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Show oi; HUNKS. Bifore another liiae ol Tin Tiuki raiku lu .appearand, ThurtJr, Nor. UOtb, Die Jr let apart bjr the 1'reiMint ol the United Statu and Ilia (lorernor -t Uth to slo thanka unto God, will hare pined. Bo wo take tlili opportunity oppor-tunity of reuliidlnt Hie people olth object and Iroportanlanca ol Uili dajr. J t lini Inert cuitom for a ncmber ot jeiriput that ooo day in tha year ba obaerreJ ai a day of ttiankiglrlng and iralee. Tlili day li looked upon with clajom by nioit people, became they -enjoy the comfort, and plenum ol llloj but there are luouiimliol people In tliii worll whoie heard aro filled with narrow, and whore eyee ara wet with lean, when thlo day cornel, beraoio hey hj o hcn unfortunate In gathering , arosiiJ thorn the couifoito of life, The people wlioie ftrmi hate yielded d bounteoui ban tit, whone cattle have lincrraied their iupplyolmoney,and who Uo been blened In nurneroui wayi, dboold certainly not forget to sire tbinka on the day appointed for that rpupoie, ill placet ot builneie ihonld k be cloMd on that day, and meeting! ahonld bo held, at which appropriate excrcliei may be tendered for inch an , occailon, Hut In our deliberation! we k eboald not forget thoie who are In need. I .Such arrangement! thould be made that ery needy perion can be lupplied with a goodly quantity of food, clothing, etc., rj that they will hare cauee to rejoice tand tlvhauVaoo,thaVday.-liaaejpjajJ J tlheiarmera In thli county hiroouf- U iforod a great Ion thli year III tho de- x" Hrtiucllon of their cropi by (root. Yet I -condition! Could bare been much worie, V and we bellere that alt will join In athauklng Ood for Ilia bleulngi during 'tlto put jtar. I We truit that the people will tee to It itbat tbe wanti ol the poor and needy are I .-rappUed, and that they will moot to- J pettier In publle, giro thanki and ling tfuiltei unto the Giver ot all good. |