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Show I UTAH NEWS. B Congressman II II Kol-ert will not B return to L'lak before the holidays, H The trial of John II I)enbrrie, slay fl rr of llurton C Morrl. Will begin la Salt Lake December IH ' Hflj A new whole-tale grocery hnnse, with H a capital of t'Oo.ooo. will begin business H about the lirt of Ihe year In Halt Lake. H The ttale lard of pardnnt Ut week H pardoned Edward II H'ebb, Tliomai H Ieey anil VMIIlam Teagno from the H penitentiary H Tlia similarity of the name of Morae H and Morria la likely to lead to a con- H trat of the retult of tlio Salt l.altf H flection on attorne y H President deorge 0, Cannon returned H lo Halt Lake from New York latt week H where lie suffrred an attack of pneu- H monla, lie Is quite feeble yet- H Frank Wood ami At Mace were latt H week arrested charged with breaking H Into the granary of IVed I'almcr Hi H Weat Jordan and stealing fifty bushels H of nlieaL M Thelerel of (Ireat Halt Lake, aa taken H an the IMh Inst . on the official scale H at Oarlleld, wna one foot and lire Inches H above llirrrro mark the aame reading H at on the aame day last year. H David Newman and Emmet llywaler, H the Hall Lake Uiya arretted at the In H itlgatlnn of a Chinaman who alleged H llicy had robbed him of 1I. were dla H charged at the preliminary hearing. H Mary r'ergUMin of LlltleColtonwnod, H Salt Lake county. It tiling lanaa r'er H ruton fordltrorce They were married M In Halt Lake In 18o. and have thirteen H t-hlldren ranging In age from W to 4. Hj "Illlr Co.icr, who waa with Dewey H en Iho Olyinpta at Manila, arrived In H Bait Lake latt week, and waa accorded H a Krtat welcome. The newsboys, who H Malm llltli aa an ex-member gars hi in Hj H An alleged plot of hobiH-t tn murder H Detective Hheela of Halt Lake waa H riven to the police by an excited man H oho overheard the holions talking. H One of Ihe gang waa caught and Jailed H for vagrancy. H Hugh J. Itoper, a Halt I.uke Imy who H an away from home a nnmberof yeara H igo and took to n life on the ocean, H was on the Tolled Matea cruiser H "liarletton when the wit wrecked in M the I'hlllpplnet H An IncamteM-enl tdcctrle light globe, H becoming loosened from Ita aocket, H lroppcd Into a tat of benilne at the tpV, aUIyiWTtWbkWiaw3U7.iau' H ' H7gaiieiploloii anil lire. wiiTch did H tontlderabto damage. H rioclal Hall, Halt l.ake'a Drat theatre, H iround which clutler many pleasant U tietuorlca of early plonrera, la to lie H torn down, to widen the alley between H tlate and Hecoud Euit, which It lu an H y tpjinlltry rondltton. H ' 'Thercmalnaof "Hlilernotlfrled Alder. alio died In Nwltrerland, while on a Hj ailulon, arrived In Mautl latt week m anderthe care of IMdee Conrad Keller, M. who left Mantl with hhu, and were H Interred A;iottla Tettdale delivered H' tlieaddrcat Klder Alder died on the H lth of latt March H Mra. William 1' Xeltnn of Halt Lake, B an returning to her home from a three M iaya' vltlt loOgden latt week, found - berhutbaml dead In bed Ho died of H arenlacouvultlont and hail beeu dead K probably forty-eight houra when dlt- Ht covered. It waa a great ahock to Mra. B Nelton aa lit had klutd her good-bye on the depot platform In good health when the want on her vltlt. HHJ 0. T Johutun, aatltlant to 1'rof. Kb HHl wood Mead of Wyoming, In charge of HHJ the Irrigation Inveatlgatlom of thoilv HI partmeat of agriculture, aud Arthur HHM 1' Htover are completing the work of Hi retting up a bulletin on Irrigation In HHB Utah, the aame having been commenced HHff by Fred J Jlllla, who It now under H arrett, charged with the killing of Jamea C tl'Melvuney of the Oregon Short Line railroad. Will t.eetlitin.attuilent, while work- lug In the clie mlttry dcpartmenlof the II Y College at l'rofo, Wedenetday afternon, eareletaly Inhaled chlorine BBV gaa, which reaulled In atopplog heart RBV' action, llr Taylor wat called anil tha Hkn 7ung man waa taken to the deotor'a RSE oMce for treatment It waa a aerlout H cate, but theyouug man toon recovered. MB Aalde from having a badly burned MB throat Lecthain It all right. BV John llarveymore, an old pioneer of DKurt Taytou, died latt weekat the age of 81, H0Bi He went tol'ayaon In ISM, where he ESS hat lived forty-aeven yeara, and raited K a large family, initat of w horn are still BBH living A wife and nine children mourn BBf- hltlotv IMH. Carlone Kougerautte, an ageI Halt uHB Lake woman, haa been awarded dam DHj agea of 1550 agalntt the Halt Lake DBB Street Hallway ooinpnny blie wat EH hoarding near latt March which wat KB! audd.nly atarted, throwing her vlo- QVj lently to the ground flH Bait Lake City hat brought ault H agalnat Allan 0. Iuwon and the Joo dan Narrow Tower company to ettab- BSH Htli title to a one tlxth of the How of HHHj water In the Jordan river above the BH uarrowa, and to prevent tlio lattct HHHJ from appropriating any of the flow j)katji, ok iiomiSr ' I - 3 f vicKipneaiDENT'S dattlc fop. LIKE ISbNDED. Ill I'nrl 1 1., I II. rn KlJflwl fur hml Tim., and III. I mnllr Ua.ll.llirr.il l 3II llrililtl arrfiw ltpr.Ml ij lxllnc l'n of All 1'arllM New York, Nov. J I llarrrt A. Ilo-bart, Ilo-bart, vice prrtldriit of the United SUtrfi, illetl nt hla home In I'aterton, N' J , at ".30 o'elotk thla tniiriilnf-. At lilt bedtlde were Mra. Ilobnrt, and hit ton, llarret A, llobart, Jr . together with llr Mlllam K Newton and hit wife and Private Secretary llvana Mr llobart adeatli had been exeetcl foraome houra. 