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Show WHEN DAY'S WOnK IS OVER. Initial flraturra ami Kerrrallona of lUatiaml ami Ullr. "If wives and elate would try to supply sotnetblng reelful and quiet on the arrival of Ihe man of the family from his dally work, might not much, of the hopeteatnee and the dlacoclent of home life be done away wild" "Women work bard all day. too," wa Ihe answer. and the) are Jusl as tired at evening time ml cannot expect a ralrarle from them " Hut It seem to some of us that Jutl Mich thing can bo expected of them nnd that wero the miracle performed the hupeUiwnee of existing conditions would vanish, aays Hartcr'i llaiar The beginning of tbs miracle might b- brought about If women, no matter bow busy they were, nor what had happtnnl during the day, would arrange to spend an hour In X ome sort of recreation with their hus- m banda ever) evening This recreation might take any form from quirt rotn- B panlonshlp. as the wife sewed nr knitted brsldr Inr liutband us he smoked, tu pleasant work upon particular hobby which she hid taken H up because It was Intirtttlng to her nnd Interistlng to him, and Including H anything In the form of outdoor life after the supper, walking or taking 9j part In some game with him Tho dutlea of the twu are bound to be ot Interest lo both It Is the pleasures nnd recreations of both which require study before they can become of com- mon Interest and it Is pirt of Ihe wife's H field to give sufficient thought to these H matters su that they may become ot practical use The miracle might go H even a itep farther, for the wlfo or daughter could culllvat somo ono pursuit or Interest of her own, throw- M log into It her enthusiasm, finding In H It refreshment, nml making of It nu object by which the sympalhlc and Uj Interest of her husband or brother would be aroused This Is only n suggestion, sug-gestion, but It tin. Us significance. It hns II significance, because It can be tried In any home, because whatever Is done with this purpose sincerely In view Is Juit so far a step, and n good tep, In the right direction, and because be-cause any wife or any sister may fit Its application to her own saae, nnd j start at once to product somo little reiult. |