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Show A I'athMIn s tnorlanro, John W Page, of Stakes Pitt codnty, who was In town on Friday to consult Congretsman John 11 Small, haa had quite a romantlo and pathetic experience experi-ence with hla aon, Atphonan C Page. Alphonso ran away from home all yeara ago and enlisted In the navy un-der un-der the nssumed name of George W. Pollard, and gave John W Pollard aa hi father a name II aerred In the Spanish war, and later waa ordered to the Philippine, where be wai promoted promot-ed to chief maatcr-at-armi In Iho marine aerrlce ud although the father hat not heard from hit ton for oyer a year alme May there haa been an unclaimed letter lying In the Oreen-vllle Oreen-vllle poitofflce, addrrased to John W. j Pollard, and t tamped upon It the name of U S attamahlp Monadnock and the government frank Ily aome moan It wat aupposed to be Intended for Mr. Page, and he waa notified lo call and open It, Thla ho did. and It proved to be a letter from Commander Nichols, Nich-ols, of tbe Mansdnock dated April 1, 1899, Informing him of the death of hi son In tho hospital Tha letter wa complimentary to the young man, and stated there was f 1C0 to his credit un the ship's books. Mr rage came to town to tee J II Small, to whom he made tbe above statement, and Mr. Small nt once took steps to procure th money and If ponlbte to have the body returned to Pago'a old home -Wain-Ington (N C) Gaulle |