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Show QUEEN RIVER DI8PAT0H, GREEN CMU! GRAIN BEST RIVER, UTAH CONSUMPTION ! VARIES DURING YEAR BREED OF HOGS - THE BEE HIVE STATE AROUND THE MINES William Saunders of Ogden killed a SuOqiound black bear wllli a twelve-gaug- e shotgun. Saunders was hunting chicken lu North Fork when the bear die-trio- Feeding of Oats Is More Uniform feet away, lie arose, about thirty-fivThan That of Com. fired and succeeded In blinding the animal, lie then fired several more charges of shot into the hears body high-grad- e Whichever One the Farmer Decides Upon He Should Develop to Highest Standard. 1ARB TYPE, HOST Barley, Wheat and Rye Approach Monthly Uniformity In Degree Lose Than Oats 8ilaga Reaches High Point in February. POPULAR (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Animals Time At Present Weighing Whether the supposition Is that the From 175 to 250 Pounds Command consumption of corn by live stock on Highest Prices- Bacon Hog la farms In the United States varies Net Raised Extensively. little from month to month, or that the summer consumption Is relatively (Prepared by the United States Depart- small, the fact, as ascertained by the ment of Agriculture) bnrean of crop estimates, United There la no beet breed of swine. States department of agriculture, la In to others Some breeds are superior that during the six months from May certain respects and one breed may to October nearly s of the be better adapted than another to cer- years corn ration Is eaten, and from essential tain local conditions. The November to April The point la that after the farmer has once fraction will seem large decided upon the kind of hog to raise or small according to the size of the he should stick to this decision and guess. Oats, more than corn, Is the develop the chosen breed to lta highest feed from April to September, and the possible Standard. It Is not feasible monthly consumption of oats is more for one Individual to raise several dif- uniform throughout the year than that ferent breeds and bring them to per- of corn. Barley, wheat and rye apfection. In making his choice, too, the proach monthly uniformity In degree farmer should be guided by the kind less than that of outs throughout the of breeds already established In his year and a concentration of consump locality. If he selects one of these tlon .a the colder months Is found in he Is not likely to make a mistake. hay, silage and mill feed, as In the "Two Types of Swine. case of corn. There are two distinct types of Of the years entire consumption of swine, namely, the lard and the bacon corn by live stock on farms the hightypes. Swine of the lard type far out- est consumption In one month is 11.5 number those of the bacon type in the per cent In December, and the lowest United States. The lard type la pre- 4.6 per cent In August. For oats the ferred by the people of this country, highest Is 9.8 per cent In April and the consequently the majority of feeders lowest 6i! per cent In December ; barheavy ley, highest 10.9 per cent In November produce a fleshed lard type. The bacon type la and lowest 6 per cent In June and also not raised extensively In the United In July; rye, highest 10.8 per cent in States. The production of choice ba- October and lowest 7.1 per cent Is con la more general In those sections July; wheat, lilgheat 11.4 per cent In November aud lowest 5.8 per cent lu July. Mill feed consumption sngs to 4.6 per cent In July and rises to 11.5 per cent In February and again In March. More unequal yet Is hay consumption, with Its range from the highest, 14.2 per cent in February and also In March to 8.2 per cent In August; and another degree is reached by slluge, the consumption of which rises to 18.8 per cent of the years total in February and falls to 1 per cent In July and again In August Barrows. Purebred Poland-Chin- a COMMUNITY LIME SPREADER where the feed, of the hog is more varied and whore corn Is not relied Farmers of Otsego County, N. Y, upon as the principal grain for hogs. 8olve Problem of Spreading Lime The principal breeds of the lard at Proper Time. type are the Poland China, Berkshire, Chester White, Du srjl (Prepared by the Unfed Btatee DepartHampshire. The lard type of hog Is ment of Agriculture! low set and compact, with a very Members of the farm bureau In one wide and deep body. The shoulders of the communities of Otsego county, should be full although not coarse, New York, have combined and purwith full hind quarters and hams car- chased a lime spreader, and have thus ried out straight to the tall and thick- taken a long step In