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Show W-tft o THREE PAINFUL AC v CIDENTS AT MENDON ' ' Mendon, Aug. 20. Mr. William liar-rett liar-rett was painfully Injured in a runaway runa-way Monday. . Leslie, the thirteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wllllo, while going go-ing for tho cows Monday, becauso hU . horse got frightened was violently , thrown, tho horse kicking him in tlio head. Ho wos not seriously hurt however. how-ever. There was a danco In Richard's hall Saturday evening nnd a largo crowd was present. Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Larson, Peter Larson and daughter, Mao and son, . Guy, went to Hulst, Monday. Hud Skelton has returned home from Pocntollo valley. Tho Kicks brothers or Uenson ward and Misses Sadie and Kdna nnkcr, spent last week In Ogden canyon. Thco, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whitnoy had his collar bono broken by bong thrown from ft horso. Mr. A. N, Sorensen, Misses Ethel and Ina Soronsen has returned from Hulst, Idaho. Mrs. Stephen Cantwell, and children of Smithflold are visiting with rein-thes rein-thes and friends for n few days. Mrs. Thomas Muir and Mrs. Georgo Mulr aro visiting with relatives in Teton. Idaho, for two weeks. Miss Mao. Gardner 18 visiting this week li Malad, tho guest of hor sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Orson Hancock. J.itk Smait of Ogden, shipped soven head of shoop from, tho Mendon do pot to Chicago last week. Mrs William Longstroth of Poca tello Valley, is visiting for two weeks with hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Korpn-en. Mr. and Mrs. G(U Sweeten of Col- llnaton aro Mendon visitors this woek. . yA Mr- Sweeten is tho wldo nwnko mor- 63 ,hants from Collinston nnd Is con- js rnctlng nnd shipping .grain.' I Mrs. Hattio llonson ot Woston pro- I . . wnted her husband with a 'sweet llt- ( 'to girl Friday. Tho lady Is stopping with Iw parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Loulu "Ird. |