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Show Coal ul lnln Trains. The rotoi charged for transportation et paiscngcra by rail are being crjlt-rlied crjlt-rlied and quettioned In many quarter quar-ter of the country This bat beta stimulated by the fact that tho govern ment road of Austria Hungary In 111) reduce rate of fare from one half to one sixth, and jot tho traffic so greatly Increased that the gain In receipts wis over $2 000 000 In two year lrot I'arsons cltei the case of many eiit ern railroads that sell season tlctcf at a little moia than half a cent a mil and declares that they would not w ao It It waa sot a fact that that sum more thnn covered tho coavot tranipor tatlon He aay that aomo companlu, which be name sell commutation tics eta at seven tentht ot a cent a ndl and admit a profit of 60 per cent In U business Trot Parsons estimate! tnst the average cost ot moving a pama ger train la SO cenla a mile or about 14 cent a car, aa I shown by the rill way reporta "A moderate train of ordinary coaches will carry 400 or COO persons, ao that with wetl-fllled trslai tho cost I not rnoro than one fifth of a cent a passenger a mile All lb expense of railway traffic aro takea into account In figuring the eighty cot coat per train mile" Under goveri ment owneraotp he claims that ' tbele expenses will be reduced at least third tho cost per train mile will (all to CO centa and the cost of carrying paxengcr one mile In a full train will be IS of a cent ' |