solving their ly fleshed down to the hock. The flesh problem of applying lime at the proper should be thick and evenly distributed time of the year and In sufficient quanthroughout the body. tities to get results. The spreader Is The size and weight are largely determined by market conditions. At present pigs weighing from 175 to 2TiO pounds ordinarily command the highest prices. Best Bacon Types. The principal breeds of the bacon type are the Tamworth and large Yorkshire, both of British origin. The bacon type is very different from the lard type, being longer In leg and body, with less width of back and lighter In the shoulders and neck. The first impression that this type conveys Is one of leanness and lankiness. Mnch emphasis Is laid on the development of side, because It Is the side of the hog that la used for the production of bacon. On the other hand, large, heavy hams are not desirable on a bacon hog. - three-eighth- s. Choice bits of veal, creamery butter and fresh eggs combine with other tempting ingredients to give Libby's Veal Loaf its delicate, appetizing flavor. Order a package from your grocer today. warm-weath- Libby, M?NeiU ft Lihby, Chicago Parchmented Leather Valuable. Parchinented leather ltaa greater strength while lacking the elasticity .of tanned leather, and the belting of M. Felice GUardlrl of Turin la designed to combine these special qualities. The hide being impressed deeply with a trelliawork pattern, the compressed portions are unaffected by tanning agents, while the Interior of the meshes la tanned In the usuul way. The product has the required elasticity and Is claimed to be so strong that belts may be much narrower than the ordinary. Japan to Start Colony in Peru. A Jupunese syndicate has bought 800,000 acres of land near Iluanuco, Peru, on the Amazon watershed, according to a report Three hundred thousand more acres are In negotiation. The land Is suitable for raising sugar, cotton, coffee, cocoa and similar BAYER CROSS" ON rapid-fattenin- g, GENUINE ASPIRIN AS YOUNGAS YOUR KIDNEYS The secret of youth is ELIMINATION 07 POISONS from your body. This done, you can live to be a hundred and enjoy the good things of life with as much pep" as you did when in the springtime of youth. Keep your body in good condition, tints the secret Watch tho kidneys. They filter and purify the blood, all of which blood passes through them once every three minutes. Keep them dean and ia proper working condition and you have nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes and deadly uric acid accumulations from your system. Take liOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules and you will alwnys bo in good condition, You will feel strong and vigorous, with steady nerves and elastic muscles. COLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Causules are imported direct from the laboratories at Haarlem. Holland. They are a reliable remedy which has been used by the sturdy Dutch for over 200 year, and has helped them to develop into one of the strongest and heartuiest races of the world. Get them from your druggist Do not taka a substitute. Ia sealed packages-- a throe slses. Adv. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin to b genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetle-acldeste- r of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Birds Have Right of Way. Fowl have the right of way In air, warps the director of military aeronautics. This Is Justice Indeed, since birds flew first But this is not all. Itecently many towns along the Atlantic const have been visited with dead bird showers. Aviators flying by a town would see a flock of wild fowl coming their way. They would set their machine guns and let the bullets fly. Presently a prominent citizen walking below would be hit with a large bloody bird, lie complained to the town, and the town complained to the department of agriculture. Then the federal migratory bird law between the United States nnd Great Britain was referred to, and It was found that shooting birds from alrplnnes Is unlawful. It Has Happened Before. his relatives and friends are aware, George Wharton Pepper Is a nonsmoker. Not long ago Mr. Pepper was about to entertain some distinguished guests whom he delighted to honor. His first move in the direction of their entertainment was to procure and send to the house some particularly choice Havana cigars, which "set him hack to the tune of SO cents eneli. But it seems the cigars arrived before It waa made known at home that the guests were expected. Samoans Liked Ice Cream Sodas. That evening Mrs. Pepper suld to her