1 lie beginning of the md came yealerday afternoon when llnre waa a tudden failure of the heart tnd from thla attack Mr. llobart never allied He had been nick for a long lime and had tulTerrd frequently from Heart failure and hla strength had been ndertnlnrd tlrndually the failure of the heart'a action became more appar-mt, appar-mt, and toon after mldtilghllattnlght Mr, llobart hceatne unconieloui He remained In that condition until lilt icath Owing to the prnttratlon of Mra llobart the funeral arrangementa hnve aot been complctid. The only atcp leclded upon It that the tervlcc ahnll be held In the church of the llei'rcmcr it I'aterton and the Interment In the there It little likelihood thatilhem gramme will lie changed.? " Mr. llobart family frienda and no; llllcal BMOcUfr5 have atnee been re-algnol re-algnol to the Inevitable, altlioujtb there were tlmea In the latt dayt of the vice pretldcnt'a lllnctt that he wit brighter and appeared to lie growing ttronger 1 lie newa announcing the death of Vice I'retldent llobart waa tent to the White Houte In a private mcaaage from I'aterton at :J0 o'clock thla morning The pretldent waa deeply affected by the telegram announclnghtt colleague death, and at onto dltpatihed a telegram tele-gram conveying the aympathy and condolence of hlmtelf and Mra. McKln-ley McKln-ley to Mr llobart. The prealdenl'a cloeo and Intimate relatlout with hla colleague made him feel the vice pretldcnt'a death aa a peraonal bereavement. Mra. Mcldnlcy waa greatly nITccted. Hlia gave way completely lo her grief and aobhed convultlvely Mrt. McKinley haa but few Intlmatet here, and among her niott ehrrithed frienda were the vice pretldent nnd Mra. llobart I'retldent McKinley did ull he could to comfort hit wife and did not return lolilaofllco until the membcra of tha lablnet began be-gan to arrive At toon at the aad mcatage waa re eelved tlio Hag over the executive manilon waa hauled down Immediately In half-matt and the mantton closed to the public. Attorney (Icneral Orlggt wat dla VICIM'RKSIDKNT OAUIIKT A IIOIIAIIT (moil ma t.Ar I'lio-niiiiurii, takks us tiii. i-oiicm ok Hit mutn.vcr at i'UKHmix, i J , w Aintur I r. darn t A llobart wnt Ixirn In Monmouth i-oiinty, N, J., June 1, HII: entered the oplioinom clatt of Itutgera tollegv In Imm, mid graduated In ltun. there tfler tuughl Kcriool until he entered the law olllco of Hocratea Tultlo of I'atcr ton, J, J i waa admitted to the bar In UtW, and commenred the prnctlcoof law In the olllco of that gciitlemaui wna clcik for Ihegmiul Jury In loill, city cnun el of I'aterton In IttJlt wna elected lountel for tlio boanl of choacn frec-lioldera lu 1875, entered the lrgltlalure In 1S73, iilidwaaelvcted to the nttemblv In 1874, and wat made apeaker In I87HI wna elected to the aeualu In 187l, and lu IMI waa elected pretldent of that body, and re-eUcted In ttH'; waa a delegnto at largo to the Itepubllcnn national convention lu 1K7H. nnd wat again chosen In 18UI1 waa elected n member of the national committer In 1841, and aervrd con-llnnoiiily con-llnnoiiily until I8M. when he wna nominated for vlce-prcildeut br the Republican Repub-lican national convention and waa duly elected, and took lliu oath of oflkc on (larch 4, ItUT family plot at Cedar Lawn on Hatur-1 day. where the only daughter of Mr. t ud Mra. llobart naa burled alx rara tgo (lev l)r Magee will preach the tcrmon The churili can nccommodatp not mora than HiH) pertona, and at thouv tudi will be eager to attend the tcr-licet tcr-licet It waa tuggetted that they be Held In the urmory, which will actum-iiodate actum-iiodate 10,0011 ierbona. Il l known, low over, that Mra. Ilobnrt wlthea the funeral to be at quiet aa potalble, and patched In I'litterton nt a rcprcrcntn-tivu rcprcrcntn-tivu of the government to make or-I or-I rangementa for the funeral, which wilt occur mi Sa t unity It lll be attended by the pretldent mill cabinet, the aupreme court, the MMiato In n liody, and a large committee from the house of representatives, be aldia many other Wathlngton dlgnl tarleaaml reprvaciitatlrca of foreign goicrnmeiita. The pntldcnt, cabinet u ml aupreme court will occupy a tpcclal train. |