the splendor. The pretty dress of turquoise georgette crepe shown In eompnny with this gorgeous evening gown, does not aspire to rival It. Yet It might appear at the same function nnd prove ns pleasing. Not every woman can carry off mugnlf-Icencnnd times have so clinngcd that many fine Indies linve no longer much use for It. The simpler, things snlt them better; so they choose tliut which fits personality nnd do not attempt to play a role thnt does not please them. pew-roc- k out-shln- ier-full- y direc- fig-tir- the industry? What legislation, what politi- cal adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? e, Swift Dollar." Let u lend you It will interest you. fine-graine-d Address Swift Union Stock Yards, ft Company, Chicago, Dl. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Paris Launches New Silhouette hund-snm- Not Rt nil snld Mr-- Fitting One. What kind uf a pet hit your lege tutor?" Naturally, he lins u conch dog. Brown Benr. 1 mean that I have hud several different sets of children hut not because one of the sets or two of the sots tection at all times from heat. broke or biTniise the children broke. 8. Selling for cash on a basis of Such n thing didnt happen. size and quality, loss off Instead of No. Indeed. It didnt happen. But "case count." I like It here so much that I like to Dl Using nn attractive package. have Hie little ones enjoy It. too. If 10. Combining shipments as a mat1 didn't like It I wouldn't welconi' ter of economy. them here, for T rare for little Item cubs and wouldnt have them nuywhcre PROPER CARE FOR GOSLINGS if It wnsnl libs." I see. said the Grizzly. Well, you're n good zoo bear for yoii like As Young Fowls Grow Older They ConIt nnd attend to your business nnd sume Considerable Grace and look lifter your children nnd are a Other Green Stuff. great addition lo the zoo." Thank you. snld Mrs. Brown Bear. (Prepared by the United Stntei Department of Agriculture.) Woof. woof, growl, growl, you pay The brooding mid feeding of gos- ine a great compliment, and I thank lings Is not much different from that you for It. woof, woof, growl, growl." nf ducklings except ns the goslings gmur older they consume considerable The Need of Courage. grass and other growing green Courage In Its most practical form and In that way cut down their Is not the daring that takes great feed Mil. They can he allowed free risks, hut the patience that' endures range when they are two weeks old. little trials wlthont complaint, the fiiisllngs are seldom brooded artificially hopefulness which Is always looking hut will do well with mother geese, for the bright side, the pluck which hens or even ducks. works on faithfully, fven though If does not see the result of its Inliors. Tere is hardly a day so quiet and uneventful that we do not need courage to moke It a success. Girls' The tunic skirt and the straight Companion. line, and the chemise dress linve had a long reign. But now they hid fair .to Identified. "as kn wl.o do I be displaced, beautiful andthey are, by Well, Kitty, you Provide a nest for each 4 or 5 hens, fitted lines, the full hip skirt, pansin? o nier aud nther draperies that look to Yeth ninnin." Feed table and kitchen waste to the the period of Louis XV for Inspiration, Who am I?" Mens. and to the time of the Second Empire. "You're you." Changes In styles from present lines to those for fall promise to be radical Give a light feed of grain In the In. Horning stage morning. Filters mother was trying to They are In the experimental her throat with the atomizer just now; but designers are drawing spray upon many sources and times for Ideas Bogin marketing the cockerels as but met with considerable opposition Minn ns they weigh one pound or attain from the small victim. I wouldn't and presenting entirely new creations a marketable weight mind It so nineh," snld Ethel, "If yon that have many allurements besides .. that of newness, to compel success for would let nte honk it myself." When selling eggs to the country them. merchant or cash buyer Insist that the The Dlrectolre Influence Is the domEmblazoned Youth. transaction be on a quality basis. When your annt visits ns she will inant feature In the odd costume for afternoon, pictured above. It haa a bring more sunshine Into four life. Eggs from "stolen nests should not I don't want more sunshine. pro plain skirt made of fibre silk appar-tntlhe marketed; they are of unknown tested (lie little girl who