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Show A COMMUNICATION. I Logan City, I't.i.'i. Aug. ,:. lull. I ogim j (c publican: , LogViii city, Utah, Dear Sirs: , i Kindly give mo space in your nlu i hie paper to reply to a clipping taken fnpii tllu editorial column of the Lo Ran 'liepiiblcan, and which leads as follows: 'There Is considerable ciitlclsm on Hie County Attoi'ney In the matter of' the Whltmer case. If there Is no law covering MiCh contingencies wliyi should tho county be put to the e-pi e-pi line of trying such cases." i lie above clipping Is misleading as. I the criticism cwikcd and misleading mislead-ing as to the facts In the case: I The facts In Hie case weie as foi-' lows. ; Pile case above mentioned was com-1 mi need on the 1st day of Apill, lUll.j i nder and by vlltue or Sertoli 4224 laws of Utah, l!ii)7, chapter 2H, en nt ltd "Abandonment of Children," and at the tltno of tho commencement of saiil action, tho said section was In full forco nnd effect. On the 20th da of March 1011 an amendment to said law or section was approved the lasl ' si --.Ion of tho legislature, but the f.ncl uuiiMidmont or new la a could notj ami did not become opii'atle until lii) (l.i s after Us approval, so that tliej iio law was not In full force and ef leu until about tho Pllh or 2uth din or May, 1011. At the preliminary tilal' of said case the old law above re I fci I'd to was still In full forco ami 1 and tho defendant was bound . u'i to await tho action of the Dls-, tin i Court of this county. After tho pieilinlimry henring in said case, tho; legal duties of tho county attorney ended, and the caso was turned over to the District Attorney to filo nn infor inalloii In said action, so that at all lines tho caso wns midor tho county ittornoy'B control tho old law was In operation. If the Icglslaturo failed to' ,irnUIo a saving clause- In Iho , new J i.' - so that actions brought e.nder tho , hi law could bo tried under It, that nisslun should and could ir. lm ,ii, i god to tho county attorney. Hosrectrully submitted, JOHN A SNEDDON', County Attcrnov |