husband: "Some cigars came for A member of the United States medyon toiiay evidently a gift from some ical corps, recently returned to Eliln-wooKas., reports that Ice cream soone. Knowing you didn't smoke, I gave them to men who were working das have made a profound Impression upon the Samoans. The officer was deIn the house. Philadelphia Ledger. tailed In charge of the soda fountain of the solitary drug store at the Pngo-IngNewfoundlands Memorial Day. naval station, and reports that Newfoundland celebrated July 1 this hut not as Canada does. It was his patients took much more kindly to seobserved throughout the Island as Me- the sodas than to the to which was rum he obliged dispense. morial day, in honor of those who laid down their lives during the war. Next Sympathy. year It is proposed to hold the comWhat Is that song and dance team memoration earlier In the season. supposed to be doing? "I believe they call thcl sketch A You Know Who Ho Meant. Bachelor (chlrplly) 'Well, old man, Night In Venice. These poor Venetians "Thanks. how's everything?" Benedict (gloomBirsome awful nights. must have all ily) Ob, shes right mingham If the toothache doesnt worry a nan It's because some other fellow Slam at the Gentle Sex. has It beautiful "If dar was any sho-numermaids, said Uncle Eben, "a lot o A pertinent query Is a kick In human ladles would git 'Jealous an drown IMtseYs tryln to Imitate em. As d, o jer. Age-Heral- d. ff roc-Jers- SHIP EGGS BY PARCEL POST Weight of Single Dozen of Eggs Will Run From 2 to S Pounds, Depending on Pecking. ill-heal- th! It contains, the 'vital mineral elements and all the nutriment of Wheat and . barley; to I Anu-rica- before the animal was dead. Weekly range report by llie local weHtlier office shows dry weather iu practically all parts of the slate- except Millard county. Banges lu Grand, Sun Juan und Millard counties are reported greatly improved. The opening of the threshing seuson found fair weather In all sections. George Austin, uged 15, was Instantly killed when the horse he was riding at the Austin & Sons sheep ranch, about forty miles north of Coalville, stumbled and threw him heavily. He was ou his way to the ranch house after looking after some sheep when the mishap occurred. Attorney General Shields lias been Instructed by Gov. Simon Butnherger to Institute proceedings against any and all profiteers. Though Utah laws are adequate for prosecuting offenders, no special funds have been provided to pay the cost of prosecution. Charging that the freight rates on the Western Pacific branch line between Wendover and Gpldliill are exorbitant, business men and shippers of Goldhlll have filed a petition with the state public utilities commission asking thut the rales be reduced. The activities of the Utah Water Storage association, recently formed by representatives appointed by the county commissioners of Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Utah, Wasatcli, Tooele, Summit nnd Morgan counties, will be extended to tbe entire state. Aerial feats In Curtiss planes owned ty the Western Aircraft corporation will feature the fifth annuul Good Time carnival of the Lehl Commercial club at Saratoga Springs on day, if the plans of the entertainment committee are fulfilled. Abandonment of Fori. Douglas as general hospital trenting oversens convalescents Is progressing rapidly. By September 1, at tlie rate the men are being transferred, only patients stationed regularly at the fort will be in tlie hospital. Construction of a federal highway by tlie federal road commission without the aid of the stale Is u policy of which the Utah state road commlssiou approves, according to resolutions adopted by the comiiilssion at its last meeting. When an elevator was moved without Ills knowledge, T. M. Welshons, 67 years of age, of Salt Lake, stepped Into the shaft, falling two stories und sustaining a fracture of the right leg and numerous bruises. John II. Smith, colored, was arrested at Salt Lake last week for the alleged murder of a man named Brannon in San Frandsco, April 11, 1919. The arrest was made at the request of the California authorities. For the Beach duy celebration to be held at Brigliam City, September 3, Ilia committee on amusements lias secured Diamond Dick Evans and Ids wild west show as one of the special feature attractions. National headquarters of the American legion urges the Utah branch and tlie legion posts in Utah to assist in ferreting out disloyal persons und preventing them from securing federal appointments. Tlie Agricultural College of Utah begins Its fall quarter September 15 under conditions more favorable