Is beglnnln' In an Irregular brocaded pattern, ind yes a redlngote of satin entire sge and quality and should be used al to study the looking glass. Ive go home. frock1 enough now." f covered with a scroll pattern of allk home. 7. Marketing frequently, with pro- . Jap Merchants in Philippines. Of the approximately 10,000 Jitimn-rs- e In the Philippines, 2.000 are wild to be merchants. WHeYonSeep withCuticura MHi ISnBeipAOlitii-tlUTtk- Ma Sample pooh free of "kaera. Dipl. Z.ula.r 'ABSORBING FOR SWAMP-ROO- T Reduces Bursal KIDNEY AILMENTS There 1 only one medicine that really etande out m s medicine foe curable ailments of the kidneys, lifer and Madder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t stands the highest for tbs reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing esses. Swamp-Romakes friends quickly because He mild end immediate effect is soon realized in most eases. It is s gentle, heeling vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sires, medium end large. However, if you wish to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing bo sura and men tion this paper. Adv. ma-b'ri- y col- , coni. It is long since the redlngote flourished, hut here It is. pure nnd simple as to hue nnd complex as to fln-- j ish. The flaring line nt the sides and the collar as shown here appear In suit conts In which the original style Is closely followed, Lhilike its prototype, the overgarment pictured fastens on the shoulder anil underarm seam and a heavy allk cord Is looped about the waist This is merely for ornament, as It does not Ind lines In any way. fluence the The sleeves show a departure from the style of the Dlrectolre coat In a wide flare at the hand and they are faced satin In white or a light color. Brown, in many shades. Is a favorite color for fall dresses, Dlrectolre red la another and soft shades of olive or seml-fitte- Thickened, Swollen Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore ness from Bruises or Strains; Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the bur or lay up the horse. $2.50 a bottle iiti or delivered. Book 1 R free. RBINE, JR for mankind an antiseptic liniment for brinies, Cuti, wounds, strains, painful, swollen reins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.25 a bottle at dmg-gisor postpaid. Will tell you more U yoa write. Made in the U. S. A. by w. p.rouM. p. d. F..iniiainmBgm. topa-Spav- in ta BELCHING Caused by Acid-Stoma- ch Lst BATONia ths wonderful True. stomach rsmady, airs you quick relief Is wlint must difficult from the kind Pa, dUrutlag bolchlne. fend nineties. Indention, bloated, eaeey stomach, dyepop-l- a, of bunting there la? heartburn und other etommok mleariea. House-huntinThey ere all eauaad by (nm my Imy. which about ulna people out at tea raker la one way or another. One wrltea aa follower Before I need KATONIC, I coaid not Important to Moth or a bite without helchine it rtsht aa sour Examine carefully every bottle of act and hitter. I here not had a hit of trouble CA8TORIA, that famous old remedy lace the drat tablet." Kllllono are victims of for infanta and children, and see thatlt without k nowise it. They ore weak and lllne. have poor d location, bod lee ImpropBean the erly nourished ollhouch they may rat heartiSignature of ly- Grove disorders are likely to follow if aa la noeloetod. Clrrhoolo of In Use for Over 30 Years. the liver, lateottnal ooneeetloa, eaetrltia. of the otomooh thara are only a Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris catarrh few of tha many ailment, often Bound by Aeld --Stomach. from Catarrh of tho .tomaeh Easy streets sunny side Isnt paved of A11 auKorer otondlnc wrltra: "I had ootorrh of tho otomooh for 11 lone yrara and 1 never with good intentions. found onythlne to do mo any eood Jaot temporary relief until X naed BATONIC. It lo a wonderful remedy aad I do not went to Travel is fatal to prejudice, ho without It." If you are not feeline quite rich! leek tests. Kefcsftts.Ssftili whore anaiey aad enthue learn and doiVt know laet BATONIC to locate the trouble Mmmtm Eyes and m how much bettor yotry fool la i wl way. rrfdthy.If every toe I So aad otorea At all a bos drae Mg theyTlre.Smart, your money hook If you are sot ootloded. if Sot g, oh Aoid-Staau- I mr vp Burn, or J Inflamed Safe for Infant or s Murine often. Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book, aEjftMai djfCstaijf,CMcno,P..JL ATOMIC HTQilWlftAtaiyiOMAiai |