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Show a VAAVVVVVVVlVlWtA I TEMPLE AND TABERNflGLE. tVVVVVVVAVVVVV,VV,J Necon11ngtotlie .NNIillu I Ine f"i NewalMK Nil pUl ha olc her tag ranihji,lri NVMUiJ ler tal!yW the Mormon cluireh for tlJOW) BP I rxiet to mote with her family to Oregon Tin urehaacre will no doul t eolonlre tho pro erty rhc Denver l'i publican aaya "The Mormon church organization of Dig llornlaaln NNumilng la bating a aur-rcy aur-rcy inn li for a big Irrigation ditch to lo taken from the Miixlioni titer near laglcaNeat an I riinU" aMifulIagha )h ak cat of til "fiie ditch Will I thirty mile long an 1 wlljjrrjgate MKKHIacriaof land rhc eliurch will t,ellle WO Mormon famlllea on the re claimed lund 1 here aro 4 (HK) -x-oplc In the down irttlemciita which tnakeupthe Albirla 1 olonj It I not composed entirely of Mormon n wine may uppo, for teu 1 cr mit of the population nre non- Moruiotia Tin Alberta country ex-linda ex-linda from Mount lew, alxtcen mllca wial ot Cardaton tie largeat acllle meat, to fortj mllca rail of that point. J he altitude i about 100 fceC The land I oxcellenl for grain an I cattle, winter feeding being unncccaaarj.and a llfty mllo canal I now under con-Itruitlon con-Itruitlon to lie auppllid with water from the HI Muryarlter The fmnil (.ration iaaten ly and aome time Alberta will be thlckl) Inhabited NNIdo-latl ludc I alloweil olllcera In enforcing law and Irllcry docn I go fli tliat ounlrv aa olllcera bold olllco for life ind an considered above corruption ApotIe llrighnm N oung, at the Tab irnaclo last Suuilaj, ald ha nil much pleaacd with the prugna being made by the Saint In dltaeminatlng their religion throughout tho vorld, ant thought that tho lnlcrrl manlfulel ihcrcln at lb pment time wa largely iuo lo the opposition ma le agalntt It poatle Nouug tald bo bad recently talked with many stranger in tl r last, who were surprised that the Let ler-day balnta believed In (lod and one man tald that he thought Iho religion 3f Iho Mormon naa wiped out "when Hie congrcaa of the United Htatcalegli atcd agalnat polygamy " Ilcexpreaaed the belief that the Halula liavu greater light than nnv acct of modern times but they show leta wisdom than sthcra. The speaker denounced the cry for money which la abroad In the land Apostle oung aall he had recently been obliged lo spend several weeks la Chicago, which he considered a (frctt slainUy, and the conitntinljctr-waa 'Money, money, tnonoyT ia i5v. not "accustomed to thai cry I)r Tnlmage tald llhadliccn fashion ible In the past to tlrCry Mormonlsm, because It hail had a bad name, an 1 a thing that liaa a bad name la sellout spoken of la any other terms thou those of reproach and denunciation He aatd, that It la tho faahlun In tho wurld today lo go largely by ntmca and marcely ever to look beneath tho surface) that our bit of knowledge tied up In packages, nnd tho sckage labeled "Mormonlsm' liaa ever been In 111 rcputo with man) Hut, I)r Tal mage sold, It waa becoming popular for people to Investigate thu religion of the I altcr-day fiolnt, and he cited Instance of where he liaa recently spoken by rcquctt, at the University of 1 dlnliurgh aud at Cornell, upon the subject of "Morinonlsm " |