than have ever confronted the Institution, according to President E. G. Peterson. Signs or markers will not be erected on state roads without the approval of tlie state road commission, accord-inito a resolution adopted at a meeting of the board. Edward Warren, 19 years of age, la being sought by officers for Ills failure to return three saddle horses, which he obtained from a livery stable g Community Ownership of a Lime 8preader la Practical and Feasible. to be rotated among the members. In ' Ogden. Nonmembers may also use it by payOn account of the busy harvest seaing 25 cents an acre. In the early son the quarterly conference of Box-eldstages of the use of lime lu a stake has been postponed from especially In a small way, August 20 and 21 to September 13 and spreaders are often not available be- 14. cause single land owners hesitate to Davis county Irrigation district No. purchase them. Even after the nse 1, at Woods Cross has been organized. of lime Is established a single machine will be 545,000 and trill often meet the needs of several Tlie estimated cost 1800 acres of land will be reclaimed. farmers. A company haa been organized in Eureka for the manufacture and sale HOW TO INTRODUCE QUEENS of a new automobile pump, which la the Invention of a local mechanic. It Is Necessary to Remove Old and De More than $18,000 worth of surplus fectlva Ones and Replace Them foodstuffs was sold at the Salt army 8tocfc. With Younger Lake postoffice in one day. Scandinavians of the L. D. S. church Every beekeeper who is really carhold their annual reunion at Ow will to how know should ing for his bees Introduce queens, because It la neces- den Sunday, August 31. The annual convention of the State sary to remove old and defective queens and replace them by young Firemen's association waz held last week In 8andy. vigorous ones. In cells Introduced Six hundred metal craft workers ef be Queens may or after they have emerged from cells, Salt Lake are etriking for a $1 a day while still unfertilised, or after they raise in wages. hare begun to lay. Droyel Bennett, aged 13, was killed at Antelope when he was run ovei TROUBLE :i FIGHTING WEEDS by a wagon. Tlie boy was hitching a team to a wagon when one of the Sheep and Goats Will Be Found Eff- korses became frightened and kicked icient In Eradication of Many him. He fell under the wagon, which Noxloua Plants. ran over him before the team could be stopped. Some of the trouble and expense orThe annual campfire of Utah Indian dinarily experienced In fighting weeds war veterans waa concluded at Springs might be dispensed with by keeping ville on August 15, after three dayi sheep and goats to graze the noxious of a most enjoyable reunion. Hunplants. At present prices for wool, dreds of veterans from various points molialr nnd mutton these animals In the slate participated In tlie cele ought to be profitable. bratlmi. er (Prepared by the United States Department of Arrlculture.) Average hens eggs will weigh about 1 H pounds to the dozen, or 2 ounces apiece. The weight of a single dozen of eggs in a carton properly packed and wrapped for mailing will run from 2 to 3 pounds, depending on the nature of the particular container, the size of the eggs, and the packing and wrapping used. If the container be a very light one nnd the eggs small, the parcel may fall within the limit, and the postage, therefore, within the limfirst and second zones, or it, would be 6 cents. Most parcels containing a dozen eggs will exceed 2 pounds but will not retch 8 ; therefore the postage on them will be 7 cents within the first and second zones. A parcel containing 2 dozen eggs will add perhaps 2 cents to the postage, though sometimes only 1 cent, depending on the nature of the container nnd the packing and wrapping. 150-mil- e is a notorious; knocker TRYtti fof er PREVENT DISEASE OUTBREAKS Use Every Preventive Measure and Saa That Proper Precautions Ara Taken. United states Depart meat of Agriculture.) Sometimes we cannot prevent of live stock diseases on our farms, but we can and should always use every preventive measure nnd sea that proper precautions are taken when the disease first makes Its appearance, (Prepend by-th- e . out-jrea- ks coin-uunlt- Ore shipments from ilie Toimimli ? last week uinounied to 73UK tons, with uu estimated value of $124,236. Some decidedly biincliig of ore are appearing in the face ol the tunnel of the Koiiili I'nrk property in Fork eunyou. By a strict jiurty vole, the bouse on August 21 passed and scni to ilie senate u hill iniHising i i n riff of $10 a unit', or $(I0 a ion. on crude uingKieu ore. und $1 a pound on und oilier lungs; nr sabs. Mines in New Mexico during 1913 produced 86.M.UN) in guld. 7S2.0m) ounces of silver, S.2.'!5.HNI pounds of lead. 9S.3U0.inn) pounds of copper und 24,10U,(NJ0 pounds of zinc, uccurding to ilie fulled States geological sure n frrro-iungsU-- vey. According to a report from Toiioimh, Ilie Trade iJollur Divide Mining company, which is controlled hy Ogden people, hus purchased ilie Kim Divide group of seven claims, sitinned in the northwestern jiart of the Divide district. Drilling oiierations at the I,evi well of the Western Allies company ur MimiIi are continuing night and day mid ulthnugh the continued presence of quicksand Iu the hule is more or less retarding progress, a good showing is being made. Pumping operations are under way at the Jih mining company's property at Basin, Mont. Ilie foundations for a lurge electric hoist are now completed. A large tank for bailing water wdll he run in the main hoisting eonqiunmeiii. Following the visit of u number of ilie large stockholders of the Wood-tiiw.Mining company in ilie properly last week, ll was decided Unit development be pushed ahead instead of endeavoring to pul the mine iu shape for steudy shipments at once. In the report of ilie I'lnli Copper ccwnpiiny for the qiiarler ended June :i0 there appeared I la stalcmciii that "the value of the gold ami silver in concern inl-- s and the miscellaneous Income for ilie quarter amounted to 5.4 cents iar pound of copper produced. Krimrts have been received from Tlntiiipson which would indicate iluii ;lic much heralded coal deal, wbieli covers Ilie transfer of the American Fuel eisniKiny's properly ul Sego. as veil as the opening of Ilie canyon hy t'ldifnrtiin capitalists has been finally prai--ticall- n closed. The price of silver conliiius to climb in Loudon, says tlie Financiiil .Review, ll i passed 57 pence per Brit-H- i ounce fur i lie first lime since tlie middle of the "Til's, excepting May 10 and May 12, 1919, when silver sold at 58 pence in Dnnlmi and Fl.lPfe in New York. Through the recent strike of two ami a half to three feet of ore In a bedding which will In the Electric Light average front 86ti to 870 a ton, tin Silver King Consolidated nt Park Cily hits taken on new activity and will shortly he again among the sliipiere of tin camp. A bedding of rich ore which luil been unsuccessfully sought for a con- siderable period of time was struck recently on the Electric Light claim of the Silver King Consolidated Mining company's property in the Park City district, according to Information from the (iiiapany'a li(alquartcrs. Word was reecivopl from ilie Mines nmipniiy property in Morgan couiiiy Inst week tlinr lint in ilie face ore hail been of Blasksmitli tuniiel, showing 340 feet of hacks on tlie ldg t.ui'iagc developed hi the Silver Zone tunnel, w'lieli IN over (lie ridge from the mouth of the Blacksmith tunnel. A Boston syndicate lias ft Tunnel iwn-panfrom the Utah 50.000 shares of stock nt $4 per share. This stock Is part of 100.NN) shares held ly the company for Ilia conversion of the S750,0tNI 7 per rent bonds uuiliorized hy stockholders early lost spring and which were convertible Into stock at $7.50 per share. A winze from the new tunnel at the East Antclois praporty in Millard county is now following the ore down 'n the fissure. The winze Is down about 15 feel and is showing buuches of high grade ore In the fissure that carries as high as 25 to 30 per cent nipper. The tunnel is in about 86 feet where It encountered the fissure. Not since the discovery of Cobalt In 1904 hits the Dominion of Canada witnessed such a mining stampede aa I now taking place in tlie Salmon River district of British Columbia to the r-gold camp of Stewart, wherfi Immense ore bodies carrying phenominal values iu silver and gold are attracting mine oiierator. prospectors, promoters and speculators. On the fifteenth of the month the t, .Vuildriver mine In the Fnrk City which for some time has been corked by lessees, was taken over by lie roiniaiiy. From now on the company will work the mine and develop he property. The foundations are in and the ia on the ground at the Jib .lining property in Montana ready for ustnllntion. The pumping operations d nvo been quite successful and It Is tliat all the rich ore bodies are ow accessible. A western mining man wlio has Just turned from British Columbia dean that considerable prosperity walls lu the mining districts of tlie uvinee. especially in the silver nips. United States capital la fast (inning heavily Interested In mining report ies In that region. pun-linse- y Mp-t- silve- dls-ric- ma-hlne- ry |